The Mushoku Tensei anime series portrays a young, reincarnated Rudeus Greyrat who is determined to live his life to the fullest. Now, in a fantasy world, Rudeus comes across various incidents and events different from what he would have considered possible in his past life.

8 Ways Mushoku Tensei Stands Out Among Various Isekai Anime Series

Mushoku Tensei is notable for departing from the norm of the isekai genre in the following ways. 

When in a pinch, the Man-God appears to him. Although the man God tends to give Rudeus advice, Rudeus and fans of the anime series wonder whose side he is truly on. While the Man God has been extensively explored in the Mushoku Tensei manga and light novel, fans of the anime know very little about his true motives.

Updated on May 23, 2024, by Oluwatokiloba Folami: The self-proclaimed Man-God has appeared many times and is expected to continue to do so in the Mushoku Tensei series. While manga and light novel readers know the true attributes of the Man-God, anime-only fans remain in the dark about his true motives. Despite appearing to Rudeus when he is in a pinch, the Man-God is not the ally many think him to be. His many dark schemes and actions have made manga and light novel readers wary of him, but anime-only watchers have a lot to learn. Things aren’t always as they seem, and the Man-God proves just that in Mushoku Tensei.

WARNING! Spoilers ahead!

13 Hitogami Succeeded In Destroying Rudeus' Life

Rudeus Descends Into Despair And Ruin

Future Rudeus Mushoku

While many anime fans know that Hitogami isn’t exactly an ally, few would suspect him to be the final boss. Even fewer know that in the future, Hitogami has already succeeded in making Rudeus’ life as miserable as it gets.

In the future, Rudeus’ wife Roxy is dead. Her death was orchestrated by Hitogami using Rudeus as a catalyst, which makes the guilt heavy on the young mage. With the guilt he carries, Rudeus becomes distant towards Sylphie and the rest of his family members. He develops poor drinking habits, causing Sylphie to leave him, and his moral compass becomes non-existent. With revenge the only thing in his head, Rudeus’s life becomes terrible, with everyone who loves him leaving him. Thankfully, future Rudeus recognizes the danger that is Hitogami and comes back to give present Rudeus a warning.

12 Hitogami Can See The Future And Tries To Change It

Hitogami Constantly Modifies The Future To Avoid Ruin

Rudeus Is Set To Become A Father Mushoku Hitogami

As a god in his own right, Hitogami possesses many abilities. However, few of his abilities are used as abusively as his future sight. To anime-only watchers, Hitogami only miraculously appears when Rudeus is in a pinch and needs help. However, each one of his meetings with Rudeus is always pre-planned as Hitogami can see the future and tries to change it to his liking by interacting with Rudeus and his apostles.

10 Isekai Anime With The Best English Dubs

Although these isekai anime were originally voiced in Japanese, their English dubs were as good as the Japanese versions.

As an evil bad guy who is set to be destroyed, Hitogami constantly checks his future to avoid any sort of mishap that could lead to him getting destroyed. While many may think Hitogami tries to help Rudeus, in actuality, he tries to veer Rudeus from a path that could lead to him (Hitogami) getting destroyed without Rudeus being aware.

11 Hitogami Can Control A Limited Number Of Apostles

The Man-God Has A Delicate Balance Between Influence And Future Sight

Rudeus Is Set To Become A Father Mushoku Hitogami

The self-proclaimed Man-God is undoubtedly a powerful individual; however, even he is not infinitely powerful. As he is unable to interact with the physical world directly, Hitogami makes use of apostles who do his bidding.

Fortunately for Rudeus and unfortunately for Hitogami, Hitogami can only control a limited number of apostles, as controlling more interferes with his ability to see the future. This serves similarly to a backlash for Hitogami, who sees the future and tries to change it. The more he interacts with apostles to change the course of history, the more distorted and uncertain the supposed future he can see becomes. With this limitation, Hitogami tries to strike a balance between the number of apostles he controls and how far he can see into the future.

10 Hitogami Is A Major Antagonist

Hitogami and Rudeus

So far, the Mushoku Tensei anime series has portrayed Hitogami as someone who helps Rudeus. While fans and Rudeus know that Hitogami is not what he seems, manga and light novel readers of the series know that Hitogami actually turns out to be a major antagonist.

When his plots and machinations come to light, Hitogami is exposed as an extremely devious individual who likes to manipulate people from the darkness. Many of his 'help' are actually fueled by something evil in order for him to get his desired result, regardless of how that will affect others.

9 Hitogami Is Prophesized To Be Killed By The Children Of Rudeus

The Future Holds Unkind Things For Hitogami

Rudeus Greyrat And 6 Children

As a major antagonist of the series, Hitogami must be put down by those who seek justice. While no one knows precisely how he will be killed, Lara Greyrat, the child of Rudeus and Roxy Greyrat, is said to play a key role in his death.

After her birth, she was prophesied to be an important person in the future and the savior of the Doldia tribe. While fans of the anime may not know this, Hitogami telling Rudeus to get a demon eye from Kishirika Kishirisu at Wind Port and him telling Rudeus not to go and save Zenith at the Teleport Labyrinth were all ways he tried to get Rudexus to avoid meeting Roxy.

