
  • Rudeus and Sylphiette are finally reunited after being separated for almost 10 years.
  • Rudeus opens up about his chronic impotence issue, causing their relationship to be put on hold.
  • Sylphiette seeks help from Luke and Princess Ariel to find a cure for Rudeus' condition, which eventually leads to their reunion and the cure of Rudeus' impotence.

The following contains spoilers for Episode 12 of Mushoku Tensei Season 2, "I Want to Tell You," now streaming on Crunchyroll.

Last episode culminated in one of the most anticipated events of the season as Rudeus and Sylphiette are finally reunited. The two had been split apart ever since Rudeus left Buena Village to become Eris's tutor, and the mass teleportation incident left them wondering where the other had gone. Now, almost 10 years after their separation, the two are finally reunited at Ranoa University of Magic, though it takes quite a while for Rudeus to realize it.

The two are quick to declare their love for each other once they properly reunite, but unfortunately, they still have one problem left to deal with: the issue of Rudeus' chronic impotence. The final episode of the first part of Season 2 brings an end to one of Rudeus' chapters in life and starts a brand new one for him.

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One Last Issue

Mushoku Tensei II Ep12 Rudeus and Sylphie

Having just heard Sylphie's confession, Rudeus wonders why he couldn't recognize that Fitz was Sylphie earlier. He realizes that was because while Sylphie was a crybaby, Fitz was more reliable and mature. Nevertheless, Rudeus immediately responds to Sylphie's confession and tells her that he loves her too, not wanting things to go down regretfully like it did with Eris. The two embrace and kiss, but before they can go any further, Rudeus' impotence strikes again, forcing the two of them to put things on hold.

Rudeus explains that he has had this condition for three years now, and apologizes to Sylphie for embarrassing her. Sylphie begs Rudeus not to apologize, and the two begin to talk about various things until the rain stops falling. Rudeus tells Sylphie about how he received the pendant he gave her after meeting Lilia, and Sylphie tells him about how she worked hard to learn magic until the mass teleportation incident sent her to Princess Ariel. Eventually, the rain ends, and the two begin walking back to town. On the way, Rudeus flirts with Sylphie; his impotence has not been cured, but he can still occasionally get a response. This gives him hope that his condition was getting better, and will eventually be cured.

A Fix For Rudy

Mushoku Tensei II Ep12 Sympathetic Luke

While Rudeus is willing to wait for his condition to get better with time, Sylphie is more concerned. When she returns to Princess Ariel, she explains everything that happened to her and Luke. Ariel finds the idea of Rudeus' impotence laughable, but Luke is surprisingly sympathetic. Luke tells Sylphie that he can give her something to help with Rudeus' issue and leaves her with Ariel, who offers her own advice to Sylphie during his absence.

When Luke returns, he hears Ariel telling Sylphie to use her charm to cure Rudeus' impotence. Luke finds the idea not worth doing, as Sylphie lacks the figure to truly entrance the bosom-loving Greyrat family, a statement that shocks Sylphie to her core. Luke instead offers her a potent aphrodisiac known to provide vigor to its drinker, and tells her to use it carefully. Ariel, unable to do anything else, offers Sylphie her month's allowance to use as she likes. Being supported by the two good friends she has made since the mass teleportation incident, Sylphie is nothing but grateful.

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I'm Cured

Mushoku Tensei II Ep12 Rudeus and Sylphie in room

After buying some underwear with the money Ariel gave her, Sylphie heads over to Rudeus' room with some drinks and snacks. Rudeus is surprised to see her, but lets her in. Sylphie offers some wine to Rudeus, and the two cheer to their reunion. While the two reminisce over old memories, Sylphie eventually brings out the aphrodisiac Luke gave her. She tells Rudeus that it is a possible cure for his impotence, and Rudeus immediately takes several gulps of it. Bolstered by his enthusiasm, Sylphie also drinks the aphrodisiac. After another few minutes, the two are strongly feeling the effects of the aphrodisiac. Rudeus eventually makes a move on Sylphie, and Sylphie tells Rudeus to do as he likes.

The next morning, Rudeus wakes up to find himself alone in his bed. While he tries to keep himself calm and insists that Sylphie has just gone to do her job as a guard, it's clear that the trauma from Eris leaving him is beginning to affect him. Thankfully, Sylphie returns, having only left to give her thanks to Ariel and Luke. Rudeus tearfully embraces her, and realizes that he has finally been cured of his condition, thanks to Sylphie.

Later, Rudeus goes to visit Princess Ariel with Sylphie to thank her for her help in reuniting him with Sylphie and curing his impotence. As thanks, he offers his help in whatever Ariel wants to do, which the princess accepts with ease. Ariel then asks Rudeus what he intends to do with Sylphie. Rudeus still wants to find his missing mother, but it would be rude of him to leave Sylphie behind now that his condition has been cured to go who knows where. Understanding Ariel's implications, Rudeus declares his intention to marry Sylphie. Sylphie is surprised, but she gleefully accepts. Furthermore, Ariel tells Sylphie that she no longer has to dress as a man, meaning she does not need to pretend to be Fitz anymore. As Rudeus and Sylphie thank the two of them once again, Ariel and Luke wish the two of them happiness.

MORE: Unsolved Mysteries In The Mushoku Tensei Anime