
  • Jason Voorhees joins the MultiVersus roster with unique moves like the Fear the 13th combo and Unstoppable Rage special.
  • Jason utilizes weapons and supernatural abilities like Mist Step for teleportation and a meteor smash-style move, Six Feet Under.
  • MultiVersus features a wide cast including iconic characters like Batman, Bugs Bunny, and Ayra Stark.

A new video for MultiVersus has been released that focuses on the moveset of one of the game's newest characters, Jason Voorhees. MultiVersus, much like Nintendo's Super Smash Bros. franchise, is a crossover platformer fighting game that features a number of iconic characters from Warner Bros.' catalog of IPs. It features a wide cast, with characters from cartoons, comic books, and live-action properties, like Bugs Bunny, Scooby-Doo, Batman, and Ayra Stark, among others. One surprising addition to the roster for its relaunch is Jason Voorhees from the Friday the 13th franchise.

Jason Voorhees was confirmed for MultiVersus' roster earlier this week, alongside The Joker from Batman and even Agent Smith from the Matrix movies. The iconic slasher horror villain will terrorize his opponents with various weapons and methods of killing, though toned down for MultiVersus' more cartoony art style. Not only will he be present in his iconic hockey-masked form, but his orbital Uber Jason variant from Jason X will also be a skin for Voorhees. Before the relaunch of MultiVersus, a video was released that shows off some of his moves and their utilities.

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The director of Player First Games' platform brawler MultiVersus expresses interest in bringing one of TV's most iconic characters into the game. 

In this new MultiVersus video, Jason appears to have a few different charged moves. His ground neutral has him charging up an axe attack, where he can move forward for a short amount of time before bringing it down. Likewise, his Crunch Time ground up attack has him use a bed that can snap an opponent above him, which can also be charged. Zombie Stomp has him stomp the ground, sending them flying upwards, which can also be charged to a certain level.

Jason Voorhees' Move Set in MultiVersus

  • Freight Train: Dash attack - Jason runs forward, shoulder tackling anyone in his way.
  • Axe Slam: Normal Ground Neutral - Charges an axe attack, Jason can move forwards slowly while charging.
  • Fear the 13th: Normal Ground Side - A three-hit combo that ends with a grab and tosses the opponent away.
  • Crunch Time: Normal Ground Up - Charges an attack using a bed, launching the opponent upwards.
  • Zombie Stomp: Normal Ground Down - Charges a stomp attack that can propel enemies upwards.
  • Scoop and Slice: Normal Air Neutral - Swings a hatchet that arcs downwards.
  • Cut Them Down: Normal Air Side - Swings a machete to the side while in the air, knocking back the opponent greatly.
  • From Below: Normal Air Up - Jason swings his machete upwards, twice.
  • Six Feet Under: Normal Air Down - Spikes an opponent downwards with a meteor smash-esque punch.
  • Unstoppable Rage: Special Ground Neutral - Channels Jason's rage to self-inflict damage, gaining gray health for Jason and his allies. The enraged state allows Jason to move faster and will deal more damage and knockback on next attack. Enraged ends after gray health is depleted, or an attack is used.
  • Mist Step: Special Ground Side - Jason steps into mist to teleport forward, knocking back any opponent near the mist.
  • No Escape: Special Ground Up - Jason swings his hatchet upward, catching any opponents in range, and then slams them on the ground.
  • Sweet Dreams: Special Groudn Down - Jason stuffs an opponent in a sleeping bag, creating a weapon. Jason can walk around and swing the bag as an attack. Pressing the special button will throw the bag as a projectile with the opponent still inside.
  • The Slasher: Special Air Neutral - Grabs the opponent out of the air to slash and stab them.
  • Air Mist Step: Special Air Side - Steps into the mist to teleport forward, which can be angled upward or downward slightly.
  • Risen Strike: Special Air Up - Knocks an opponent upwards using a rising cleaver strike.
  • Down and Out: Special Air Down - Jason slashes his cleaver down and forward. Landing while attacking triggers a third slash.
  • Relentless: Passive ability that makes Jason immune to knockback while he has gray health active.

Jason has a few other moves, like his dash attack, the Freight Train, where he runs forward and shoulder tackles anyone in his way. He also has a variety of air moves, such as neutral air, Scoop and Slice, where he swings his hatchet in a downwards arc, or a meteor attack, six feet under, which works like Mario's own Meteor Smash from Super Smash Bros. to spike an opponent downwards to the ground.

Mist Step replicates Jason's supernatural teleporting power, which allows him to teleport forward, and any opponent near the mist will be pushed back, and it can be used in the air. He can stuff an opponent into a sleeping bag, creating an improvised weapon and projectile.

Jason's unique trait is his neutral special, Unstoppable Rage, which inflicts damage to him, but gives him and his allies gray health. An Engraged Jason can move faster and deal more damage and knockback for his next attack, with it ending when the gray health is depleted or an attack is used. Additionally, anyone with gray health is immune to knockback, replicating the implacable man horror trope.