The following contains spoilers for My Hero Academia Chapter 392, "Villain Name," by Kohei Horikoshi, translated by Caleb Cook available in English from Viz Media.

My Hero Academia chapter 392 dropped recently and thankfully, this week, fans were treated to a standard-length chapter that focused entirely on the fight between Toga and Ochaco, with Tsuyu thrown into the mix. Last week's chapter looked like it was building up towards the final face-off between Toga and Ochaco and this week, fans got to see a continuation of that.

RELATED: My Hero Academia: Every Hero School, RankedWhile the fight between these two has not been resolved just yet, My Hero Academia chapter 392 saw to it that it progressed quite a lot. Fans got to see a glimpse into the past of Toga and, at the same time, the fight also continued in the present timeline. With lots of shocks within the chapter, My Hero Academia chapter 392 was an interesting one for the fans to unfold.

Toga's Past

toga my hero academia 392

My Hero Academia chapter 392 saw Toga nearly kill Tsuyu at the very beginning of the chapter. Before she struck the killing blow, however, fans got to see a flashback sequence, and, knowing that it was Horikoshi writing it, it was certainly exciting. The author has already done a terrific job with them in the past when he focused on the League of Villains. Now, fans got to see yet another look into Toga's life. This time around, fans got to see how Toga was treated like a monster by everyone around her. After the death of the sparrow that happened on accident through her Quirk, Toga was taken to counseling where it was revealed that people born with strong Quirks always end up doing something brash.

Of course, for Toga, all this was normal because she could not control her powers and, at the same time, no one explained anything to her or offered any help. She was labeled a bad child and had her habits demonized. Toga felt no love from anyone, which broke her, especially since she was a child. Her way of showing love was to kiss others, however, her kisses always led to her sucking their blood up and, on occasions, cause injuries to people. At home, Toga was completely demonized by her parents once again. They openly labeled her as a monster and regretted giving birth to her, since she was not all that human to them. Toga felt alienated by the entire world and rejected for being born the way she was born. Her powers were called demonic and this left a huge scar on her mind while growing up.

Toga was openly labeled to be a deviant and shunned by society as a whole. Naturally, she didn't feel any love from anyone around her and being on the path that she is treading currently isn't a surprise for anyone. Essentially, society failed Toga and several other people who were categorized as misfits at the same time. The fact that they are fighting back is justified to an extent. Of course, their actions certainly aren't but the feelings are certainly understandable. These children are traumatized to quite an extent and instead of helping them, society rejected them. It was the hero society that made these people into what they are and instead of offering them guidance and teaching them how to control their powers, they simply demonized them.

It is clear to see that Toga still carries those scars and for her to heal, she has to accept what happened and take the helping hand now, even though it is late. That is precisely what Ochaco is trying to do, however, whether the two will come to an amicable conclusion or not remains to be seen.

Help From The Heroes

toga tsyuu my hero academia 392 (1)

In the present timeline, Toga stopped right before she stuck the killing blow to Tsuyu and, thankfully, at the same time, help arrived in the form of other Heroes. Fans got to see Earphone Jack and Kamui Woods show up and join the fight against the incredible army that Toga had created using her Quirk. Fans also got to see a conversation exchange between Tsuyu and Toga at the same time. Toga believes that no matter what the heroes do, it is too late for her and that they will never understand what she has had to go through. To her, the Heroes are speaking from a place of privilege. They never had to deal with any problems that she faced while growing up and they always had help around them.

Toga, on the other hand, was all alone for the vast majority of her life, that is, until she was offered a place where they were many misfits just like her. She didn't feel alone anymore when she joined them and that is precisely why she is fighting right now.

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Tsuyu, on the other hand, tried her best to convince Toga that Ochaco does not mean harm. Being a hero, all she should have wanted to do was to arrest her after defeating her. However, that isn't the case. Tsuyu tried to argue that Ochaco wants to hold an important conversation with her because she cares about her and actually likes her. Even though help for her has come late, Tsuyu wants Toga to give her a chance so that she can speak freely and try to help her, possibly even become her friend if things go down that route eventually. It must be said that at this point in time, a conversation exchange between the two seems unlikely. However, Horikoshi will definitely take this route with Toga here and it appears he will end up making Uraraka save her and put her on the right path.

Toga Vs Ochaco Continued

toga vs ochaco my hero academia 392

My Hero Academia 392 also focused on the continuation of the fight between Toga and Ochaco. Much to the surprise of the fans, Toga continued to keep her distance and didn't want to get lulled into any conversation. She firmly holds the belief that they were different from birth and that no matter what happens, Ochaco will never understand what suffering she's had to endure. In a way, she certainly is right, however, she has her defenses up and fans expect them to come down with time. Much to the surprise of the fans, Toga then went on to stab Ochaco through her gut and she ended up losing quite a lot of blood, collapsing on the floor immediately after.

Things look very dire for Uraraka right now. She has received a lethal wound to her gut and continues to bleed out. By the looks of it, Toga has emerged as the victor in this fight, however, fans shouldn't be surprised if Ochaco continues her fight or, at the very least, continue her conversation in the next chapter of the story.

Since she received a lethal injury, this just goes to show that this fight is not going to continue for much longer now. Ochaco is exhausted and on top of that, she simply cannot afford to fight for long now.

After stabbing Ochaco, fans got to see another flashback sequence that will likely bleed into the next chapter of the story. At this point in the flashback, Toga seems to have joined the League of Villains already and met Twice as well. As fans know already, Twice and Toga shared a very special relationship and here, that relationship is evident once again. Fans get to see Twice tell Toga that they should pick a villain name for her. Her villain name has not been revealed in the story just yet but she could very well accept it for the very first time in the next chapter, which would once again show her conviction to the fans.

How My Hero Academia will shape up from here onwards remains to be seen, however, the premise certainly looks very interesting. My Hero Academia chapter 392 was everything that the fans wanted and more. From her onwards, the fight is going to get even more interesting since the climax is now close. After Toga's case is dealt with, fans will start to see more focus being thrown on the characters of All For One, All Might, Deku, and Shigaraki.

MORE: My Hero Academia: The Fate Of Toya Todoroki, Explained