My Hero Academia is one of the most popular and beloved shonen anime around right now. The exploits of Midoriya and the rest of the Class 1-A heroes as they learn to master their powers and become more powerful in the process are always entertaining, with the show taking viewers through a rollercoaster ride that is full to the brim with thrills and scares.

RELATED: My Hero Academia: Characters With More Than One Quirk

That being said, the lighthearted nature of this shonen anime doesn't excuse it from touching on some rather dark themes at times. This is especially apparent when it comes to the diabolical and despicable villains in the series, but this applies to some events surrounding the heroes as well. Keeping this in mind, here are some of the most disturbing events to ever occur during My Hero Academia's run.

10 Nighteye's Brutal Death

Nighteye's death in My Hero Academia

Nighteye was one of the interesting characters who was introduced during the Overhaul arc. However, he never managed to make it out of the last battle and died a rather horrific death.

The fact that Overhaul sent an entire spike through his body was enough to seal his gate. It was a horrifying image that sealed Nighteye's fate for good.

9 Stain And His Disturbing Ideals

Stain from My Hero Academia

Hero Killer Stain was one of the most riveting and entertaining villains to feature in the show. His warped and twisted ideologies convinced most people to become villains who would actually make a difference.

The fight against him was also pretty brutal, with Stain's powerful Quirk allowing him to paralyze anyone after tasting their blood. It's a horrifying power that perfectly complements this twisted villain.

8 How Eri Was Mistreated By Overhaul

Eri from My Hero Academia

Child abuse is always a touchy topic, with Eri facing this egregious behavior when she was abducted by Overhaul. The potential of her Quirk meant that Overhaul could pretty much create a market of taking Quirks away while giving powerless people Quirks of their own.

RELATED: My Hero Academia: The Strongest Members Of Class 1-A, Ranked According To Strength

Unfortunately, this led to Eri's blood being used against her own will, which is just horrible. Watching her be rescued and get the love she deserves made for a great way to omit the oppressive sadness from her life.

7 The Turbulent Nature Of Shigaraki's Past

shigaraki tomura in my hero academia

Given how disturbing Shigaraki is, most people assumed that he had a rather torrid childhood. This turned out to be true in more ways than one when his backstory was finally revealed.

Since his powers were volatile, Shigaraki was painted as a monster by his family. With no control over his powers, he unleashed a devastating version of his Decay Quirk that disintegrated everything around him, including his family. It was a horrifying story that makes it pretty clear why he has grown into such a villainous figure.

6 The Story Surrounding Endeavor's Problematic Behavior

Endeavor from My Hero Academia

Endeavor is one of the most captivating characters on the show. He might be enjoying a redemption arc of sorts right now, but that shouldn't gloss over the horrifying things he's done in the past.

In his bid to have the perfect son, Endeavor mistreated his wife and kids until he finally got the child he wanted with Todoroki. However, his abuse didn't stop then, leading to his wife suffering a mental breakdown and scarring Todoroki after he exhibited his fiery powers.

5 Midoriya Destroying His Body Over And Over Again

My Hero Academia Izuku Midoriya

The idea of breaking every bone in your limbs over and over again sounds like a horrifying prospect. However, until Midoriya had unlocked Full Cowl, this was pretty much a regular Sunday for him.

He pushed his body to the limit so many times that his hands are now unfit to handle the power of One for All. Thankfully, his new kick-heavy combat style has made up for this deficiency.

4 How Bakugo's Mental Health Was Affected Following All Might's Retirement

My Hero Academia Bakugou

All Might was Bakugo's favorite superhero. So, when All Might lost his powers in a mission to rescue him, it was clear that Bakugo's mental health had taken a serious toll.

He decided to vent it out like many teenagers do with a good old-fashioned fight against his rival. Watching Bakugo admit his guilt and finally learn about the secret of One for All was one of the best moments in the show by a country mile.

3 The Idea Of Losing A Power You Were Born With For Good

My Hero Academia Mirio Phasing Through The Ground

Quirks are essentially extensions of a person's being. People have this power from birth and rely on it for the rest of their lives.

RELATED: My Hero Academia: Characters Who Are Quirkless

To have this powerful forcefully taken away is akin to cutting off a dominant hand! It's a testament to Mirio's mental fortitude that he hasn't let the lack of a Quirk affect his mind too much, and fans can only hope that he regains his powers once again.

2 Twice's Debilitating Condition

Twice bleeding without mask My Villain Academia

Speaking of mental ailments, it would be hard to not talk about the existential crisis Twice has been facing all this time. He was in two minds about whether he was a clone or the real thing, leading to him developing a split personality to cope with this stressful situation.

Thankfully, during the Meta Liberation Army arc, he finally experiences a breakthrough that allows him to make as many clones as he wants. He might be a villain, but watching Twice finally come to terms with his condition and improve himself was a great moment regardless.

1 Himiko's Weird Obsession

My Hero Academia Himiko Toga Transforming Into Ochako

Himiko is easily one of the freakiest characters on the show. She's a great example of a yandere who goes absolutely insane in the quest to attain the things she wants.

The fact that the sight and taste of blood excite her makes her seem more menacing. With the recent developments in the anime, it's shown that she can replicate the Quirk of someone whom she's mimicking, turning her into a powerful and unpredictable villain in the show.

MORE: My Hero Academia: The Strongest Hero Quirks, Ranked