
  • Quirks in the My Hero Academia world can be inherited and transferred, as seen with the transfer of One for All from All Might to Izuku Midoriya.
  • One for All is a unique quirk that can accumulate and stockpile powers from its previous users, making it stronger over time.
  • The users of One for All had a personal connection and a shared goal of defeating All for One, and they were able to communicate with each other in a subconscious realm.

Quirks are hereditary, and they favor about 80% of the individuals in the My Hero Academia world. Still, fans may help but wonder about the remaining 20% born without quirks. Viewers see All Might transferring One for All to Midoriya at the start of the series. This act confirms quirks are transferrable.

One for All is a transferable quirk that belongs to Youichi Shigaraki. Users of this quirk have passed it from one generation to another. All Might received One for All, making him the eighth user. He passed it to the main protagonist of the My Hero Academia series, Izuku Midoriya.

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Quirk: One For All

My Hero Academia The Dawn Of Dark Deku Burning Bridges One For All and All Might

One for All is a quirk that can transfer and stockpile powers. To get this quirk, ingest the current host's DNA through blood or hair to pass down this quirk. Shigaraki was quirkless until his older brother forced a quirk on him that birthed One for All.

This quirk is transferrable, and no one can steal it because it has a strong will. Additionally, One for All is the only quirk that can take All for One down. This quirk stockpiles other powers, and this has caused it to become stronger over the years. One for All has the subconsciousness of its previous users in a realm. This realm allows them to communicate with themselves and the current host.

Examining One For All's Power Accumulation

My Hero Academia Fa Jin Explained Deku and One For All's Users Season 6 Episode 21

The previous users of One for All had quirks apart from All Might and Midoriya. Over the years, One for All has accumulated the other user's quirks, making it strong.

One for All consists of six quirks. The first is the Gearshift quirk from the second user, a scar-faced vigilante. This quirk alters the speed of things. The second quirk is Fa Jin, a quirk that builds up and stores kinetic energy. It belonged to the third user, a sidekick to the scar-faced vigilante.

Further is the third quirk, Danger Sense. It senses nearby dangers and belongs to the fourth user, Hikage Shinomori. The Blackwhip quirk produces tendrils of dark energy that increase mobility. This fourth quirk was from Daigoro Banjo, the fifth user of One for All.

En, the sixth user provided the fifth quirk, a smokescreen. This quirk produces thick clouds of purple smoke that block enemies' visions. The seventh user, Nana Shimura, possessed the final quirk that makes up One for All, the float quirk. It gives the user the ability to float.

All Might and Midoriya are the only quirkless users, which gives them an advantage because the entirety of One for All is overwhelming. The body finds it challenging to manage One for All alongside the user's existing quirk. As a result, All Might believes One for All shortened the lifespan of its previous users. Their bodies could not keep up with the impact of their quirk and One for All.

The Connection Between Past Users

Deku and one for all

One for All has been through nine generations. Each user had a personal connection with the previous user and had the same mission: to destroy All for One.

The original yielder of this quirk is Youichi Shigaraki. He thought he was quirkless but unknown to him, his quirk was to transfer powers. All for One, his older brother was a villain who could steal people's quirks. All for One, by force, transferred a stockpiling quirk to Shikaragi, giving birth to One for All.

Shigaraki was against his brother's actions and sought to stop him, but he was no match. On the verge of death, he met the second user determined to destroy All for One. Shigaraki transferred One for All to him, and this started the remarkable growth of One for All.

The third user was a sidekick to the second user. They were both part of a resistance force against All for One. The third user transferred One for All to Hikage Shinomori, making him the fourth user. Their connection is unknown, but they shared the same goal: taking All for One down.

Hikage knew All for One was strong and knew he did not have what it took to take down All for One. He spent years strengthening One for All for the next successor, Diagoro Banjo. Before Hikage died, his body started to crack because it could not handle the force of his quirk and One for All.

Diagoro, the fifth user, was killed by All for One when he could not steal One for All from him. Before he died, he got En to drink his blood and passed the quirk to him. En's fate was like Diagoro's. He also died in the hands of All for One after another unsuccessful attempt to steal One for All. Before his death, he passed on One for All to Nana Shimura by giving her some of his hair to ingest.

The seventh user, Nana Shimura, died in a battle with All for One. Before the battle, she passed on the quirk to All Might, a quirkless teen. After passing it, All Might had the One for All for 40 years, the longest ever. This was possible because he was quirkless, and his body did not face the agony of managing two quirks.

All Might's reign had to end when All for One inflicted life-threatening wounds on him. He then passed on the quirk to the ninth user, a quirkless teen like himself, Izuku Midoriya. Although he is still navigating his way through One for All, Midoriya has gone through training to build his body to make it a suitable host for this powerful quirk.

All these users had a personal connection. They could stay in touch in the subconscious realm of One for All after their death. This ability caused them to share timeless advice with Midoriya on the powers within One for All.

My Hero Academia is available to stream on Crunchyroll.

MORE: My Hero Academia Quirks That Can Beat One For All