
  • Multiversus offers a wide variety of characters with cool skins, from strong to cute, allowing players to find their perfect match easily.
  • Newcomers like Banana Guard and Joker bring fresh mechanics and surprises, standing out as top-tier fighters in the game.
  • Characters like Superman, Wonder Woman, and Bugs Bunny offer unique playstyles, making them formidable opponents in battle.

Multiversus is one of the most fun family-friendly free superhero games that's entertaining for casual and avid gamers too. The game is filled with some of the most iconic and beloved animation pop-culture characters from gamers' favorite shows and movies which makes the gaming time all that more engaging.

MultiVersus: 8 Cartoon Network Characters Perfect For The Roster

There are plenty of Cartoon Network characters who could prove their might in this fighting game gauntlet.

Multiversus has a wide range of characters and players can even choose from pretty cool variant skins. Some of the characters are strong some are more hilarious and cute and players will also have to learn which characters they can master easily. While some of Multiversus' characters are significantly stronger than others they also tend to be some of the hardest to master which means that beginners and casual gamers will have a hard time using them during their battles.

Updated May 30th, 2024 by Jacob Buchalter: The initial launch of Multiversus in its completed state has been, a bit rocky to say the least. Fans are truly excited about the roster and the polish on the game itself is pretty immaculate, but there have been a lot of changes made to the game between the beta version and the full release version, and the player base has a lot to say about these changes (and rightfully so). That said, other than the general speed of the game, the core fighting game underneath it all is mostly the same, so let's take a more in-depth look at the fighters themselves, especially the newcomers, and see which ones are at the top of the rankings in terms of strength.

10 Banana Guard

Odd That a Sentient Banana Man Accurately Encapsulates 'Simple is Best'

Multiversus - Banana Guard


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Banana Guard


Adventure Time

First up is one of the newest additions to the roster, Banana Guard. You might be surprised, as there are a whole lot of Banana Guards in the Adventure Time cartoon series, so it's unclear as to which one this is, but he's here to throw down. Banana Guard is, on the surface, an incredibly simple and basic character.

He has a spear, he charges with it and he has all of the moves you would expect someone with a spear to have. However, these 'predictable' moves are all also incredibly good, making him a surprisingly fun (and competent) character to use. It's a bit too early to say definitively where he falls compared to the rest of the roster, but honestly, it seems like Banana Guard is among the best of the best.

9 Jason Voorhees

An Absolute Slab of Meat With Surprising Amounts of Reach

Multiversus - Jason Voorhees


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Jason Voorhees


Friday the 13th Movie Series

Multiversus is a game that has a very eclectic list of characters, but almost no one would have guessed that Crystal Lake Camp's very own serial killer would be making an appearance. Jason Voorhees is in Multiversus, and even more than that, he's absurdly buff. The proportions on this guy are, honestly, staggering, he's absolutely built like a bear. Mechanically, Jason also has a lot more going on than most people would have guessed.

With a serial killer character, one might expect him to have a couple of slashing attacks and that he would use a variety of weapons. But, Mr. Voorhees has a teleport ability, three different command grabs (one where he literally stuffs you in a sleeping bag), and a power armor buff mechanic where he damages himself in order to give himself grey health and a ton of extra knockback on his next attack. All-in-all, Jason is just a character that anyone can pick up and have fun with without much practice at all, and that goes a long way.

8 Joker

Everyone Knew He Was Going to Be Strong

Multiversus - Joker


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The Joker


The Batman Comic Books

As soon as it was confirmed that the Joker was coming to Multiversus, basically everyone knew that he was going to be good if not amazing mechanically. A jokester who can literally use anything as a weapon as long as it's funny is just too open of a concept not to pull some amazing moves out of there.

But, what's most surprising (now that he's playable) is how fantastic Joker's normals are. Yes his Specials are also fantastic and his cards and curtain Specials, in particular, are designed to make opponents guess a 50/50 on what the attack is, but his Normals are the real star of the show. They just all have great reach, come out quickly, and are incredibly fast (especially since Joker is an Assassin). Overall, Joker just has a lot of tricks up his sleeve, which makes him incredibly formidable.

7 Lebron James

Has Access to Some Absurd Gimmicks With His Basketball

Multiversus - Lebron James


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Lebron James


A Real Life Person (Also Space Jam: A New Legacy)

Anyone who was on social media when Multiversus first launched on PC probably saw multiple videos of Lebron James in Multiversus absolutely just demolishing his AI opponent in the Training Lab with multiple bouncing basketballs stacked on top of each other. And, while (at the time of writing this) that's still possible to do, Lebron is on here because he's a very strong character in general.

6 Best Square Enix Fighting Games, Ranked

Square Enix's prowess with RPGs is well-known, but how does the studio fare with fighting games? Here are its best offerings in the genre, ranked.

