
  • Heroes should not solely rely on quirks, but also develop other crucial skills for unpredictable situations.
  • Overdependence on quirks can hinder a hero's growth by neglecting the need to develop other essential abilities.
  • Some heroes, like Yuga and Toru, heavily rely on their quirks, leaving them vulnerable in situations without them.

The existence of quirks in the My Hero Academia world changed the trajectory of the lives of the individuals living there. These individuals have formed an identity and career around their quirks, causing them to rely on or be too dependent on them. As a hero, it is ideal to have other skills like intelligence, cooperativeness, strategic thinking, combat, and physical strength so that they do not solely rely on their quirk, as it might save them in moments where their quirk is unavailable or seized.

My Hero Academia: Strongest Heroes Who Have Died, Ranked

Although rare, several heroes have met their demise in My Hero Academia. Here's a look at the strongest ones that have perished so far.

This overdependence has negative and positive effects on the growth of individuals, particularly the heroes in training. Negative in the sense that it might cause them to neglect the need to develop other crucial skills, leaving them vulnerable in situations where their quirks are ineffective or unavailable. Positive because it enhances them as they become more powerful and have a better grasp of their quirk.

5 Yuga Aoyama

Gives Him A Sense Of Worth As He Initially Was Born Quirkless

Yuga Aoyama posing in My Hero Academia
  • Anime Debut: Episode 4

Yuga was born quirkless, but his story changed after his parents met with All For One, who gave Yuga the Navel Laser quirk. With this quirk, Yuga has the ability to shoot powerful and sparkling lasers from his navel. Although it might not sound like a lot compared to the other quirks that exist in this world, his quirk was strong enough to earn him a place at UA High and it made his dreams of owning a quirk come true.

Yuga spent most of his quirkless years dreaming about having a quirk, and now that he has one, he has no other skill apart from his quirk. Just like with every other quirk, using it excessively at once causes physical pain, and after shooting lasers from his navel for a while, Yuga suffers a tummy ache. Due to his lack of other abilities, his growth as a hero is barely noticeable, as he has no skills to fall back on. His lack of cooperativeness and overusing his quirk during battles and training have put him in seemingly dangerous situations.

4 Toru Hagakure

Her Quirk Is Permanently Active, Giving Her No Choice But To Rely On It

Toru Hagakure choosing her Pro Hero name in My Hero Academia
  • Anime Debut: Episode 5

Toru’s quirk has its perks, but more often than not, she has been in situations where her invisibility has been compromised, and without any abilities to turn to, she is left at the mercy of her opponents. Toru’s invisibility quirk makes her good for stealthy attacks, including bypassing security and visual detection. However, this is all she can mostly do, as she heavily relies on her quirk and has no other physical abilities or offensive capabilities.

My Hero Academia: Sidekicks, Explained

My Hero Academia's sidekicks prove vital to hero agencies' success. What roles do they each play in supporting pros in their missions?

Quite recently, that is, after her hero internship, Toru gained a new ability that allows her to redirect the laser that Yuga Aoyama propels from his navel. This ability is quite useful, but it is also reliant on another character’s quirk.

3 Minoru Mineta

Lacks Physical Strength And Skills

Mineta (My Hero Academia)
  • Anime Debut: Episode 5

Minoru’s pop-off quirk might not be much, but he has spent time honing and mastering his ability to improve its efficiency whenever in use. His quirk allows him to produce sticky balls that can trap his opponents, support the other heroes, aid his movements, and create barriers and shields.

However, if Mineta’s quirk is removed from the picture, there is not much he can do as he lacks physical strength and combat skills. He relies heavily on his quirk to support his fellow heroes because he is physically less capable than them, as they are all taller, stronger, and bigger than him.

2 Koji Koda

He Feels At Peace With The Animals He Can Control And Influence

Koji Koda
  • Anime Debut: Episode 5

One thing that might catch the attention of viewers the moment Koda appears on screen is his timidity. Koda rarely ever talks and even prefers to use sign language to communicate, and some of his peers initially thought he was speech impaired.

My Hero Academia: Koji Koda's Anivoice Quirk, Explained

Koji Koda's Anivoice quirk may not devastate villains with sheer power, but the utility of his quirk may turn the tables on them in quick fashion.

Koda’s quirk, Anivoice, allows him to communicate with animals, and because of his timid nature, he would rather not physically face any of his opponents and would rely on the animals to fight for him. He looks physically fit to take on opponents in combat, and with proper training, he would be able to display great physical strength, but his fears and reliance on his quirk limit him.

1 Katsuki Bakugo

His Dependence Causes Him To Be Uncooperative

Grenadier Bracers Bakugo Support Item
  • Anime Debut: Episode 1

Right from when he was a young boy, Bakugo has always been arrogant, all thanks to his explosion quirk. Growing up, he received so much praise for his quirk, but at the same time, his actions and behavior have made people terrified of him. Bakugo is very proud of his quirk and has become too dependent on it, but not in a way that limits his progress. His dependence on his quirk forces him to explore different styles and techniques to ensure maximum potential.

He uses his quirk to enhance his speed, as he uses explosions to propel himself off the ground and control his speed in the air. There are so many moves that Bakugo has created because of his quirk, but this overreliance causes him to lack cooperative skills, as he would rather just do it himself than talk it through or make plans with his other heroes in training.

My Hero Academia
My Hero Academia (2016)

Kōhei Horikoshi
Number of Episodes
Streaming Service(s)
Crunchyroll , Hulu