
  • Multiversus full release is out now, with a diverse roster of colorful characters catering to both newbies and pros. Enjoy the variety!
  • Characters like Joker, Velma, Marvin, Tom & Jerry, Steven Universe, Arya Stark, and Rick Sanchez offer unique mechanics worth exploring.
  • Master the complexities of your chosen character to maximize their potential and dominate the arena in this highly adaptable free-to-play fighter.

Multiversus, the free-to-play fighter from Player First Games and published by Warner Bros. Games is out now as a full-release title. The game was in an open beta period for quite a long time over a year ago, but then it went offline so developers could entirely focus on finishing development on the game for its full release.

MultiVersus: Best Standard Perks, Ranked

The Standard Perks in Multiversus are the last category of Perks you can equip & are honestly the most impactful. Here are the best ones, ranked.

Well, it's out now and while fans do have a lot to say about the game (both good and bad), no one is complaining about its roster. There are so many colorful characters to choose from in Multiversus, but some are a whole lot easier to 'pick up and play' than others. To make sure people are picking the best character fit right away, let's take a deeper look at all the fighters in this game and break down the more difficult ones to master out of the group.

7 Joker

Complex, But Not in the Way You'd Expect

Multiversus - Joker Image


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Batman (DC Comics)

Everyone who knew that Joker was coming to Multiversus likely expected him to be on this list, and their assumption was correct. While the Joker isn't 'that' complicated overall, he does seemingly have a lot of small relatively complex mechanics stacked on top of each other. Just to name a few of the things Joker players will want to keep track of during a match:

  • What do his throwing cards do?
  • What throwing card is coming up next?
  • Which moves are chargeable and which ones aren't?
  • Does he want to use the charged pogo bounce or the regular one?
  • Should he cancel out of his charged special to fill up his 'haha' meter and use that charge later?

That's not everything, but for the most part, if people want to succeed with Joker, they're going to have to keep at least all of that in mind every match. Again, it's not the worst thing if they don't, but they'll definitely struggle more with this character when they're just 'mashing buttons'.

6 Velma

It Takes Some Work to Solve a Mystery

Multiversus - Velma


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Velma Dinkley


Scooby Doo

Velma Dinkley was a highly technical character in the beta version of Multiversus and now that the game has fully launched, she's still pretty technical. Granted, she's a bit less complicated now than she used to be, but players still have to keep track of her clues, which attacks of her can spawn clues, when's the best time to use the Mystery Machine after gathering enough clues, if she should use her Neutral Special to heal allies, and if she should pop her Down Special to reduce all cooldowns.

Multiversus: Best Team Perks, Ranked

Team Perks in Multiversus are typically designed around 2v2s compared to the other Perks that can work in either 1:1 or 2:2. These are the best ones.

So, needless to say, there's a lot to keep in mind when playing Velma. Thankfully, if players do manage to keep track of all that, they'll find that Velma is pretty strong and highly adaptable, making her a difficult character to master but one whose mastery feels entirely 'earned'.

5 Marvin The Martian

A Whole Lot of Playing Around Your Projectiles

Multiversus - Marvin the Martian


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Marvin the Martian


Looney Tunes

Marvin the Martian was the last character to come out during the open beta period for Multiversus, and he's back now in the full release. While it may seem like Marvin is a Mage/Ranged like a lot of the other technical characters on this list, he's actually an Assassin.

Quite frankly, Marvin the Martian players need to fully understand his kit and how to utilize it best if they want to succeed at all with this character. Most of the other fighters on this list players can ignore their more complicated mechanics and still find relative success, but not with Marvin. If Marvin the Martian players aren't constantly trying to keep their enemy afflicted with Targeted, control the stage using his projectiles, or divert the enemy's focus with the missiles from his ship, they're doing something wrong. Once a player actually learns Marvin, he's incredibly strong and really tough to deal with as an opponent, but until that point, players might feel like they're 'floundering' with him.

