My Hero Academia continues its Final War arc with action that has only gotten more intense in the past few weeks. The battle against Shigaraki Tomura is heating up and, as fans saw, the Heroes are managing to somehow keep up their offensive against him. Previously, Bakugo was able to damage Shigaraki to an extent, however, shortly afterwards, he was stabbed through the chest and left to die. Expectedly, Bakugo wasn't going to die an unfulfilled death, and, as many fans predicted, his return is already well underway.

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My Hero Academia 365 paved the way for Bakugo to return to life and all that was made possible by the combined effort of Best Jeanist and, along with him, the Number 4 Hero, Edgeshot. At the same time, fans also got to see Mirko kick things up a gear and launch a barrage of attacks against the all-powerful Shigaraki Tomura. Although cornered, the Heroes continue to fight to the best of their abilities.

Edgeshot's Sacrifice​​​​​​

My Hero Academia 367 Bakugo

Edgeshot was one of the biggest highlights of My Hero Academia 365 and, as fans saw towards the end of the previous chapter, was preparing to save Bakugo. To pull this off, however, his own life starts to fade away. Edgeshot' Quirk allows him to flatten or stretch his body at will. As such, he can turn himself into something as thin as fiber and enter anyone's body. He plans to enter Bakugo's chest and tend to the injuries that he received from Shigaraki from the inside. While on the surface, this seems quite plausible, there are some question marks around the way Horikoshi chose to go about it.

Undoubtedly, Edgeshot can easily enter Bakugo's body, however, possessing the technical intricacy to actually save Bakugo is something that is rather questionable. Nonetheless, it appears that that's exactly what he will be doing and give Bakugo CPR from the inside. As such, just as many fans predicted, Bakugo will be saved quite soon and might even return to battle despite receiving gruesome injuries, with Edgeshot having become his heart.

Mirko In Action

My Hero Academia 365 Mirko

While Edgeshot shone heavily in the first half of My Hero Academia 365, the second half belonged to none other than the number five hero, Rumi Usagiyama, popularly known as Mirko. In the previous war, fans saw Mirko fight with grit and take on several Nomus at the same time by putting her life on the line. Here, her display wasn't much different and she was able to protect Best Jeanist, Bakugo, and Edgeshot all by herself. With her terrific fighting prowess, she was able to land several powerful blows on Shigaraki at the cost of her arms, and, surprisingly, deal damage to him.

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Mirko lamented the fact that she wasn't able to make it in time during the Paranormal Liberation War, however, this time, every Hero will give it their all. Mirko's physical prowess was on full display in My Hero Academia chapter 365 and her ultimate attack, Luna Rush, managed to hurt Shigaraki quite a lot. At the same time, fans also saw Mirio get involved once again and make openings for Mirko to land her powerful blows.

Shigaraki's Inner Conflict

My Hero Academia 365 Shigaraki Tomura

Shigaraki has had an inner conflict for quite a while now and, as fans know, his thoughts aren't completely sorted out just yet. In My Hero Academia chapter 365, fans saw him reminisce about his past once again. The deep scars that being alone left on his heart started to re-emerge after taking a heavy beating from Mirko. Shigaraki started to think about the fact that nobody was there to help him and, with that, strange protrusions that resemble Heroes started to emerge. On the surface, it looks as if things won't turn out too well for the Heroes in the next chapter as Shigaraki is starting to lose control.

However, the important takeaway from this is that Shigaraki is being confronted by Heroes who are starting to emerge from him. When he needed help, they certainly weren't there for him, however, having help later is still something that he, in the deepest of hearts, still wants. Shigaraki has done irreparable damage to the Hero Society and for him, redemption should not be an option, however, that seems to be the path that Horikoshi is taking with him. For now, the Heroes are barely holding out against Shigaraki and his monstrous powers. Whether the emergence of Heroes from their body will play into their favor or not remains to be seen. Either way, the story seems to be taking quite an interesting turn with Shigaraki Tomura. Expectedly, the next few chapters are going to be pivotal in shaping his character arc. Fans will most likely see more of his internal struggle in the next few chapters of the arc.

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