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The following contains spoilers for Episode 2 of Mushoku Tensei Season 2, "The Forest in the Dead of Night," now streaming on Crunchyroll.

The newest episode of Mushoku Tensei Season 2continues Rudeus's new life as an adventure as he searches for his missing mother, Zenith. He is slowly getting over his traumatic breakup with Eris, though it is clear that he is still having trouble adjusting to a life without her. Relying on his memories and faith in Roxy as a support, Rudeus continues adventuring with Counter Arrow and making a name for himself in the northlands.

This week's episode focuses more on Rudeus' mental state as he continues to make contact with his fellow adventurers. While Rudeus continues to put on a strong front, deep inside he is still hurt by what happened between him and Eris. He has only taken the first step on a long path toward healing.

RELATED:Mushoku Tensei: Questions To Be Answered In Season 2

Guild Conflict

Mushoku Tensei II Ep2 Stepped Leader

Over the course of several months, Rudeus has made a name for himself at the adventurer's guild, earning the nickname Quagmire. Hoping that the name will help to reach the ears of wherever his mother might be, Rudeus continues to take on whatever jobs he can, including those as menial as shoveling and melting away snow piled up in the town square. While coming back from such a job, Rudeus is invited by Sara to join Counter Arrow on a job. Rudeus accepts, though he is a bit hesitant at first.

The group heads out to the Galgau Ruins to collect snow drake scales. The job goes smoothly at first, but soon they are attacked by snow drakes and forced to fight their way out. Rudeus fights back the drakes with magic to allow the others to escape, but is left behind. Thankfully, the others return to rescue Rudeus, but soon find themselves backed against a corner. However, the arrival of another party named Stepped Leader allows them to turn the tables.

However, the trouble is far from over, as the leader Sol accuses them of trying to swipe their job. Rudeus admits to having overheard their declaration, but the job Counter Arrow took was a completely different job in a different location. After realizing that the two locations had merged together, causing the two parties to run into each other, the two parties make amends and go on their separate ways.

A Harsh Condemnation

Mushoku Tensei II Ep2 Drunk leader Suzanne and Timothy

With the job over, Sara invites Rudeus to celebrate their success with the rest of the party. They go drinking at a local pub, where their conversation eventually turns to the topic of Sol. Just as they start tearing into him, the man himself enters, Sol stumbles in, clearly drunk, and apologizes once again for overreacting and accusing them of trying to steal their prey. Despite this, he suddenly starts to lay into Rudeus, accusing him of caring too much about what other people think of him. When Rudeus tries to politely laugh off his rant, he gets even angrier and has to be pulled away by his comrade.

The next day, a sober Sol encounters Rudeus again. The two remain on bad terms, with Sol unwilling to apologize or take back his words. Unfortunately for Rudeus, he has no time to speak with Sol as Suzanne, Timothy, and Patrice return alone. Not seeing Sara or Mimir, Rudeus asks where they are, only to be told the bad news: Mimir has died and Sara is missing in a heavy blizzard, a disastrous result after being attacked by snow buffalos while on a quest in Trier Forest.

RELATED:Mushoku Tensei: Rudeus's Most Powerful Abilities


Mushoku Tensei II Ep2 Sara Trapped

Rudeus leaves the guild immediately gathers his things and heads out to save Sara. As he does, Sol's words come to him again. As he effortlessly blows away the snow buffalos while searching the forest, he wonders why he is doing something so reckless. He assumes that he is doing this not to save Sara, but just to accomplish something that would give him worth. Despite this, he still can't seem to see any point to what he is doing.

Rudeus encounters a pile of bones and discovers Mimir's remains. As he collects his things, Rudeus also discovers Sara's earring, which makes him wonder if she has not already died as well. He burns Mimir's remains in a sort of makeshift funeral, but is attacked by a strange creature throwing ice magic at him. He soon finds his opponent, a tree-like creature that has Sara within its clutches. Rudeus quickly rushes to her aid and manages to pull her out before he is crushed by falling ice.

The two take refuge in a nearby cave to dry off their wet clothes. Once their clothes are dried, they decide to head back, but before they do, Sara thanks Rudeus for coming to save her, giving him a warm, genuine smile as she does. While a small thing, it manages to warm Rudeus's damaged heart. The two return to the town by sunrise, where the remaining members of Counter Arrow are shocked but overjoyed to see Sara alive.

MORE:Mushoku Tensei: Magic Spells, Explained