
  • Class 1-A's heroes show immense strength and growth through teamwork and unity in battles against formidable foes like Stain.
  • Midoriya's battles against powerful enemies like Overhaul and Todoroki showcase the true potential of his One For All quirk.
  • Personal conflicts and unresolved rivalries drive intense battles among classmates, leading to growth and self-discovery.

All eyes are on the aspiring heroes in Class 1-A of U.A. High, as they represent a beacon of hope ready to face any challenge. These young heroes-in-training have faced numerous villains and perilous situations, testing their strength, courage, and resolve.

My Hero Academia: The 13 Strongest Powers Of Izuku Midoriya

Izuku Midoriya has a lot of strong and interesting powers in My Hero Academia. Here's a look at some of the absolute strongest.

Class 1-A heroes have repeatedly demonstrated their strength and support for each other during battle, from the explosive clashes between Deku and Bakugo to the strategic teamwork of Todoroki, Iida, and Midoriya against the Hero Killer Stain. Their battles are not simply a display of immense power, but also demonstrations of growth, self-discovery, and the unyielding spirit of heroism.

1 Tenya, Todoroki, And Midoriya Vs. Stain

A Quest For Vengeance With Supportive Friends

Tenya, Todoroki, And Midoriya Vs. Stain
  • Episode: Season 2, Episode 16

Hero Killer Stain’s name is not a ruse. He goes about trying to get rid of the false heroes within the hero society, and unfortunately for Tenya Iida, his elder brother Tensei was a victim of Stain and was left paralyzed, forcing him to retire from being a hero. This angers Tenya, and he goes out to avenge his brother. However, he was unaware of the danger he was rushing into.

Tenya’s fight with Stain quickly went sideways, leaving Tenya at Stain's mercy, but his hunger for revenge was his driving force to keep the fight going. Luckily for Tenya, his classmates and friends, Midoriya and Todoroki, show up just in the nick of time to save him from defeat. This battle was very intense, and was more than what these three boys could handle, but they stood by each other and combined their quirks to ensure that they did not become Stain’s victims. They were able to survive, and left Stain for the pro-heroes and the police force to deal with.

2 Midoriya Vs. Overhaul

Displays The Unrestricted Power Of The One For All Quirk

deku-overhaul (1)
  • Episode: Season 4, Episode 13

Fans of MHA get to see Midoriya use One For All at 100%, without sustaining any injuries or causing permanent damage because of Eri’s rewind quirk. Overhaul had no chance against Deku in this state, as he unleashed raw and incredibly powerful attacks against him. In addition to being able to use the unrestrained power of One For All, Deku was fueled with anger for all the pains Overhaul inflicted on Eri.

This battle was a power display, as fans got to see One For All in its full effect, and this would not have been possible if Eri was not on Deku’s side. Her presence was also a source of motivation for Deku, as it fueled his rage towards Overhaul.

3 Midoriya Vs. Todoroki

Breaking Free From Personal Trauma

Shoto Todoroki and Deku clash during the Sports Festival.
  • Episode: Season 2, Episode 10

Before they mounted the podium to fight, Deku got to know about Todoroki, his hatred towards his father, and his side of his quirk. He knew about Todoroki’s resolution not to use his flame quirk and only rely on his ice quirk. This information fueled Deku as they got up on stage to fight. Deku wanted to push Todoroki to the wall, so he would have no choice but to use his full quirk.

My Hero Academia: Shoto's Scar, Explained

Shoto's scar has a terrifying story behind it. Here's a look at how one of Class 1-A's most promising heroes in training got his scar.

This fight delves into Todoroki's background, and it is what kick-starts the process of Todoroki embracing his full quirk. Regardless of whatever his father did, his quirk will always be a part of him. Midoriya helped him understand that during this fight. Todoroki unleashed his flames, causing him to create an epic explosion that took Midoriya out of the designated fighting area, leaving him victorious.

4 Midoriya Vs. Bakugo

Brings An End To Years Of Rivalry

Midoriya Vs. Bakugo
  • Episode: Season 3, Episode 23

Bakugo and Deku are childhood friends, and for as long as Bakugo can remember, Deku has always been quirkless. All of a sudden, his quirk mysteriously manifested, and they find themselves at the same Hero Academy, much to Bakugo’s dismay. Before their fight began, Deku confirmed Bakugo's concerns about his powers, telling him he indeed inherited his quirk from All Might.

