The Mushoku Tensei anime series depicts the adventures of a 34-year-old NEET who is reincarnated after his death. Now promising to live life to the fullest, the man reincarnates as Rudeus Greyrat into a world of swords and magic.

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In the Mushoku Tensei world, the new world in which Rudeus finds himself, various races exist. Elves, demons, and dragons are not myths but reality. Among the demons, Rudeus comes into contact with influential figures like Kishirika Kishirisu, Badigadi, and Ruijerd Superdia. While these individuals are all demons, they all have differing and unique traits that set them apart. However, they are all strong. Perhaps even the strongest of their race.

This article contains manga and light novel spoilers. Additionally, images are unavailable for certain characters; therefore placeholders have been used.

7 Malta The Ogre God

Malta The Ogre God Mushoku

The Ogre God Malta has a savage look with his large build, tiger-striped rumen on his waist, and globular bell-like choker. Malta is so strong his strength and endurance exceed Zanoba, who is considered to have super strength. Despite his bulky frame, Malta is exceptionally nimble, allowing him to dodge attacks.

Despite his savage appearance, Malta is a kind person and greatly cares about his people. He is willing to sacrifice his life for them and only attacks those who show hostility towards him. The Ogre god is incredibly strong, as even Orsted states that while defeating him is possible, it would not be easy.

6 Kishirika Kishirisu

Kishirika Kishirisu mushoku tensei

The Great Demon Empress of the demon clan, Kishirika Kishirisu, is a powerful individual and recurring character in the Mushoku Tensei series. She usually offers aid to those who grant her favors. As Kishirika is known as the Demon Emperor of Demon Eyes, she usually grants demon eyes to those who help her, as seen when she gave Rudeus his Eye of Foresight.

Kishirika is a member of the immortal demon clan. Therefore, she is immortal and will simply come back to life if she is killed. She also has a large mana capacity, causing ordinary people to be unable to summon her. Although she is a demon empress, Kishirika has very little fighting ability. Despite her lack of proper combat knowledge, Kishirika remains powerful due to her demon eyes, large mana pool, and immortality.

5 Badigadi

Mushoku Tensei II Ep8 Badigadi

Kishirika Kishirisu’s fiancé, Badigadi, recently made an appearance in the second season of Mushoku Tensei. Despite his carefree nature, Badigadi is a mighty member of the demon tribe and a Demon Lord. Badigadi is also the Fighting god (former as in the light novel), one of the seven great powers, and ranks third on the list. Just slightly below the Dragon god Orsted, Badigadi is not to be underestimated.

With all his strengths and abilities, Badigadi is also immortal, making him more unkillable. During the Laplace war, Badigadi was tricked into stealing the golden armor and fought Laplace. During their battle, he split the Demon Dragon King Laplace into a demon side and a dragon side.

4 Atoferatofe Rybak

Atoferatofe Rybak

The immortal demon lord of strength and elder sister to Badigadi is certainly no joke. She is the stereotypical example of all brawn but no brain. Atoferatofe is extremely aggressive and has a personality similar to Eris Greyrat. Atoferatofe has a habit of starting a battle at the drop of a hat without listening to reason. The only thing she respects is strength. And so she only listens to those who defeat her.

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Atoferatofe’s immortality makes her reckless in her fighting. When faced with attacks she could dodge, she often faces them head-on. Atoferatofe was always very powerful; however, after being taught the North God Style by her husband, the first North God — Kalman I, she became even more powerful.

3 Necross Lacross

Demon continent mushoku

Like his son, Badigadi, Necross Lacross is no pushover. He is one of the Eight Great Demon Kings of the Demon World. Like many others on this list, Necross is immortal and has contributed immensely to the demon race. In the past, Necross was imprisoned after being accused of joining hands with Laplace to kill Kirisis Calisis.

After Necross finally manages to break out of prison, he finds the demon world about to be destroyed. He then escapes to the human world with the help of Laplace, serving as the protector of the Demon God’s baby, ensuring the continuity of the Demon race’s royal bloodline.

2 Kirisis Calisis

Magic circles in Mushoku

Kirisis Calisis is the inventor of magic circles. The invention of magic circles plays a huge role in the current magic seen in the Mushoku Tensei anime series. With her intelligent and calm demeanor, Kirisis is immensely skilled in magic. Laplace even mentions her to be the source of all known magic in the world today.

Unlike her daughter, Kishirika Kishirisu, Kirisis is a brilliant magician. Her competent, calm disposition and friendship with Lunaria (the wife of the first dragon god) were what helped the dragon world diminish the hostility it had for the demon world. With her many abilities, Kirisis proved she was strong in more ways than one.

1 Ruijerd Superdia

Ruijerd Superdia

Ruijerd is a warrior of the Superd tribe, which served the demon god Laplace in the past. He meets Rudeus and Eris after the duo are transported to the demon continent by the Fittoa transportation event. On their journey, Ruijerd showcases his strengths and leaves Rudeus and Eris in awe.

Ruijerd is immensely stronger than the average adventurer. He can easily kill A-rank monsters with one strike of his spear. The red gemstone on his head allows him to locate enemies that are not in sight, acting as a radar. While Ruijerd is not well versed in magic, he makes up for it with his inhuman strength and reflexes.

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