Despite My Hero Academia being centered around Class 1-A and its endeavors, the series still manages to shed some spotlight on its ancillary characters, such as those from Class 1-B. The series ensures that each student from Class 1-B receives ample screen time and character development, even shedding light on each student’s quirks and abilities. While the class is certainly not short of any interesting quirks, many of these discerning abilities never received the same popularity as their more theatrical counterparts.

From Itsuka Kendo’s ‘Big Fist’ to Yosetsu Awase’s ‘Weld’, Class 1-B boasts a wide range of quirks, though some of these never received the attention they deserve. Many of these underrated quirks offer more than what meets the eye, as their unconventional nature allows them to become useful in the most dire of times. Class 1-B has many contenders when it comes to underrated quirks, yet one ability stands out the most – Neito Monoma’s Copy.

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Copy’s Quirk Duplication

Monoma's Copy Quirk

At face value, Copy seems like a useless quirk as it has nothing of its own to offer, limiting the user in most situations. Under the right circumstances, however, Copy truly shines with its quirk duplication abilities, able to outplay opponents with the right strategy. As the name suggests, Copy can duplicate any quirk with simply a touch, even as little as a few strands of hair. Once copied, Monoma can utilize the quirk for almost 10 minutes, though this duration can increase based on how much he trains his quirk. The number of quirks that can be copied simultaneously also depends on training, as this number sits at four quirks for now.

In theory, Copy has a lot to offer, arguably making it one of the strongest quirks in the series, yet its poor execution is what sets it back. Monoma’s strength depends entirely on the quirks of those around him. If the opponent’s quirk is inherently weak, copying it would be quite useless, though the contrary would surely work in Monoma’s favor. However, Copy’s true potential lies in teamwork, as Monoma can utilize his allies’ quirks, essentially doubling the effect of any quirk he copies – a useful strategy to double down on the enemy.

Copy also has a few other limitations, taking away some of its strength. Quirks that have stored energy over a long period of time cannot be copied, such as One For All, while quirks that involve extra appendages or bodily changes also remain immune to Copy’s duplication. These limitations surely weaken the quirk’s overall strength, owing to the ability often being overlooked.

Multiple Quirk Usage

Monoma Copying Eri

Copy’s limitations put the quirk’s power levels way behind the rest of Class 1-B, yet some of its unconventional powers make this underrated quirk stand out in many circumstances. Monoma’s quirk allows him to copy up to four quirks, yet only one quirk can be used at a time, forcing him to switch between each quirk actively. While many consider this one of Copy’s many weaknesses, the reality is quite the contrary as this allows Monoma to hold on to four different quirks, allowing him to utilize the one befitting the situation the most.

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Since only Monoma is aware of the quirks that he’s holding on to, he can use this to his advantage by surprising his opponents. Utilizing each quirk simultaneously may seem to have its benefits, yet it’s more than likely that these copied quirks could interfere with one another, further complicating their usage. Moreover, Copy being limited to using one quirk at a time allows Monoma to get accustomed to each quirk on its own, which could potentially aid him in battle if he masters a particular quirk.

Dissect the Opponent's Quirk

Monoma from Class 1-B

Monoma’s quirk has a unique yet overlooked aspect to it – its ability to allow him to instinctively know how to use a copied quirk. This can be particularly useful in situations where the opponent has an unknown quirk, or one that possesses many complexities. Under such situations, Monoma can tap into the quirk’s power, instinctively understanding how the ability works and finding a solution around it. He can dissect their workings and come up with workarounds to the quirks, making effective use of their weaknesses.

Though Monoma is yet to be shown pulling a move like this, it's more than likely for him to utilize this strategy to gain the upperhand in battle. This overlooked aspect of Copy makes this quirk highly underrated, as the range of its versatility is yet to be seen. Monoma’s resourceful nature further adds to the quirk’s strength, as Copy primarily relies on its wielder’s intelligence to be properly utilized. Suffice to say, Monoma certainly has that base covered, and while Copy offers much more than just simple duplication, much of its potential is yet to be realized in the series, making it a highly underrated quirk.

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