His basketball projectile and mind games he plays with the 'no look' pass keep opponents constantly guessing, his normals (when holding the ball) are incredible, and he has a lot of innate juggling potential so he can keep opponents up in the air and helpless for a long time. Overall, Lebron James takes a bit of time to learn and even more time to master in Multiversus, but once someone does, they'll absolutely start demolishing their opponents online.

6 Superman

Hits Harder, Tanks Damage, & Has a Ton of Armored Moves

Multiversus - Superman


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Superman Comic Books

Superman mains back in the beta were 'eating good' as they say, and they're still eating good now. The man of steel is just an absolute powerhouse of a character who can take so much damage, has so much armor on his moves, and even has the more 'gimmicky' stuff like his flying command grab. Overall Superman just feels like he has more freedom, especially in twos, because his attacks get to just push through enemy attacks more often due to armor.

Nothing, and I mean nothing is scarier than a Superman in Multiversus flying at you when you're at high damage, and that's sort of everything that needs to be said about why this character is on this list.

5 Shaggy

Very Basic, But in The Best Type of Way

Multiversus - Shaggy


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Norville 'Shaggy' Rogers


Scooby Doo

For those players who want to go with one of the Scooby-Doo gang members, Shaggy is probably the best choice. While Velma is also a very strong character she was nerfed and now is considerably weaker and is one of the hardest-to-play characters, and that happened all the way back in the beta and still hasn't really changed. However, Shaggy is a powerful Bruiser class character who is great when it comes to up-close fights and is one of the easiest-to-master characters in MultiVersus.

Best Fighting Games Only On PC

Players can find a variety of great fighting games exclusive to the PC. These examples are a good place to start.

Shaggy is not only the best choice for beginners because he's an easy-to-use character but also because he's one of the strongest hitting ones. As far as normals go, his normals are all pretty strong, with no real 'bad' options among them, which is not something that many other fighters in the roster can say.

4 Wonder Woman

Everything Superman Has But Faster & Better

Multiversus - Wonder Woman


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Wonder Woman


Wonder Woman Comic Books

DC's most beloved female superhero is also one of the strongest characters of MultiVersus. While Wonder Woman is a hard-to-master tank character she can be more than useful, especially in 2s where she has the ability to protect and support her allies as well.

In general, Multiversus is a bit of a slower-paced fighting game, but there are a certain few characters who feel like they move at a faster speed compared to everyone else, and Wonder Woman is one of them. There's not much else to say, she has a relatively easy-to-understand kit, almost all of her attacks are worth using, and she's so incredibly tanky.

3 Batman

Like Shaggy, But With a Lot More Tricks & Tools

Multiversus - Batman


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Batman (Bruce Wayne)


The Batman Comic Books

While Batman did face some pretty noticeable nerfs between the beta version of Multiversus and now, he's still one of the roster's strongest fighters. Giving the guy a returning projectile, a ranged command grab, an armor-breaking move, and strong normals surprisingly adds up to making a very powerful character. He's very similar to Harley in the sense that, if Multiversus really is feeling slow for you, then it might be worth trying out him, Harley, or a few other of the faster characters and see how you feel then.

Batman, as one would expect from the world's greatest detective, is just a character that has an answer for any problem presented to him, though typically the answer is just to use his charged up-attack or up-special until it works.

2 Harley Quinn

An Absurdly Fast Character For This (Admittedly Slow) Fighting Game

Multiversus - Harley Quinn


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Harley Quinn


The Batman Comic Books

For those wondering if Harley Quinn is still an unstoppable menace in the full release of Multiversus, don't worry, she absolutely is. There's a lot of talk (at the time of writing this) about the game feeling slow in terms of speed, and it's never more noticeable than when fighting against a Harley Quinn player. It truly feels like she's playing the game at mach speed, as all of her attacks are so fast, they so naturally combo into each other, and she has such great area denial and CC with her stuffed Batman and floating jack-in-the-box.

In general, Harley Quinn doesn't really feel like an Assassin like say, someone like Arya Stark does because she gets the speed, she gets the damage, and she's also still relatively tanky. Honestly, there's not really anything to say as far as downsides go for this character, she truly is just incredibly powerful.

1 Bugs Bunny

Just an Absolute Nightmare to Deal With

Multiversus - Bugs Bunny


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Bugs Bunny


Looney Toons

Bugs Bunny was an absolute nightmare to fight against during the beta state of Multiversus and he's still an absolute nightmare to fight now. Frankly, he might be even better now as the speed of the game has sort of nerfed the entire roster as a whole, with it barely affecting (if at all) Bugs' strength. His safe-summoning special is still way too strong, his aerial up-attack is still your opponent's worst nightmare, and he can still use his mallet to spike you into oblivion. And if all else fails and Bugs is in danger, than he simply just burrows into the stage itself to reposition himself.

Fighting against a good Bugs Bunny player in 1v1s is tough, but nothing is more difficult than attempting to fight against two Bugs Bunny players in 2v2s, especially against ones who know what they're doing.