8 Hitogami Caused The Fall Of The First Dragon God, Orsted's Father

He Was Capable Enough To Trick The First Dragon God

Orsted From Mushoku Tensei

In the Mushoku Tensei anime series, when Orsted and Rudeus met, Orsted simply walked past until he asked if Rudeus knew the Man-God, and Rudeus attested to it. Orsted's outrage showed fans that he has some form of vengeance against the Man-God, but the true cause was not portrayed.

7 Strongest Villains In Isekai Anime, Ranked

These noteworthy villains from the isekai genre are remarkably powerful, and almost impossible to defeat.

The reason Orsted considers Hitogami his sworn enemy is because Hitogami killed his father, the first dragon god. During the events of the human-demon war, the Man-God attacked Orsted's father, the first dragon god, while he was weakened.

7 Hitogami Usurped The Original Human God And Took His Form

He Is A False God


As seen in the Mushoku Tensei anime series, Hitogami is a featureless man with a blank, white, mosaic-covered face. However, that was not always his form. Hitogami usurped the true Human god and took on his form.

The true Human God was the weakest of the gods, albeit the most respected. He suggested the gods come together and share their knowledge with each other so that all the worlds could benefit. It was in this way that the true Human God shared letters and languages with the demons and the dragons.

6 Hitogami Is Unable To Physically Manifest In The Human World

He Exists In A Different Plane

Mushoku Tensei World Map

During the Mushoku Tensei anime series, Hitogami has appeared to Rudeus many times through his dreams. While this is a convenient way to pass messages across, Hitogami has not physically appeared like Orsted because he is unable to.

After Hitogami attacked the first dragon god before he died, the dragon god banished Hitogami into the Void World, where he now exists. The Void World is a world of nothingness formed when the God of creation made all the different worlds in a die structure. While the Void World serves as the connecting path to other worlds, Hitogami can not leave the Void World.

5 Hitogami Successfully Tricked The Previous Dragon God Into Destroying The Other Race's Worlds

His Trickery Knows No Bounds


After Hitogami usurped the true Human god and took his form, he began to slowly manipulate the First dragon god (Orsted's father) and his five dragon generals into destroying the other worlds.

Eventually, the five dragon generals turned on the first Dragon God and weakened him. While weakened, before taking his last breath, the first dragon god banished Hitogami to the void world. After the destruction of the other worlds, Hitogami guided the residents of the other worlds to the human world, setting the current setting for the Mushoku Tensei series.

4 Hitogami's Apostles Have Been Portrayed In The Anime

At Different Unknown Points To Viewers, He Has Struck

Geese thinking

The reason Orsted attacked Rudeus when they first met was because he thought Rudeus was an apostle of the Man god. While fans of the anime series do not know, the apostles of the Man god have already been portrayed in the anime.

A major apostle of the Man god is Geese, a former member of Paul and Zenith's party. Another apostle is Badigadi, albeit a former one. Despite being a former apostle of the Man god, he still carries out some of his orders as he feels indebted to him.

3 Hitogami Tricked Badigadi Into Splitting Laplace

Badigadi Was No Exception To His Trickery

Mushoku Tensei II Ep8 Badigadi

In the past, Badigadi was tricked by the Man god into stealing the Golden Armor. The Golden Armor was created by the Dragon Demon god Laplace and eventually developed a consciousness of its own.

Whoever puts on the golden armor is considered the Fighting God, and Badigadi becomes so. After putting on the armor, he faced Laplace and split him into the Demon God and the Technique God. Badigadi was tricked into facing Laplace in order to save Kishirika. Thinking Hitogami was helping him, Badigadi agreed to repay the favor in the future.

2 Hitogami's Powers Do Not Work On Non-Human Opponents

Some Sort Of Limitation Exists

Mushoku Tensei II Ep8 Elinalise

When Hitogami speaks with people through dreams, he is able to read their minds. Alongside various other things, Hitogami has a plethora of powers and abilities. However, his powers are limited to humans as they do not work on non-human opponents, like spirits.

Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation: 5 Things You May Not Know About The Metastasis Event

Here are some facts fans may have missed out on the metastasis occurrence in Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnatiion.

As the Human god, even though a false one, Hitogami has a natural affinity with humans. This is why they automatically trust him. For the other races, this sort of automatic trust does not apply. Despite this, Hitogami can still influence other races as he has various ways of directly influencing people he comes into contact with.

1 Hitogami Is Automatically Trusted By All Humans In The World Except Otherworlders

A Reason To Be Skeptical Exists

Mushoku Tensei Rudeus and Nanahoshi

Even though he is not the true Human god, all humans in the world trust Hitogami. This allows him to easily make apostles among humans while deceiving and manipulating them for his grand schemes. This automatic trust between humans and Hitogami applies to all humans except otherworlders like Rudeus and Nanahoshi.

This is because the rules that govern otherworlders thought processes and actions are fundamentally different. This is also seen with many other things, such as curses. Therefore, people who reincarnate are exempt from automatically trusting Hitogami. This also applies to their descendants.

Mushoku Tensei
Mushoku Tensei Jobless Reincarnation
Studio Bind
Rifujin na Magonote
Number of Episodes
Streaming Service(s)
Crunchyroll , Hulu