
  • MultiVersus faces issues with the Iron Giant's overpowered gameplay.
  • The character's size and "touch of death" combos make him difficult to face.
  • Some players love the Iron Giant, but his mechanics are currently polarizing.

MultiVersus brings some of the most iconic characters from Warner Bros. IP and pits them head-to-head in an all-out brawl. The action-packed fighting title that takes inspiration from the likes of Super Smash Bros. features a variety of familiar faces. From Arya Stark from Game of Thrones to Bugs Bunny, MultiVersus brings some great characters to the stage. However, when it comes to the Iron Giant, the character has shown to be divisive among players.

The Iron Giant is a beloved and underrated character from the Warner Bros. roster. This character is a giant robot from the 1999 animated film Iron Giant. Although the addition of the character was an exciting prospect at first, there have been some major gameplay issues that have plagued the character, which has ultimately left many players frustrated. This isn't the first time the Iron Giant has had controversy in MultiVersus, but this time it affects some players' ability to enjoy the game.

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MultiVersus is Facing a Problem With the Iron Giant

Claims of the Iron Giant Being Overpowered

The biggest criticism of the character is that the Iron Giant is far too powerful when fighting in matches. Some have even claimed that it's practically impossible to defeat him. The most notable issue with the character comes with four "touch of death" combos that are fairly simple to pull off. These attacks begin at 0% damage and eventually end with the Iron Giant knocking the opponent out of bounds, which has understandably left many dreading going head-to-head with the character. These combos have proven to be so bothersome that it has even led MultiVersus to temporarily diable the Iron Giant in order to rebalance him.

Iron Giant's Role as a Tank

Due to his towering size, it makes perfect sense that the Iron Giant plays the role of a tank character in the game. However, the aforementioned size has proven to be another problem for some players. The Iron Giant's size also makes it incredibly easy for the character to knock players out of bounds in a match. As the largest character in the game, his stature can sometimes take up nearly half of the stage.

When it comes to character brawlers, MultiVersus has managed to set itself apart from other titles in the genre, and one special aspect is in the aerial-focused combat. Although the emphasis on fighting in the air is fun, it can also make the Iron Giant a nightmare to face when he can easily push players off the map.

The Iron Giant's Future in MultiVersus

Despite the criticism from some, there are other MultiVersus players who love the character and think that complaints about him feeling unbeatable are overblown. Since he's a tank character, there could be an argument made that the Iron Giant is supposed to feel cumbersome and difficult to face. As MultiVersus continues to change, only time will tell if the Iron Giant will reach a state that makes him a far less divisive character. So far, developer Player First Games has managed to craft a unique character brawler, but the issue with the Iron Giant demonstrates that the game has some growing pains to still get through.

There are hopes that MultiVersus will add some iconic characters that have yet to be seen in the game, but until then, the game's roster is still a great lineup of faces. The Iron Giant is a wonderful character that many were excited to see brought to life in the game, so it's a shame to see such divided opinions on his mechanics. As time goes on, Player First Games will hopefully find the sweet spot for the Iron Giant.