My Hero Academia takes place in a world where 80% of the population has a quirk. The anime does a fantastic job of introducing a world filled with superpowers, addressing hero politics, and keeping up with the development of all its characters. As with every series, My Hero's fandom have come up with a set of unique fan theories.

These fan theories are some of the best and most compelling in the fandom. These fans have crafted spectacular theories using evidence from the show and creativity. Some focus on character development, while others focus more on significant events like the quirk singularity. Though these ideas are not canon, the evidence supporting them makes it hard to imagine that they're not at least possible within the series' universe.

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Is Bakugo Going Deaf?

My Hero Academia Bakugo Kidnapped

Katsuki Bakugou stands out as the hot-headed frienemy of the main character, Deku. His quirk allows him to secrete nitroglycerine from his hands to create explosions. The more he sweats, the bigger the outbreaks are, but fans realized that his quirk could potentially injure him. An essential safety requirement for explosions is earplugs or even noise-canceling headphones. This is due to the fact that explosions can cause severe damage to a person's hearing. This has led many fans to theorize that Bakugou is losing his hearing.

Besides the fact that Bakugou's hero costume now has protection for ears, a couple of other things from the anime support this theory. Of course, part of Bakugou's character trait is yelling, but what if there was more to it. Some fans think that Bakugou's yelling has to do with hearing loss. He's unaware of how loud he's talking, and other times he's frustrated that he can't hear the others. This could explain why he's so dismissive of others in conversations. He just can't hear what they're saying. Perhaps this is why he's always so angry at Deku for muttering, he can't hear what he's saying, which bothers him, or Bakugou is just a hothead. But who knows, it's not unheard of for a hero to be injured by their own quirk.

All-Might Had Another Quick

allmight my hero academia anime manga

Those up-to-date with My Hero Academia know that Toshinori Yagi, a.k.a All-Might, finally lost his quirk One for All after his last fight with All for One. Many probably assumed that his muscled form would be gone for good, but that wasn't the case. All-Might can still revert to his muscled form for short periods, but how is this possible? How can a man have two different body types? It's almost like he still has a quirk.

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Fans who noticed this started looking back at previous episodes and discovered something. Gran Torino mentioned that when All-Might first got One for All, he could control its power easily. He even notes that Toshinori never had any problems handling the power of One for All. This could be because Toshinori's version didn't have as much power, but even with that, All-Might was the strongest hero during his time.

Unlike Deku, a young Toshinori could handle the greatest power of his time in his young body. It doesn't make much sense unless he already had a quirk he was unaware of, that didn't come into play until later on. Could this mean Toshinori's ability to handle One for All's power has to do with a hidden quirk? Theoretically, yes, but at the beginning of the manga, it is mentioned that Toshinori's 'true form' is his muscle form and that his skinny form is due to the injuries. Even with that explanation, it's still odd that he has two different forms.

Is Quirk Singularity the End of My Hero Academia?

Eri in My Hero Academia

The final theory is a two-in-one. The first time this theory was mentioned was in the anime by Seiji Shishikura during the training for the hero licenses. The idea is that quirks will continue to get stronger with each generation until humanity can no longer control them. Leading to the destruction of society. This theory has come up a couple of times in the show, including the mentions of a singularity point with Izuku and his quirk. With the idea of a singularity continuing to pop up, fans believe that the show is pulling a Chekhov's gun.

Some fans have theorized that the show might end with the singularity coming true. This could happen during Izuku's lifetime or a time jump where the viewers see it come true. More fans have taken to this theory have the reveal of Eri's quirk. Perhaps more time-based quirks will appear, causing disastrous events. Others believe that All for One might be waiting on the child, which is the start of the singularity; someone with ties to all types of quirks. All for One can then take the powers and be unstoppable with that child. Then again, this could all be speculation and has nothing to do with the end of the series. No one can really know until the end.

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