Table of contents


  • Rudeus and Sylphiette's long-awaited reunion finally happens as they embark on a quest together in the Forest of Hail.
  • Sylphiette is determined to make Rudeus remember their past, and with the help of Ariel, they come up with a plan.
  • Memories of their time together start resurfacing for Rudeus as he undresses Sylphiette, and he finally recognizes her as his childhood friend.

The following contains spoilers for Episode 11 of Mushoku Tensei Season 2, "To You," now streaming on Crunchyroll.

Rudeus and Sylphiette's relationship has been a major draw of Mushoku Tensei Season 2. Their reunion at Ranoa University of Magic was dampened due to Sylphie posing as Fitz, and with her older appearance, hidden face, and different-colored hair, Rudeus had no way of knowing his old childhood friend was right in front of him.

Ever since they met in Episode 5, fans have been eagerly waiting for Sylphie to finally reveal herself to Rudeus, and it seems like the time has finally come. The two have had a strong connection to each other since childhood, and their reunion is clearly going to be the climax of the first cour of Season 2.

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A Firm Resolution

Mushoku Tensei II Ep11 Ariel

While walking through the halls of the Ranoa University of Magic, Rudeus is approached by Luke, who wants to talk about Fitz. Rudeus feigns ignorance, sensing that Luke has learned that Rudeus has discovered Fitz's secret, and wants to act as if he never found out. Luke continues to press, but Rudeus insists that he has desire to interfere in whatever they have planned and runs off.

Some time later, Ariel speaks with Sylphie about the incident that occurred in the library, where Rudeus discovered Fitz was a woman. Ariel had previously allowed Sylphie to make contact with Rudeus however she pleased, as she hoped this connection would lead to Rudeus joining her side. However, with Rudeus now closer to discovering Fitz's real identity and Sylphie no closer to revealing herself to him, Ariel tells Sylphie that she wants her to reveal her identity to Rudeus as soon as possible. Sylphie is still reluctant, partly because she fears that Rudeus won't remember her and partly because she still feels like she has to fulfill her duty as Ariel's guardian. Nevertheless, Ariel tells Sylphie that as her friend, she wants her to make a choice that puts her wants first ahead of Ariel's. With her encouragement, Sylphie admits that she wants to be by Rudeus's side, no matter what.

The Plan To Make Rudeus Remember

Mushoku Tensei II Ep11 Rudeus and Fitz

Despite this, Sylphie remains doubtful that Rudeus actually remembers her, while Luke seems certain that Rudeus has forgotten all about Sylphie. Because of that, Sylphie is reluctant to simply reveal herself as Sylphiette, so the three start brainstorming about possible ways to get Rudeus to remember Sylphie on his own. Ariel suggests that Sylphie think about possible strong memories that two had of each other that might trigger Rudeus to remember her. Sylphie brings up a situation in the past where Rudeus had previously mistaken her for a boy, only to find out that she had been a girl while undressing her for a bath. With a plan in place, Ariel tells Sylphie to take the plan seriously; if she does not reveal her identity to Rudeus, she will not allow the two of them to meet again.

With the plan in place, Sylphie goes to look for Rudeus, finding him eating lunch with Zanoba, Julie, and Badigadi. Sylphie asks to speak alone with Rudeus, and tells him that she wants him to accompany her on a small quest. She offers a fabricated story about a noble acquaintance of Ariel bragging about procuring a special flower from the Forest of Hail, and that Ariel insisted that Fitz could do it with a smaller party. Rudeus initially suggests some underhanded ways of getting through the challenge, but Sylphie insists until Rudeus agrees to the two of them going to the forest alone.

RELATED:Mushoku Tensei: The Importance Of Rudeus's Flaws

A Memory Bubbling To The Surface

Mushoku Tensei II Ep11 Shivering Fitz and Rudeus

Rudeus and Sylphie enter the Forest of Hail, with the two making light conversation as they trudge through the heavy snow. Sylphie eventually brings up the topic of Rudeus's powerful staff, and asks if she can hold it. This plan, and once she has the staff in hand, she communicates via magic ring to Ariel, and soon rain clouds start to appear. Sylphie suggests looking for shelter, but Rudeus claims there's no need since he can simply disperse the clouds himself. Worried that the plan will go awry, Sylphie quickly strengthens the clouds, keeping Rudeus from dispersing them. With the rain starting to fall heavily, Rudeus and Sylphie have no choice but to take shelter in a nearby cave.

Rudeus quickly starts a fire and removes his clothes so that he doesn't catch cold. To his surprise, Fitz has not removed even one article of clothing. Rudeus tries to be courteous and turns away to allow Fitz to undress herself in private, but once again Fitz refuses to undress. Eventually, Fitz tells Rudeus that she wants him to undress her. Rudeus is hesitant, but ultimately agrees to her request. As he undresses her, memories of his time with Sylphie begin to resurface. Finally, once Fitz is down to her underwear, Fitz asks Rudeus to take off one more thing: her sunglasses. Rudeus takes them off, allowing him to finally see Fitz's face for the first time. The moment he sees her face, he realizes that she is Sylphiette. Sylphie embraces Rudeus with joy and confesses her love for him, and begs him to never leave her alone again.

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