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The legendary Dark Knight is one of the primary characters in the Warner Bros. Mutliversus game, and it was no surprise to DC comics fans. Batman and Superman are way too iconic to be missed out on such a platform, especially after entertaining people through comics, movies, animated shows, and games! Unlike his counterpart Superman, Batman falls under the bruiser category, which gives him a good health bar and a range of close ranged heavy melee damage.

Related:MultiVersus: Every Character In The Game

The game stays true to his original traits and has managed to pack them all into the goofiness of the MultiVersus. Fans didn't pay attention to the injustice of the caped crusader having only two skins (purchasable in-game) to date. But as the myth goes, the man behind the mask is all who matters. It would be an understatement to say that most people having a first go with the game would choose Batman from the current roster. But there are a few things to remember before hunting down the opponents from behind the shadows.

Basic Attacks

batman in MultiVersus

Neutral Ground Attack: Bat Combo

A series of basic punch combos with an aggressive uppercut to finish it off

Neutral Air Attack: Aerial Batarang

A supercharged Batarang throw that can be aimed and controlled during flight. The Batarang does return eventually but has a cool-down period.

Side Ground Attack: Batarang

Almost the same as the Aerial Batarang but works when on the ground.

Side Air Attack: Bat-Strike

A supercharged punch in the direction faced. It can be combined as a punch jab combo with second-time input, making Batman rush forward with intention until coming into contact with the nearest foe.

Related: The Best Batman Games Of All Time, Ranked

Up Ground Attack: Clear the Air

A supercharged overhead swing attack will knock opponents off their feet and deal substantial damage.

Up Air Attack: Flying Uppercut

A supercharged upward jab that can be combined into a swipe combo with second-time input.

Down Ground Attack: Bat Slide

A supercharged slide attack that travels a distance based on the charge meter. A second-time input would end it with a forward kick.

Down Air Attack: Bat Kick

Mid-air downward flip kick pins opponents to the ground while dealing with significant damage.

Special Attacks

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Neutral Special: Bat Bomb

Batman sticks the bat bomb to the select opponent while attacking him in parallel. As the enemy deals with significant damage, the bomb detonates, pushing the opponent into the air an enemy with an attack afterward to attach the Bat-bomb. The special is applicable to both mid-air and on the ground with the same effect.

Side Special: Bat Grapple

Players would have to aim the crosshair in the direction required. Upon release, Batman would fire his grappling hook in the selected direction and pull himself towards it. While doing so, he would cause significant damage to any or all opponents in the path. The special applies to both Mid-air and on the ground with the same effect.

Up Ground Special: Rising Bat

A supercharged uppercut that launches Batman and the opponent into the air. The more the charge, the more the distance traveled and damage dealt.

Related: How to Get Gleamium in MultiVersus

Up Air Special: Rapid Rising Bat

The move is the same as the Rising bat, but without the charge up, and has a default air time and damage points.

Down Ground Special: Smoke Bomb

Batman is known for his mysterious ways of combat, and the smoke bomb is his iconic move in the various entertainment platforms on which the caped crusader has featured. A smoke bomb is detonated, engulfing nearby foes and himself in a cloud of smoke. Batman is invincible during this phase and can take down enemies easier and faster. Batman and the allies associated are invulnerable in the smoke while opponents caught in the smoke take a slow-down hit.

Down Air Special: Crashing Justice

A maneuver that can be controlled by the player throughout the phase. Batman would perform a superhero landing of sorts from any height, and the players can control the direction in which he lands. In simple words, the players can try to tackle as many opponents in midair before making the landing.

Perk List:

MultiVersus – Batman Being Introduced As A Bruiser In Multiversus Trailer

Batman gets his first perk at Level 2 and his last one at Level 13. These perks provide a complete overhaul of the character when they are stacked in the right combo Signature, Attack, Utility and Defense). Still, it is solely up to the player to choose these perks wisely based on their gameplay style.

Aerial Acrobat at Level 2

Gravity Manipulation at Level 4

Hit 'Em While They're Down at Level 7

Signature: Bouncerang at Level 8

Signature Perk: Precision Grapple at Level 10

That's (Not) All, Folks! at Level 11

Up, Up, and A-Slay at Level 12

Slippery When Feint at Level 13

The best perk combo that has proven to work while playing as the Batman is the Bouncerang (Signature) - Aerial Combat (Slot 1) - Hit’Em While They’re Down (Slot 2) - That’s (Not) All, Folks!(Slot 3). This brings out the best balance in the Dark Knight in the game, but players can feel free to experiment and find their comfort zone that adapts to their gameplay.

MutliVersus is a free-to-play multiplayer game available for PC, Xbox (Xbox One and Series X/S), and Playstation (PS4 & PS5).