4 Tom & Jerry

As Complex as Ever, But Now With a Closer Camera

Multiversus - Tom and Jerry


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Tom & Jerry


Tom & Jerry (Cartoons)

Much like Velma, Tom & Jerry were already known to be incredibly complicated fighters in Multiversus all the way back during the open beta for the game. They're like if the Ice Climbers from the Smash Bros games had even more going on and Nana could be KO'd with a single hit. A great way to know when you're doing well as Tom & Jerry is when the opponent looks like an absolute fool as they're getting hit by combos. If the opponent is getting smashed by trashcan lids, pelted with tennis balls, yanked by fishing rods, and more, then you're probably doing alright.

MultiVersus: Best Strong Perks, Ranked

Perks are still in the full-release version of Multiversus, even if they've been simplified. These are the best choices for the 'Strong' Perk Slot.

Keeping track of Jerry mid-match takes a whole lot of time to master in itself, never mind utilizing him well with the rest of Tom's moves. And, knowing when to grab Jerry to prevent him from being KO'd by the opponent is also another level of complexity. And finally, Tom & Jerry probably got the most unique nerf between the open beta and now because the camera is noticeable closer to the players at all times in Multiversus than it used to be, which makes it noticeable more difficult to keep track of and manage Jerry properly.

3 Steven Universe

Floaty, Tanky, & Complex All-in-One

Multiversus - Steven Universe


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Steven Universe


Steven Universe (Cartoon)

Steven Universe isn't the most popular character on Multiversus' roster, not by a long shot, but the ones who do master this little powerhouse are absolutely terrifying to deal with. Quite honestly, Steven kind of has it all as far as his moveset is concerned. He has a shield ability (something no one else has), he has projectiles, he has a great spike, he has a minion he summons (AKA Watermelon Steven), and he even has area denial with his tether projectile. And on top of all this, he also has the Rose's Gaze unique ailment which completely isolates opponents in a bubble in the middle of the fight.

All that said, because Steven has a lot of different tools, he's far from the best in any category. It's a jack-of-all-trades, but master of none situation. Additionally, the hitboxes for most of Steven's normals are incredibly small due to his stature and wingspan, which makes it hard to finish opponents off when they reach high percentages (outside of his Aerial Up Attack or Up Special).

2 Arya Stark

More Emphasis on Her Face-Stealer Now

Multiversus - Arya Stark


Character Type

Source Material

Arya Stark


Game of Thrones (Book Series & TV Show)

Arya Stark is much like Steven Universe in the sense that she takes a while to learn, but once players do they're incredibly scary to fight against. Arya is the other Assassin on this list, and unlike Marvin the Martian she's all about rushing the opponent down and getting up close and personal. This little Stark is lightning-fast and has some truly absurd combo potential that makes her opponents feel like there's nothing they can do.

However, to get to this point, players have to learn how exactly Arya works, which moves naturally combo into each other, and how to avoid taking too much damage themselves since Arya can be KO'd at much lower percentages than most. And, in between the open beta period of Multiversus and now, they've obviously given players more incentive to use Arya's Face Stealer special, which only adds another layer of complexity to her overall game plan.

1 Rick Sanchez

He Has So Many Gadgets

Multiversus - Rick Sanchez


Character Type

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Rick Sanchez


Rick & Morty (TV Show)

And finally, there's Rick Sanchez, a literal mad scientist (and a commonly drunk scientist as well) who has way too many tools and gadgets in his moveset. While it does make sense for him to have so many different inventions, given his background and character, it can be pretty overwhelming to newer players. Not only does Rick have a lot of different cooldowns to keep track of, but he also has an Ammo counter to monitor, different commands for Meeseeks that he needs to remember, and the entirety of his portal system overall.

All that said, Rick is not the typical 'mage-type' fighter who likes to stay at range, he's actually kind of a rush-down character along the same vein as Arya Stark. While he does have projectiles to use, he'll have the easiest time applying damage and KO'ing opponents if he stays in close with them. Again, it can be a lot to keep track of, and it can feel like Rick has to put more damage on his opponents than most in order to KO them, but once he's mastered there's almost no one scarier to fight against than him.

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August 15, 2022
Player First Games