The Mushoku Tensei anime series shows the life of Rudeus Greyrat, a former NEET and shut-in who reincarnates into a fantasy world with a new chance at life. In this new world, Rudeus interacts with various individuals who broaden his horizons and help him discover interesting facts.

Some of the things he discovers result from self-reflection and pain, rather than the usual happy-go-lucky moments. All in all, some of Rudeus' best quotes have summed up various experiences he has had in Mushoku Tensei, whether good or bad. These quotes carry power if only they resonate with the right person.

Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation - Every Main Character's Age, Height, & Birthday

Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation hosts a cast of interesting characters and these are their ages, heights, and birthdays.

8 "I Bet Even I Can Make It. If I Live And Try As Hard As Everyone Else."

Rudeus Strives To Make It In His Second Chance At Life

Rudeus smiling after overcoming ED
  • Season 1, Episode 1

After first-hand embarrassing and bullying experiences, a high school student turned into a NEET and shut-in. Thankfully, he got a new chance at life by getting reincarnated.

After being reincarnated, Rudeus Greyrat was given a new chance at life. As a former 34-year-old NEET, Rudeus spent most of his life as a shut-in, without social interaction. In his new life, Rudeus set his heart on trying his best to make it. By living and trying hard, even he, a former social recluse, would be able to live well and get the best use out of the new life he’s been given.

7 "Even Embarrassing Lines That Would’ve Sounded Corny In My Old Life Are Passionate And Unique Fuses Of Love In This World."

Rudeus Develops A New Perspective After Reincarnating

Mushoku Tensei Rudeus standing over a book
  • Season 1, Episode 2

Getting reincarnated in a new world was a perfect chance to restart his life and make better choices in the new one. However, Rudeus quickly discovers that, while some things remain the same, Japan and the world he now finds himself in are totally different.

By recognizing the difference in the perception of words, Rudeus remarks on how what would’ve been considered corny in his old world are heartfelt declarations in the fantasy world in which he now finds himself. With this, Rudeus discovers the true differences between his old and new worlds and how much of a difference his words and actions can make.

6 "I’ve Lost Heart And Closed Myself Off Like That Too."

Seeing Nanahoshi’s Depressive State, Rudeus Reflects On His Past

Rudeus And Nanahoshi's Emotional Parallel
  • Season 2, Episode 15

Due to his past experiences, a person closing themselves off is no small joke to Rudeus, regardless of the reason. After having repeated failures with drawing up a teleportation circle, Nanahoshi entered such a phase, and Rudeus did his best to cheer her up.

Mushoku Tensei: Battle Aura, Explained

A form of mana manipulation that allows users to perform superhuman feats, Battle Aura is an integral part of Mushoku Tensei's power system.

Looking at her, Rudeus reminisced on how he had felt similar emotions, and he began to look no better than the depressed Nanahoshi. With this quote, Rudeus empathizes with Nanahoshi, and his empathy makes him determined to help her. Seeing his past in a person’s present is no small joke to Rudeus, and the journey he embarks on to help such a person makes this quote one of self-reflection.

5 "A Man’s Word Is His Bond."

Trusting A Person From His Former World, Rudeus Teams Up With Nanahoshi

Rudeus patting Julie
  • Season 2, Episode 9

As fans know, the world of Mushoku Tensei, in which Rudeus was reincarnated, is drastically different from Japan. In this new world, popular sayings common in Japan are rare. So, when Rudeus tells Nanahoshi that a man’s word is his bond after they agreed to work together, it has important implications.

The saying not only showed Rudues’ manly side as a man who doesn’t break his word, but it also fostered trust in Nanahoshi, who proclaimed that hearing a saying popular in her world had a nice ring. While Rudeus had misgivings after his first encounter with Orsted and Nanahoshi, learning that she was from Japan made him more relaxed and ready to help her.

4 "Sure, I Lost Something Kind Of Important, But That Doesn't Mean I've Lost Everything."

Rudeus Picks Himself Up After Eris Leaves Him

Rudeus Picks Himself Up After Eris Leaves Him Mushoku Tensei
  • Season 2, Episode 1

When the first season of Mushoku Tensei ended, Rudeus was depressed and dejected when Eris left him. During the last few episodes of the first season, Rudeus became a shut-in once more, with little hope for the future.

Entering Mushoku Tensei's second season, Rudeus managed to pick himself back up; however, he still carried an air of gloom with him wherever he went. However, with this statement, Rudeus showed that he still looked forward to many more things important to him. While many might not consider it a big deal, this was a moment in which Rudeus managed to pick himself up all on his own.

3 "You Can’t Live If You Don’t Forget Everything Once In A While."

Rudeus Goes From NEET To Socialite

Rudeus And Nanahoshi's Emotional Parallel
  • Season 2, Episode 15

As a past NEET, Rudeus has never been a fan of social gatherings. However, after helping Nanahoshi get over her depressive phase, Rudeus joined in on the celebration she hosted. By joining the celebration, Rudeus realized that people can’t enjoy a good life without letting go of their worries and troubles to live in the moment with good friends and love.

Mushoku Tensei: Silent Spell-Casting, Explained

A unique method of performing magic spells without incantations, silent spell-casting is a rare skill among all classes of magic users.

This quote portrays a moment that shows just how much Rudeus has grown from who he used to be and how he now finds comfort in partying and drinking with his friends and loved ones.

2 "I Shouldn’t Discount The Possibility That I’m Unique."

Rudeus Portrays The Mindset Of A Modest Powerhouse

"I Shouldn’t Discount The Possibility That I’m Unique" Mushoku Rudeus
  • Season 1, Episode 1

Even when facing an enemy he is supposedly stronger than, Rudeus always remains on his guard, taking precautions and humbling himself. He rarely allows his many talents to get to his head.

While many might believe Rudeus is an individual who lacks belief in himself, this quot shows that the young mage is truly aware of what he’s capable of. Yet, he seeks to maintain a relatively low profile without the haughtiness generally attributed to geniuses. This makes his personality even more endearing, as Rudeus proves that he will only unsheathe his sword when necessary.

1 "I’m Here For You. I Won’t Go Away. I’ll See You For Who You Are."

Rudeus Embraces And Accepts Norn

Rudeus Reflects On His Past As He Opens Up To His Sister
  • Season 2, Episode 17

In the second season of Mushoku Tensei, Rudeus meets his sisters and begins to live with them. However, Rudeus quickly finds that, like him before he reincarnated, Norn is antisocial and borders on becoming a shut-in. Because he was in a similar situation, to Rudeus, few things could be more serious.

Thankfully, because he was once in her shoes, Rudeus doesn’t try to give Norn common sense arguments. Instead, he strives to see her for who she is. As he opens up to her and tells her this, Norn also sees her brother for the kind person he is.

Mushoku Tensei
Mushoku Tensei Jobless Reincarnation
Studio Bind
Rifujin na Magonote
Number of Episodes
Streaming Service(s)
Crunchyroll , Hulu