
  • Update 1.04 for MultiVersus focuses on fixing networking issues and reducing disconnect rates on older consoles.
  • Iron Giant receives more nerfs in this update, preventing them from using certain attacks while holding an enemy.
  • The game continues to address player feedback with smaller tweaks, with a larger character balancing update on the horizon.

Player First Games releases update 1.04 for it's free-to-play platform fighter, MultiVersus. After shutting down last year, MultiVersus returned this past May with additional content like Friday the 13th's Jason Voorhees as well as a dedicated PvE mode called Rifts. Since the game's return, developer Player First Games has continued to keep the game updated, both balancing the expansive roster of WB characters as well as addressing various issues that have cropped up.

In fact, the game has been seeing more and more updates as of late, with version 1.02 launching in MultiVersus just last week. One of the bigger issues that patch managed to resolve were framerate related issues impacting matches for players on the Xbox Series X/S, as well as desync problems. However, these updates have also made character balancing a priority as well, making smaller tweaks to various movesets to bring them more in line with the developer's vision. The same can be said of Update 1.04, which continues to make positive changes to keep matches functioning.

MultiVersus Fan Imagines What a Move Set for Walter White Could Look Like

One MultiVersus fan excited at Breaking Bad's Walter White being a possible roster addition shares a possible moveset full of science and rage.

Update 1.04 for MultiVersus continues making background improvements to the game, fixing a nasty networking issue that caused longer loading screen times to trigger timeout errors, leading to further game crashes especially on older consoles like PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Following the patch release, Player First Games has confirmed that the disconnect rates on these consoles in particular have dropped significantly. Players will also likely notice that additional MultiVersus Battle Pass XP is now earned for finishing daily missions and completing PvE Rifts as well.

While Player First Games has admitted that it is working on a larger character balancing update in the near future, this latest patch also continues the trend of tweaking a few on the roster. In particular, Iron Giant continues to be a problem in MultiVersus after being disabled temporarily back at launch and going through multiple tweaks in previous updates. For Update 1.04, Iron Giant has received additional nerfs as the ground side special has been restricted even more, going as far as preventing the character from grabbing an enemy and being able to use additional attacks or simply walking off a ledge with them.

Alongside these current changes, MultiVersus has teased additional upcoming content the studio is working on. The studio provided a list of current and upcoming features they're working on, some of which have been addressed already. The popular Free-For-All mode as well as being able to spectate custom games appear to be on the horizon, as well as some quality of life additions like a replay button for Rift nodes, online Ranked, end of game stats screen, and plenty of settings and options to further customize the game experience.

MultiVersus Update 1.04 Patch Notes


  • The previous hotfix (1.03) addressed an issue where the input buffer was longer than expected and led to unintentionally buffered inputs.



+ = Buff

= Nerf

~ = Change

* = Bugfix

Note: Attacks callouts reference default controls.

Banana Guard

  • Emotes
    • * Fixed an issue where certain emotes would remove attack recovery

Harley Quinn

  • Emotes
    • * Fixed an issue where certain emotes would remove attack recovery

Iron Giant

  • Ground Side Special
    • – Iron Giant can no longer jump while holding an enemy
    • – Iron Giant can no longer use his up special attack while holding an enemy
    • – Iron Giant can no longer walk off ledges while holding an enemy
  • Air/Ground Neutral Special
    • * Fixed an issue where Iron Giant could cancel hitstun if knocked back during this attack
  • Air/Ground Up Special
    • * Fixed an issue where Iron Giant could cancel hitstun if knocked back during this attack


  • Ground Side Attack 1
    • – Jump branch window delayed 3 frames


  • Emotes
    • * Fixed an issue where certain emotes would remove attack recovery


  • Air Neutral Attack
    • ~ Reverted from 1.01 Base Knockback decreased to 1300 from 1700
    • ~ Reverted from 1.01 Knockback Scaling decreased to 13 from 14
    • ~ Reverted from 1.01 Knockback Angle is more downwards
    • ~ Reverted from 1.01 On-Hit cancel window faster by 10 frames