This fight was a personal one, as Bakugo had some unresolved feelings and questions he needed answers to. Bakugo wanted to feel stronger than Deku, and their fight was a display of sheer power. Giving it all he had, Bakugo managed to claim a narrow victory, making him understand that Deku is not the weak boy he once was. It was a turning point for Bakugo and Deku's relationship, as years of rivalry were put to rest during this fight.

5 Bakugo Vs. Todoroki

An Unsatisfactory Victory

Bakugo vs. Todoroki
  • Episode: Season 2, Episode 12

During the UA Sports Festival, Bakugo was eager to fight, because he wanted to show off his quirk and prove to everyone that he was stronger and superior. Todoroki, on the other hand, could not care less, and only wanted the event to pass so that he could prove to his father that he could be a hero without using his flame quirk.

Bakugo and Todoroki went up against each other, much to Bakugo’s excitement, as he could finally put Todoroki in his place. The battle was intense, as they were both powerful, but without using his flame quirk, Todoroki had a hard time balancing his body temperature, as he was constantly relying on his ice quirk. Due to his personal conflict, Todoroki could not unleash the full force of his quirk, and Bakugo won. Although Bakugo won the fight, he felt it was undeserved, since Todoroki was actively holding back.

6 Uraraka Vs. Bakugo

An Unexpected Showdown

  • Episode: Season 2, Episode 22

These two are polar opposites, which is why their fight during the UA Sports Festival is one that grabbed the attention of most fans. Uraraka is a soft and cheerful girl, while Bakugo is mean, fierce, and aggressive. From the moment of their pairing, it was clear who would win, but Uraraka refused to surrender without a fight. She showed her fans that, although she can be calm and gentle, she also has what it takes to dominate a battle.

As expected, Bakugo showed her no mercy, and she constantly had to encourage herself not to give up. She even made reference to Deku, saying that he would not give up either if he were in her situation. She gave the fight her all, but unfortunately, she could not take the full force of Bakugo’s explosion. However, it was still a good fight, because it showed the fighting spirit in Uraraka. Her spirit was willing, but her body failed her.

7 Midoriya Vs. Class A

A Unified Fight To Show Unity And Togetherness

My Hero Academia Deku vs Class A Season 6, episode 23 Izuku and his classmates cropped
  • Episode: Season 6, Episode 23

In the Dark Hero Arc, things in the Hero Academia world get intense and dark. Shigaraki and All For One escaped from police custody, and Deku took it upon himself to locate them, alongside the remaining members of the League of Villains. Deku decides to do this without his friends and with a few pro heroes. The students of Class A did not take this choice seriously, and they decided that they were either going to fight the villains together, or stop Deku from going alone. Deku was not going to back down, and this resulted in a fight.

My Hero Academia: The Dark Hero Arc, Explained

The Dark Hero Arc sees Deku's story take a tragic turn, as the idealistic young hero decides to shoulder her society's burdens on his own.

This battle is very emotional, as it shows how much these classmates have bonded with each other. These classmates all worked together, combining their unique quirks not to seriously hurt Deku, but to make him stand down. This fight shows the teamwork among the classmates, and Deku’s dilemma, as he wants to go on this journey with his friends, but he does not want them to suffer more harm when he was All For One's main target.

8 Red Riot Vs. Blade Villain

A Fight Of Bravery And Growth

Red Riot vs. Blade Villain
  • Episode: Season 4, Episode 5

Red Riot, also known as Kirishima, showed outstanding bravery during this fight. It occurs during the Shie Hassaikai arc, where the heroes find out about the quirk-destroying drug that a yakuza group is creating. Kirishima takes charge of the fight after Suneater gets shot with the quirk destroying drug, causing his quirk to temporarily cease.

When going after the villain and trapping him in a closed area, their fight gets intense, but the Red Riot is unshaken. The blade villain takes a quirk-enhancing drug, which causes him to unleash an insane amount of lengthy blades. Red Riot's hard skin can only withstand so many jabs before he succumbs to defeat or failure. Instead, these jabs fortify his resolve, enabling him to unleash a new move known as Unbreakable mid-fight. Red Riot uses all his might and newfound will to defeat the Blade villain, and he was able to trap the villain in his stomach and stop him from escaping.

My Hero Academia
My Hero Academia (2016)

Kōhei Horikoshi
Number of Episodes
Streaming Service(s)
Crunchyroll , Hulu