A MultiVersus fan created a number of alternate skins for Iron Giant, including one based off of Superman. The free-to-play fighting title offers a number of different costumes for many of its fighters, letting gamers choose how their character looks when playing. MultiVersus skins draw from many sources, some of which may be unknown to players.

The Iron Giant originates from an animated film an animated film of the same name that originally released in 1999. The film centers around a nine-year-old boy that befriends a giant robot who came from outer space. However, a paranoid U.S. Government agent shows up in the boy's town determined to destroy the robot at all costs. A MultiVersus fan shared a variety of Iron Giant skins that they made up, creating unique looks for the character.

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A Redditor named Bun_Boi posted eight skins that they drew for Iron Giant. The skins have a number of influences, which include BMO from Adventure Time and Ultron from Avengers: Age of Ultron. The artist also created a few original costumes, such as a soldier version of the character. All of the skins that Bun_Boi came up with are impressive and would be nice additions to MultiVersus as alternate looks for Iron Giant.

MultiVersus Iron Giant Skins 2

An additional image can be seen in Bun_Boi's original Reddit post.

The skins that Bun_Boi shared have gained a number of fans. Many are expressing their love for the costumes, with quite a few commenters stating that they appreciate the Gumball Guardian version. Many agree that the Ultron skin would be nice, but do not think it could ever be a thing due to the villain being a Marvel character. There were also a number of users who mentioned that they want the Giant Clank costume to be a real thing in MultiVersus since the character was not available in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

This is not the first set of alternate skins that Bun_Boi has done for a MultiVersus character. The artist also did a number of costumes for the game's only original character in MultiVersus called Reindog. Bun_Boi came up with five skins for him, including Salty Dog, a pirate version of the character, and the Christmas-inspired Reindolf. The other three are Lucky Dog, which gives Reindog a satchel full of gold; Reingoat, which turns the beast into a goat; and Reinboi, a skin that makes the character a lot fluffier. The costumes that Bun_Boi came up with for both Iron Giant and Reindog look awesome and would be loved by any MultiVersus players who main the two characters.

MultiVersus is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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