Superhuman abilities, or "quirks," are commonplace in the universe of My Hero Academia. The protagonist, Izuku Midoriya, is determined to become a superhero despite the fact that he was not born with a quirk. With the help of his mentor, All Might, he enrolls at the prestigious U.A. High School, where he and his fellow students strive to become the greatest heroes in history.

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The My Hero Academia series chronicles Izuku and the other students' journey toward self-actualization as they learn to use their strengths and develop their talents to become history's greatest heroes. On their path, they will come across a wide range of antagonists, from powerful villains with their quirks to criminal organizations bent on using people's unique abilities for nefarious goals.

8 Katsuki Bakugo

katsuki bakugo from my hero academia

Katsuki Bakugo is a hilarious addition to the cast of My Hero Academia. When his arrogance and conceit get the best of him, it can create some priceless comic gold that has his devoted following in fits of chuckles. His dramatic reactions to events and his antics in general never fail to amuse, and his banter with Izuku Midoriya is a particular highlight.

Katsuki's quirk Explosion enables him to produce nitroglycerin-like perspiration and ignite it, transforming it into a weapon. Although he can be abrupt at times, Katsuki is a loyal friend and ally who would lay down his life for the people he cares about.

7 Eijiro Kirishima

My Hero Academia Eijiro Kirishima

U.A. High School student Eijiro Kirishima is in Class 1-A and is preparing for a career as a Pro Hero. He's a sincere, enthusiastic, and resolute young man who wants to be a strong hero. Hardening, Eijiro's quirk, allows him to fortify certain sections of his body. He's a formidable close-quarters fighter thanks to the blades he can produce on his forearms and legs.

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When it comes to his friendships with his peers, Eijiro is steadfast and undying. His zeal and general silliness make for some amusing situations. His banter with Katsuki Bakugo is particularly hilarious because the two of them frequently disagree on fundamental issues. His commitment to social justice and willingness to serve others are also well-known qualities of his.

6 Mineta Minoru


Mineta Minoru, another member of Class 1-A from My Hero Academia, is an eccentric but hilarious character. Mineta's immaturity and childish sense of humor bother his friends because he always says rude things and chases after pretty women.

Mineta may seem foolish, but he has a surprising amount of cunning and can use his quirk, Pop Off, to devastating effect in combat. Thanks to his quirk, he is able to create and launch a barrage of small, round, sticky balls that adhere to nearly any surface.

5 Denki Kaminari

Denki Kaminari from My Hero Academia

As a member of the top-tier Class 1-A, Denki Kaminari is a formidable force. Kaminari has a power called Electrification, which gives him the ability to create and control electrical currents. Overusing his quirk, though, can cause him to briefly lose control of his body, so he must be careful.

Kaminari is an upbeat and gregarious individual who finds humor in even the direst circumstances. When he is seen, he is usually with his best friend Mina Ashido, whom he often makes fun of in a nice way.

4 Mei Hatsume

Mei Hatsume My Hero Academia

Among the students of My Hero Academia, Mei Hatsume stands out as one of the most interesting and original. She is well-known for her one-of-a-kind creations and is a student at U.A. High School. She is ambitious and optimistic; she can't wait to show off her latest inventions.

She's brilliant and inventive, but she frequently creates mayhem because she doesn't think through the implications of her actions. Even so, Mei is an interesting and enthusiastic character who never gives up on her goals.

3 Izuku Midoriya

Izuku Midoriya in My Hero Academia

Throughout the My Hero Academia series, Izuku is best known by his alias, Deku. He is a regular child who aspires to be a hero like his hero idol, All Might, despite being born without a quirk. Deku is a dogged fighter who refuses to give up no matter how bad things become.

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Deku is also very generous and selfless; he frequently risks his well-being to aid others. Deku's lack of a quirk is underscored by his determination and bravery. He is a powerful opponent who frequently takes his opponents by surprise with his strength.

2 Yuga Aoyama

Yuga Aoyama in My Hero Academia

Yuga Aoyama decides to become a Pro Hero, so he signs up for the U.A. High School program. People look up to him because of his positive perspective and sense of humor, and because he is always saying funny things. Despite his bizarre behavior, he has a lot of friends among his other peers.

Yuga is decked out in a black Gakuran costume accented with a bright yellow scarf and shiny silver buttons. Both his peculiar eyewear and his laser-firing Navel Laser Quirk have made him famous.

1 Jin Bubaigawara

My Hero Academia Twice Jin Bubaigawara

One of the series' main villains is Jin Bubaigawara, alias Twice. He has been a member of the Vanguard Action Squad and a member of the League of Villains.

Jin possesses the quirk "Double," allowing him to clone himself. He relies heavily on this quirk to gain the upper hand in battle. He has a strong sense of commitment to his friends and is a master of deception and invention. Because of his close relationship with Himiko Toga, he is often seen helping her achieve her goals.

MORE: My Hero Academia's Neglect of The Quirkless