MultiVersus is an incredibly popular platform fighter, especially on Steam where it's now the most popular fighting game on the platform. And, a big reason for that popularity has to do with its approachability.

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The game is based all around beloved characters and the controls are relatively easy to pick up for those not incredibly familiar with the genre. And for the veterans, the more advanced mechanics are there to reward those who stay. But, because basic combat is a bit simpler by design, there are some attacks that players tend to over-depend on and even spam. So, let's look at some of the more annoying attacks in MultiVersus that players are already being pretty vocal about.

9 Harley Quinn's Batter Up!

Multiversus - Harley Catching Taz In Her Up Special

First up let's talk about Harley Quinn. This character is just absurd. She's got extra damage thanks to her Assassin Class, enough tools to compare her to Solid Snake in Smash Ultimate, and fantastic Normal Attacks that tend to lead to high-damaging combos. And, on top of all that, she has one of the most reliable vertical KO moves in the game with the Up+Special Batter Up and a consistently safe approaching move with her Aerial Pummeler Neutral+Normal Attack.

Nothing is worse for a player than falling toward a Harley who's winding up her bat.

8 Shaggy's Chiller Instinct Kick

Multiversus - Shaggy About To Hit Velma With A Charged Up Instinct Kick

Ah, the Chiller Instinct Kick, also known as Shaggy's own rendition of Captain Falcon's "Falcon Kick" from the Super Smash Bros series. However, unlike the Captain, Shaggy has the ability to buff his Kick using the Rage generated from his Neutral+Special, Zoinks, and turn this already overpowered Kick into something that can Ring Out opponents at insanely low damage numbers.

Not only that, this Kick also just has some absurd speed and reach as it beats out most other moves in the game, which is why the last open beta was so rampant with Shaggy players who did nothing but spam their Instinct Kicks all game. And, the crazy part is, most of the time they still won using one attack.

7 Garnet's Crystal Combo

Multiversus - Garnet About To Slam Poor Reindog With Her Crystal Combo

Now, compared to characters like Shaggy and Harley, Garnet is not as popular and not quite as obviously strong. But, what this Crystal Gem has in spades is knockback power and pure weight. Garnet is the third heaviest character in the game behind the Iron Giant and Superman, and she uses that weight to her advantage. But, Garnet's bread-and-butter move has to be here Side+Normal Attack, her Crystal Combo that has three different "finishers" to it.

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There's the uppercut finisher, the two downward punches finisher, and finally the Armor fist flam finisher. This last one is by far her most annoying move, as it has a gigantic arc to it that reaches over Garnet's head, it's Armored so she completes the swing no matter what (mostly), and it has tons of knockback. In fact, this move is so good that the few Garnet players that there are tend to over-rely on it and ignore their other fantastic moves such as her Starburst Aerial Neutral+Attack or her Spark of Love Up+Special.

6 Jake's Hambone Brake!

Multiversus - Jake's Stretchy Fist Reaching All The Way Up To Iron Giant's Face

Jake the Dog might be one of the most beloved characters on the MultiVersus roster and for good reason, he's just such a loveable guy. But, he does have a few flaws as a fighting game character, and one of them is how much he's lacking in quick-approaching moves. Harley, for example, has her Aerial Side+Attacks that come out quickly and easily combo into her Grounded Attacks, but Jake struggles a bit.

Yes, Jake can use Giddy Up, Stretching Out, or even his Belly Bump Aerial Neutral+Attackr as approaching tools, but most people just rely on Hambone Brake. It's a charge move, has a sweet spot at the end of the fist, has great damage/knockback, and is even aim-able! Because this move is so versatile compared to his other options, it's another one of those attacks that new Jake players just end up spamming constantly, making it a real pain to fight against.

5 Finn's Backpack Attack

Multiversus - Finn Loving Using His Backpack Spin Too Much

Now that Finn the Human free character roster, people are finally realizing just how strong this adventurer of Ooo is. Finn is basically the only sword character in the game (Wonder Woman's sword barely counts), and it shows, as his reach and swing speed are so absurd compared to the rest of the cast. On the ground, a skilled Finn player can rack up 60-100 damage on an opponent in a couple of seconds, easily, while also beating out any attempt they make to counterattack.

But, it's his Up+Special, Backpack Attack, that people truly fear. This thing is every bit as strong as Link's Up+Special has been in every Smash game. But, the real terror is the fact that the hitbox for this attack extends upward, above the actual animation, making it very easy to get sucked into the spin when it looks like it should have been avoided. This attack, alongside more upcoming nerfs to Bugs Bunny, needs to be something the developers take a look at.

4 Superman's Ten-Ton Tackle

Multiversus - Superman Catching Wonder Woman Out Of The Air With Ten-Ton Tackle

Another relatively popular character that's seen a massive resurgence with the free character rotation is Superman. Previously, players would only have to go up against a Heat Vision, Ten-Ton Tackle spamming Superman every once and a while, now it's an hourly occurrence at best. For those unaware, not only is Superman a Tank-Class character with an absurd number of Armored Grounded attacks, he also has a gliding Air Special that basically functions like a command grab.

And, at lower percentages, it's obscenely easy to throw the opponent with the Ten-Ton Tackle, get underneath them in the air, then use the Go Long Up+Special to toss them directly up into the Blast Zone for a low-damage Ring Out.

3 Iron Giant's Cannonball

Multiversus - Iron Giant Coming Down Like A Meteor On Top Of Harley

Before talking about Iron Giant, it needs to be said that this character is hilariously gigantic and so easy to combo in Teams. So, in exchange for having a lot of moves with ginormous hitboxes and long animations, IG is basically a punching bag when he's not attacking (unless he's using his Bolts). That said, this is in no way an excuse for the beginner players in Teams that just let their ally absorb all the aggro from the enemy players while they just continuously spam his Cannonball Down+Special from the top of the stage over and over again (which will also bug out half the time).

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Thankfully, the attack is easy to dodge, but the hitbox lasts a bit longer past the end of the animation, so it's easy for players to think it's is over and try to punish it, only to get hit with the tail end of the hitbox and go flying off-screen.

2 Steven Universe's Steven Bomb

Multiversus - Steven Universe Using Steven Bomb From The Safety Of His Shield

This next annoying attack isn't all too widely known, simply because Steven Universe is one of the least played characters on the roster. That said, as a Steven main, we know just how annoying the Steven Bomb Neutral+Special can be. Not only does this Special have absurd knockback and damage, it's also very easy to hit.

Because the bomb attached to Steven, the other bomb he leaves floating (or attaches to his ally), and the energy tether connecting them all count as hitboxes when the attack pops, it's very easy for Steven players to position themselves to hit an opponent and just hold out their shield waiting for it to pop. This move is even more annoying because it punishes players who have adapted to MultiVersus' aggressive playstyle of constantly staying on their opponent.

1 Tom & Jerry's Slingshot Sharpshooter

Multiversus - Tom Using Jerry To Set Up His Tennis Balls

Last up, it's time to talk about Tom and Jerry. There's no way a list about annoying attacks wouldn't include these two, the most highly-technical and highly-annoying character(s) on the roster. With the Slingshot Sharpshooter Neutral+Special especially, Tom can position Jerry wherever he wants on the stage before having Jerry send some Tennis Balls his way to then constantly pepper his opponents with using the Racket.

For an example of just how dominating this combination can be, just watch a single match of Smash Ultimate pro CLG Void playing as Tom and Jerry.

MultiVersus is available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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