My Hero Academia chapter 368 finally saw the fight between Izuku Midoriya and Shigaraki Tomura, currently being controlled by All For One, begin. Previously, fans saw All For One use this body to confront the Heroes, which included Mirio, Mirko, Best Jeanist, and Edgeshot, among others. They certainly held their own well against All For One, however, all of them lacked what it truly took to defeat this monstrous villain.

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Using Shigaraki's body, All For One was able to overwhelm the entire group, however, the major takeaway from their fight was that there was still some of Shigaraki left in the body. Izuku also wanted to know if Shigaraki was awake so as to hold a conversation with him. My Hero Academia 368 focused quite a bit on an escape route for Shigaraki, and, at the same time, the newfound abilities of Izuku Midoriya.

Shigaraki's Fate

Shigaraki My Hero Academia 369

My Hero Academia 368 made it quite clear that there is a way to save Shigaraki from his cruel fade. Currently, All For One has taken over his body and, in his words, assimilated completely with it, becoming one body and soul. If fans go by his statement, then there certainly isn't a way out for Shigaraki, however, Mirio concurs. According to him, Shigaraki is definitely awake in some shape or form. When the two fought, Mirio clearly felt Shigaraki throw a child-like tantrum.

With time, he became more volatile and this was akin to a child throwing a fit. Mirio believes that Shigaraki has not yet become one with All For One and that there is hope for him. Izuku wants to hold an honest conversation with Shigaraki and, to do that, he needs to defeat All For One, once and for all. Getting to Shigaraki certainly won't be easy. To open the path to that point, he will certainly have to pummel the man who is currently in control of the body and that is All For One. Once that is done, an escape route for the redemption arc of Shigaraki Tomura might possibly begin.

Izuku's New Power

Deku My Hero Academia 369

Deku is, undoubtedly, one of the strongest characters in My Hero Academia at the moment. He's strong enough to fight against the likes of All For One, as he proved during the Paranormal Liberation War arc. Since then, he has come far and gotten even stronger, which has been demonstrated on several occasions. Currently, he is close to the peak of his abilities with the One For All being mastered to a much greater degree. On top of that, he has several other Meta Abilities that have awoken within him. My Hero Academia 368 saw the awakening of yet another meta ability within the One For All.

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This power was previously hinted at towards the end of the last chapter. In this chapter, this meta ability was finally fully showcased. After using several attacks on All For One, Izuku used a new ability called Gearshift Overdrive. This meta ability allows him to shift the speed of anything that he touches. Izuku delivered several powerful blows to All For One, altering his speed in the process. Mirio noticed that the sound was delayed after Izuku delivered the blows to All For One. The villain himself noted that Izuku was simply way too fast for him and that his own speed had been altered. In simpler terms, Izuku's 100% now becomes 120%, which makes him stronger than ever before. To finish off his combo, Deku delivered an extremely powerful Detroit Smash to All For One, dealing tremendous damage to him in the process.

The Final Showdown

Final Showdown My Hero Academia 368

With that, My Hero Academia 368 saw the beginning of the end for the duel between One For All and All For One. All For One aims to take back the Quirk that he once gave to his brother. Meanwhile, Izuku, the wielder of the One For All, plans to end this battle once and for all. With the support of all the previous vestiges on his side, he is all set to accomplish what even All Might couldn't. Izuku is incredibly powerful and, for him, taking down All For One is certainly possible now. With his newfound abilities and the ever-growing power of the One For All Quirk, he will certainly have more than enough in the bag to take down this monstrous villain.

The two brothers, Yoichi and All For One are currently engaging in their final duel. Horikoshi will certainly do his best to write an epic conclusion to their tale. This also ties into the tale of Izuku Midoriya and Shigaraki Tomura. As fans know already, Izuku aims to help Shigaraki in some way or form. Once he settles the score with All For One and ends the fated battle once and for all, fans could very well see a redemption arc for Shigaraki Tomura, which appears to be the direction in which the story is headed. Regardless, My Hero Academia is certainly heating up at the moment and the next few chapters will be the peak of the battle against All For One.

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