My Hero Academia is one of the most popular anime around. The series' fresh and unique take on superheroes makes it an absolute blast. There isn't exactly a dearth of superhero content around, and it was clear that My Hero Academia needed to evolve both its setting and plot to make it more palatable and relevant in the long run. Suffice it to say, this has been accomplished with utmost finesse.

With the latest season including a bunch of developments that have changed the very fabric of the hero society itself, there's no better time to get into this amazing series and check out why it has become such a raging phenomenon. The setting of U.A. High is compelling, and its faculty is no slouch in terms of both power and intelligence. Hopefully, the MHA teachers who are guiding students to a new generation will be able to redeem themselves and end the threat of the Paranormal Liberation Front once and for all.

Updated October 26, 2023, by Ritwik Mitra: My Hero Academia is one of the most popular shonen anime around, doing a great job of helping viewers get invested in a great superhero tale that is a blast to experience firsthand. Superheroes have become common in pop culture, and the series does just enough to keep fans interested with a wealth of Quirks, which serve as the powers of this universe. Given the focus on students learning to become Pro Heroes, there are many MHA teachers who try and guide students to become admirable heroes and help civilians whenever a villain attacks.

My Hero Academia: The Villains Who Had The Best Introductions, Ranked

Some villains in My Hero Academia had a better introduction than others. Here's a look at some of the best, ranked.

14 Gran Torino

Gran Torino My Hero Academia
  • Quirk: Jet (expel air from soles of feet)

Gran Torino has a special place on this list, given that he's actually an ex-member of U.A.'s faculty. Given how strictly he taught Deku to control his Quirk, it's easy to see that he would send his students through the wringer if they didn't learn their lessons properly. It's a shame that viewers never got to see just how competent of a teacher Gran Torino was in U.A. That being said, fans are confident that he was more than great at his job.

After all, no half-baked ex-teacher would go to the lengths he did while trying to stop the villains from wreaking havoc in Tokyo. Gran Torino was heavily injured during the conflict, but never gave up despite his age, which is a testament to how dedicated this hero is.

13 Thirteen

My Hero Academia Best Support Heroes Thirteen
  • Quirk: Black Hole (create Black Holes with fingers)

For someone with a powerful Quirk, it's a shame how forgettable Thirteen is. Most of the blame falls on the fact that she barely gets any screen time in the series, with other teachers hogging the spotlight instead. She can spawn black holes that disintegrate anything that's into dust, which should make her a force to be reckoned with. Instead, her participation is minimized throughout the series, which hurts her ranking quite a bit.

It's clear that generating black holes is going to be hard for any villain to deal with. Fans can only wait and hope that Thirteen helps save Japan from the threat of the heroes in her own way. However, there are simply too many characters in My Hero Academia for fans to hope that this side character gets some time in the spotlight.

12 Ms. Joke

My Hero Academia Ms. Joke
  • Quirk: Outburst (compels people to laugh)

The only known member of the faculty at Ketsubutsu Academy High School is Ms. Joke, a cheerful and outgoing teacher. Her rambunctious personality was more than enough to convince viewers that she was a fun teacher. Of course, people haven't seen a lot of her character, which is why she doesn't have the most impressive ranking on this list. That being said, having a Quirk that forces opponents to burst out into laughter sounds pretty effective!

It's odd that Ms. Joke has never come to help out during a combat situation, given that using the power of laughter on villains could be a great distraction tool. Sure, it may make for anticlimactic battles, but the aim of a hero is to take out threats while minimizing collateral damage. Ms. Joke would be perfect for this!

11 Nezu, AKA Mr. Principal

principal nezu
  • Quirk: High Specs (immense intelligence)

There's no denying that Nezu is one of the most unique characters in My Hero Academia. He's an animal with a Quirk that gives him immense intelligence, essentially allowing him to be a functioning member of human society.

My Hero Academia: 8 Anime Characters Who Can Counter Shigaraki's Decay Quirk

In My Hero Academia, Shigaraki's Decay Quirk may be powerful, but these anime characters could still give him a run for his money.

His cool, calm head makes him the perfect candidate to be a principal of a school as esteemed as U.A. High. However, in terms of combat potential, this figure is extremely weak and shouldn't be exposed to such dangers in the first place.

10 Power Loader

Power Loader in My Hero Academia
  • Quirk: Iron Claws (fingers become metal claws)

The prime authority on developing costumes for students and teachers alike in U.A. High, Power Loader's Quirk might not be all that impressive. His fingertips are made of steel and help him out a ton in digging and mining materials.

It's not exciting, but Power Loader's impact on the series can't be denied. He's the reason so many heroes are able to perform to their fullest, wearing attire that perfectly complements their powers.

9 Vlad King

Vlad King In My Hero Academia
  • Quirk: Blood Control (blood manipulation)

The homeroom teacher of Class 1-B isn't really anyone to write home about. He might have a great character design, but not a lot of his personality has been seen. All viewers know is that he has a competitive yet calm spirit.

That being said, there's no denying that Vlad King has an amazing Quirk. Being able to manipulate one's own blood is a unique Quirk. Audiences can only wait and see if this hero gets to use this Quirk in more combat situations over time.

