Created by Kohei Horikoshi, My Hero Academia is a popular shonen show centered around a young boy named Midoriya along with peers and teachers as they work to keep their superhuman society from falling into despair. The show stars a wide cast of quirky characters each with their own unique quirks and personalities, which are accurately represented by the hero costumes that these characters wear.

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The costume designs in the show do a great job of portraying the abilities of most individuals, while simultaneously making them look cool. From swords and mechanical armor to goggles and grenades, there is no shortage of variety and customization in the costumes found in My Hero Academia.

5 Hawks-Keigo Takami


Keigo Takami, also known as the Wing Hero Hawks, is one of the top heroes of Japan, shown to be incredibly sharp and powerful. Hawks is quite young compared to the other Pro Heroes but has masterfully cemented his position as one of the most reliable heroes of the country. His quirk, called "Fierce Wings," allows him to use his wings to fly. He can even control each feather of his wings at will, and use them as individual weapons. He can even create a sword by combining his feathers.

Hawks is generally shown to have a laid-back and casual personality on the surface, which is reflected through his hero costume. He wears a black undershirt with golden-yellow highlights. The outer part of his uniform consists of a brown fur jacket and pants which give off a pretty casual look. He wears yellow goggles to protect his eyes and earphones to protect his ears at high velocities. Hawks' uniform resembles that of an aviation pilot.

4 Deku-Izuku Midoriya


Midoriya is the central protagonist of My Hero Academia who starts out as a quirkless boy but is soon given the quirk "One for All" by All Might. Midoriya's hero name is Deku, and though his initial hero costume is arguably one of the weakest in the show, as the series progressed, Midoriya made several changes and added a number of upgrades to his suit which ultimately made it one of the best ones in the show.

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His latest hero outfit consists of a dark green jumpsuit with long white air-force gloves and black iron soles for his feet. He wears a red belt and has red highlights on his arm and shoes which give his costume a more vibrant look. Deku's costume also consists of a mask with long rabbit-like ears.

3 All Might-Toshinori Yagi

All Might

All Might, real name Toshinori Yagi, ranked number one during the majority of his Pro Hero career. Later on, Toshinori also became a teacher at U.A. High to guide the next generation of heroes and to pass on his Quirk, "One For All," to a worthy successor. The symbol of peace has had many hero costumes over the years, but his last one is arguably the best suit in terms of style.

While being simple, All Might's tight suit perfectly portrays his muscles and strength. The costume has a mix of three colors including red, blue, and white, possibly taking inspiration from the American flag. He also wears gloves, boots, and a belt, all dipped in a golden shine, which makes for a striking contrast over the darker tone of his suit.

2 Endeavor-Enji Todoroki


Enji Todoroki is a very complicated character and is presented in the show as the second-best Pro Hero named Endeavor. Enji has a big muscular body and his quirk is called "Hell Flame," which allows him to create and manipulate fire at will. Though a powerful quirk, there is a limit to how much heat Enji's body can bare, which is what held him back from reaching the level of All Might.

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Endeavor's costume design is very flashy and includes a dark blue suit highlighted with orange lines. He also wears some white armor on his arms and shoulders. What makes his costume stand out, however, is the infusion of his flames with his suit which makes parts of his costume, including his boots, glow with orange flames. His flames also cover his beard, mustache, and eyes, making an awesome mask in the process.

1 Dynamight-Katsuki Bakugo

Bakugo in hero costume

Bakugo is one of the most important characters of My Hero Academia and is a student in class 1-A. His hero name is Dynamight, and despite having an awful personality, Bakugo arguably has the coolest hero costume out of all his peers. His quirk is called "Explosion" which essentially makes him capable of creating large explosions using his sweat. Bakugo's quirk is also one of the strongest seen in the show so far.

As for his hero costume, Bakugo wears a black undersuit with orange highlights which make for excellent contrast. He also wears a black eyepiece and some explosive hair accessories to come off as more intimidating. He also dawns two big grenade-like accessories on his arms which can be used to accumulate sweat and cause a massive explosion.

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