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The man, the myth, the legend, LeBron James, makes his debut in a video game outside the NBA franchise, and to see him in a character roster that includes the likes of iconic fictional characters is a marvel (No pun intended WB) by itself.

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Thanks to Space Jam : A New Legacy, the basketball legend makes his way into the MultiVersus as a bruiser character. Bruiser characters are the goodness of Tank and Assassin characters and are balanced into one. They deal with good damage with their signatures while also having the ability to strengthen their defenses with quick dodges and high flexibility in their movements. A fitting class for LeBron James, indeed.

Basic Attacks

Lebron James Bruiser

Before nosediving into his character, one should take complete note of the fact that LeBron James is a character that plays two different ways. His basketball is what makes him... HIM!

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Losing his basketball would have a cooldown before summoning a new one, and during those times, LeBron doesn't fill his power meter as well as he is supposed to. With that out of the way, it's time to get to know the man in the game a bit more!

Move TypeMove NameDescription
Neutral GroundShoulder CheckA supercharge move that has LeBron dash forward shoulder first into his opponents, a legit basketball move to fend off any defense coming the way. However, if he loses his basketball, LeBron pushes his opponents while cussing at them. In either event, the move provides him with Armor and deals with the same level of damage.
Neutral AirMake RoomLeBron does a complete midair basketball sweep around his hips, dealing damage to any or all opponents on either side of his vicinity. Without his basketball, he does a chest thump.
Side GroundDime DropA series of 3 combo swipes with the basketball ending with LeBron and his opponents midair. Even though this is not a supercharged move, the combo attacks deal with heavy damage across all class characters. While in the case of him losing his basketball, LeBron would make a quick steal move that might not be as impactful as his move with the ball.
Side AirCheckA basic move that has him slam opponents between his basketball and his other hand. Without the basketball, he does a push and steal.
Up GroundTake It To The RimLeBron pulls up and spins his basketball on his finger. Although it sounds more like a taunt, the in-game move mimics a basic uppercut. Without the basketball, LeBron jumps up in the air and mimics a midair steal. Again, the game makes this deal damage as an upper-cut slap.
Up AirAlley-OopStaying true to its name, LeBron leaps into the air to 'Alley-oops' one into a popup basket. The game mimics it to a high-bound uppercut. On the other hand (pun intended), he does an upward swipe without the basketball
Down GroundWork the FloorLeBron does a complete 360 squat-down basketball sweep that hits any or all opponents on either side in a single move. The move gets a little grotesque without the basketball, though, with the legend doing something of a top-down hulk smash with his bare hands. Why? Because...
Down AirWatch your HeadLeBron dribbles his basketball through his legs in midair and dunks down into a power move onto his opponents on the ground. Without the ball in hand, he swipe-drops down with less impact.

Special Attacks

Lebron Special
Move TypeMove NameDescription
Neutral Ground SpecialBucketsA long-distance attack where the basketball legend aims and fires his Basketball on either side. However, unlike losing the ball in a standard move, Lebron can quickly summon a new basketball to his side. However, there is a cool-down period that applies between summoning basketballs. So it's safe to be careful while throwing it.
Neutral Air SpecialSame as ‘Neutral Ground Special’
Side Ground SpecialL-TrainThe move has LeBron leap high up into the air and dunk his basketball downward. The superhero thump creates a shockwave on the ground, which deals moderate to heavy damage to any opponents around the vicinity. Apart from the damage, the move also inflicts a 5-hitpoint "Weakened" debuff on the opponents. However, using this move destroys the basketball and would need to be summoned. Without the basketball, Lebron's neutral special is a basic shoulder charge that does more damage than the standard one.
Side Air SpecialSame as ‘Side Ground Special’
Up Ground SpecialGot HopsThe attack is similar to the Ground Neutral special but has LeBron volley throw his basketball upwards at the opponent. Without the basketball, he throws chalk dust into the air like as in a celebratory move.
Up Air SpecialSame as “Up Ground Special”
Down Ground SpecialDeniedLeBron high slams his basketball down to the ground letting it bounce a couple times before getting it back. Apart from the initial damage from the bounce, opponents charging in the way have a chance of getting hit by the bounce. Without a basketball, LeBron goes all defensive mode creating a fence that blocks any opponent projectile fired at him. A successful block of such projectiles will respawn his basketball. But do note that the defense wall lasts only for a few seconds and needs to be used at the right moment.
Down Air SpecialSame as “Up Ground Special”

Perk List

LeBron James official art for MultiVersus
Make It Rain, Dog!Unlocked at Mastery Level 2Comes in handy when the team consists of another character that can fire long-range projectiles. The perk adds a 20% increase to the projectile speeds to the LeBron's Team.
Gravity ManipulationUnlocked at Mastery Level 4The first of the three utility perks that is unlocked through mastery. The team gets an additional 10% fall speed which helps in dealing better damage with air down attacks.
I Dodge You Dodge We DodgeUnlocked at Mastery Level 7The perk fastens the cooldown period by 10% on any move that has such a liability. It works on the overall team.
Signature: Hot HandsUnlocked at Mastery Level 8The Signature perks come in handy while shooting out his basketball as projectiles. LeBron can use his long distance signatures at an ally which would ignite his basketball, increasing the damage dealt to the opponent in the next hit.
Signature: For ThreeUnlocked at Mastery Level 10LeBron’s long distance signature moves gain an explosive basketball. In simple words, all his signature moves would be converted into a grenade blast causing any and all enemies to deal significant damage and knock back.
Leg Day ChampUnlocked at Mastery Level 11The last of the unlockable utility perk that provides an additional 10% increase in jump height. Considering LeBron’s attacks rely mostly on his basketball skills, this would be gold to him and his team.
Signature: Keep PossessionUnlocked at Mastery Level 12A defensive signature perk that allows his team members to gain a health recovery upon receiving a successful ball pass.
Back to BackUnlocked at Mastery Level 13This only defensive perk of LeBron is metaphor of sorts. The team can absorb a 6% damage reduction when the tag mates are close to each other.

Finding the right combo is up to the player’s requirements and play style. However, the overall perk combo that seems to be efficient for LeBron James is the For Three (Signature) - Leg Day Champ(Slot 1) - I Dodge You Dodge We Dodge(Slot 2) - Back to Back(Slot 3).

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With that said, Players should keep in mind that the perks mentioned above are the ones that are unlocked through mastery and there are plenty more to gather from. Additional perks can be trained or purchased, and the players can find the best adaptable ones to suit their gameplay.


LeBron Sheriff

Apart from the gameplay features, players can also access in-game collectibles for Finn.

Legacy Badge: A badge of mastery that can be unlocked upon reaching mastery level 15.

Legacy Icon: A profile icon that can be unlocked upon reaching mastery level 14.

LeBron James Announce Pack: An announcer pack that can be purchased for 100 Gleamium.

Salsa Dance: An exclusive taunt that can be purchased for 500 Gleamium.

Sheriff LeBron: An exclusive variant outfit that can be purchased for 800 Gleamium.

MutliVersus is a free to play multiplayer game available for PC, Xbox (Xbox One and Series X/S) and Playstation (PS4 & PS5).

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