8 Hound Dog

Hound Dog in My Hero Academia
  • Quirk: Dog (sharper senses of smell and hearing)

Hound Dog is the Guidance Counselor of U.A. High, which is hilarious given how brash his personality can be. His Quirk is pretty simple, making him out to be a half-man half-dog who can enjoy the best of both worlds.

My Hero Academia: 16 Saddest Deaths In The Series, Ranked

Out of all the characters who have died in My Hero Academia, these deaths are arguably the saddest in the series.

The way he talks is entertaining, with his speech devolving into grunts and growls when he gets agitated. The only reason Hound Dog doesn't rank higher is that other teachers have either shown better Quirks or have received more screen time in My Hero Academia.

7 Snipe

Snipe in My Hero Academia
  • Quirk: Homing (shoot homing projectiles from lengthy distances)

In a world where people can transform into different beings and boast everything from flight to super strength, it's a little underwhelming to see that Snipe's Quirk mainly boils down to expert marksmanship. However, this isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Snipe doesn't waste any time in taking amazing shots that would take the average joe hours to learn. It's just a shame that his otherwise practical Quirk is overshadowed by others.

6 Ectoplasm

Ectoplasm in My Hero Academia
  • Quirk: Clones (forming copies of himself)

It wouldn't be surprising if Ectoplasm and Twice ended up battling at some point during the Paranormal Liberation War arc. After all, both characters have Quirks that let them generate clones, even if Twice's scale might have reached a whole new level.

Ectoplasm can only generate around 30 or so clones in comparison, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. After all, his clones seem sturdier, and Ectoplasm also has the ability to overextend his Quirk and manifest a giant version of himself.

5 Cementoss

Cementoss in My Hero Academia
  • Quirk: Cement (manipulate existing cement structures)

At a glance, Cementoss might seem like a run-of-the-mill hero. However, that is downright insulting given the sheer potential his Quirk has already shown. Cementoss can manipulate cement in impressive ways, making him one of the strongest teachers in U.A. High. It's just a shame that he doesn't get enough screen time to showcase the awesomeness of his Quirk.

It doesn't help that he does look slightly goofy, but that should be no excuse for Cementoss not to showcase the wealth of his powers. Maybe later arcs will do justice to the potential of this Quirk.

4 Midnight

My Hero Academia Midnight Nemuri Kayama
  • Quirk: Somnambulist (put targets to sleep by expelling an aroma from her skin)

Midnight is a teacher who needs no introduction, with a palpable presence across the series. Her Quirk isn't the greatest around, even if the ability to induce multiple people into a deep sleep might seem interesting. However, Midnight makes up for her lackluster Quirk with an infectious personality that makes her one of the moat likable teachers on the show. There's no denying that she would have been higher up the list had her Quirk been more powerful.

Her personality is precisely what makes the aftermath of the confrontation against Gigantomachia so hard to watch. In an attempt to stop this massive villain from wreaking havoc across Japan, Midnight sacrifices her life after a lengthy confrontation. To make matters worse, her sacrifice was mostly for naught, with Gigantomachia wreaking havoc across Japan for quite some time before passing out.

3 Present Mic

Present Mic in My Hero Academia
  • Quirk: Voice (increase the volume of his voice, even weaponizing it)

It seems that Present Mic is bound to play a bigger role in the events to come. The revelation that Kurogiri used to be a regular hero who hung around with him and Aizawa made for an interesting side story.

My Hero Academia: 8 Weak Characters With Overpowered Abilities

In My Hero Academia, several weak characters actually possess very powerful abilities that make them a force to be reckoned with.

Present Mic's powers might seem more suited for celebratory proceedings than battle, but this couldn't be further from the truth. His ability to turn his voice into a distraction makes him ideal for a support role. More battle-tuned heroes can get on the front lines with his loud Quirk doing a ton of the heavy lifting.

2 Eraser Head

My Hero Academia's smartest heroes Eraser Head Shota Aizawa Pro Hero UA High School Class A Teacher
  • Quirk: Erasure (cancel a Quirk until he has to blink)

Shota Aizawa isn't just one of the best teachers in My Hero Academiahe's also one of the more accomplished heroes on the list. His Quirk cancels out the effect of another, which might seem like a simple power, but has the potential to be amazing in battle. It helps that Aizawa is extremely proficient at using a binding cloth in battle, making him great in close-quarters combat. Once he manages to cancel out another villain's Quirk, Eraser Head can hold his own and even win in a one-on-one fight.

He's one of the most dedicated heroes in the series, and this can be seen during the Paranormal Liberation War arc. Instead of letting Shigaraki run rampant after being hit by a Quirk-cancelling bullet, he chose to sever his own leg to keep the pressure on this unhinged villain.

1 All Might

my hero academia
  • Quirk: One For All (enhanced speed, power, and durability; not present anymore)

All Might is one of the most iconic heroes in the series. His initial appearance made him seem like an untouchable deity, which is why the more human moments featuring this character end up being so interesting. He might be retired, but All Might's influence is palpable throughout the series.

Both Midoriya and Endeavor are trying to fill the huge void left behind by All Might's retirement, with his resounding and confident words still helping Japan cope with the recent rise in villainy. In their own ways, the two are living up to his legacy. All Might has inspired a generation of superheroes to rise up against the odds and become proud heroes who can save the people closest to them.

MORE: My Hero Academia: Every Quirk Within One For All, Explained