
  • Rudeus makes progress in his research on the teleportation incident while at Ranoa University of Magic, discovering a connection to summoning magic.
  • Rudeus encounters Silent Sevenstar, who turns out to be from the same world as him and reveals her true identity as Shizuka Nanahoshi.
  • Nanahoshi and Rudeus form an agreement to work together on summoning experiments, with Rudeus providing mana in exchange for information about the teleportation incident.

The following contains spoilers for Episode 9 of Mushoku Tensei Season 2, "The White Mask," now streaming on Crunchyroll.

One of Rudeus' main goals while in the Ranoa University of Magic is to find out the cause behind the teleportation incident, the catalyst for many of the events that have occurred throughout the series. Though his efforts so far have yielded minor results, he is about to make a major breakthrough in his research.

The newest episode of Mushoku Tensei is one of the most lore-heavy episodes of the entire series, revealing a lot about how the world works and some of the aspects behind the teleportation incident. Fans of the series' world-building can't miss out on this incredibly informative episode.

RELATED: Mushoku Tensei Season 2: Season Of Love

A Summoning Specialist

Mushoku Tensei II Ep9 Shizuka Nanahoshi

While walking with the princess and Luke, Sylphie coincidentally crosses paths with Rudeus, who is horsing around with Pursena. A bout of jealousy assaults her as she wonders if she is the type of girl that Rudeus likes, and her emotional turmoil is obvious to both Ariel and Luke. While speaking later, Ariel wonders why Sylphie pays so much attention to Rudeus when he doesn't even remember her, forcing her to admit that she actually hasn't told him who she is yet. Sylphie explains that she is scared to find out that Rudeus really has forgotten about her, and is holding off revealing her identity for a little bit longer.

Later on, Rudeus wanders the library researching the teleportation incident once again. Having discovered that teleportation magic bears some resemblance to summoning magic, Rudeus asks Fitz about any possible summoning specialists attending Ranoa University of Magic. Fitz tells Rudeus about the special student Silent Sevenstar, who Rudeus recognizes as having made several contributions to the University's school life, many of which he recognizes from his old world.

Rudeus heads up to Silent's private lab, where he encounters the masked girl who was accompanying Orsted when they first crossed paths. With memories of Orsted's attack still fresh in Rudeus's mind, he panics and eventually passes out in fear. He awakens in Fitz's lap, only to be frightened at the sight of the white mask yet again. Silent attempts to calm his fears about Orsted, then asks him three questions. The questions make one thing clear to Rudeus: Silent Sevenstar is from the same world he is from. Silent removes her mask and introduces herself as Shizuka Nanahoshi, and Rudeus recognizes her as the girl he saved from the truck when he died.

Stranded In Another World

Mushoku Tensei II Ep9 Shizuka talking with Rudeus

Rudeus and Nanahoshi continue their conversation in Japanese, to the bewilderment of Fitz, who cannot understand what they are saying. Nanahoshi is initially excited to see someone from her homeworld, and makes clear her intention to find a way to return home. Rudeus, however, has no intention of returning home, and tells Nanahoshi that firmly. He explains that unlike her, he was reincarnated to this world rather than being teleported here, and he has come to have his own friends and family because of that.

Nanahoshi then tells Rudeus about what happened to her since she came to this world. She was suddenly teleported to Asura Kingdom, where she was found and taken care of by Orsted. While searching for the reason she was brought to this world, Orsted and Nanahoshi traveled the world by making use of teleportation circles, but weren't able to find anything of note. Nanahoshi also notes that her body works differently compared to people who exist naturally in this world: her body doesn't age, and she has no mana. At some point, she came to this university and began studying summoning magic, but due to her lack of mana, can only achieve so much. Nanahoshi then makes a deal with Rudeus: if he lends her his mana for her summoning experiments, she will give him whatever information she can.

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The Truth Behind The Teleportation Incident

Mushoku Tensei II Ep9 Fitz attacks Shizuka

Now speaking the current world's language again, Nanahoshi talks to Rudeus and Fitz about the mass teleportation incident. Considering that the time Nanahoshi arrived in this world matched up with the moment the mass teleportation incident occurred, Nanahoshi deduces that her appearance was the cause of the incident occurring in the first place.

Rudeus is unsurprised, considering he was thinking of a similar conclusion, but that information sends Fitz flying into a rage, attacking Nanahoshi viciously. Rudeus stops Fitz, realizing that he was missing information that Rudeus already had, and explains that Nanahoshi was also a victim, and that she didn't want to come to this world. Fitz quickly calms down and apologizes for suddenly attacking Nanahoshi.

Nanahoshi resumes her conversation with Rudeus, but admits that she doesn't really know all that much about the teleportation incident proper. However, she believes that if her summoning experiments continue, she will eventually be able to figure out a logical explanation for the incident's occurrence. Rudeus once again promises to help Nanahoshi with her summoning experiments and leaves with Fitz for the day.

As they head home, Fitz worries about Rudeus's relationship with Nanahoshi, and asks him what he thinks of her. Rudeus admits that he finds her strange, but isn't unwilling to trust her. Seemingly relieved that Rudeus seems to not be romantically interested in Nanahoshi, Fitz cheers up a bit.

MORE:Mushoku Tensei: Things Only Light Novel Readers Know About Rudeus