Bugs Bunny is one of the kings of comedy. The Looney Tunes icon has stood at the pinnacle of slapstick humor for decades, lampooning seemingly every trend and subject under the sun. Given that wide appeal, he would obviously get in on meme culture, especially with a game like MultiVersus.

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This platform fighter is practically built on memes and the spirit of fan-made crossovers. Mixing characters from so many Warner Bros. properties is bound to spawn a few visual gags online, and plenty of them are based on Bugs. The very concept of MultiVersus is just too ridiculous for the "scwewy wabbit" not to comment on.

7 Hop Into MultiVersus

Bugs Bunny Hopping MultiVersus Meme

As a free-to-play title, one would think MultiVersus would be a casual experience. It's just a low-energy game that people boot up to unwind, right? That couldn't be further from the truth.

No matter how calm players are when they start, it's not long before their adrenaline starts pumping. It's the nature of the fighting genre, and it's especially applicable with Smash clones. Soon, fans will be furiously hammering the buttons as Bugs does the piano. They may even jump up and down in frustration after flying off the arena for the tenth time.

6 Hacking

Bugs Bunny Hacking MultiVersus Meme

Few cartoon characters pull off the mischievous, self-satisfied smirk like Bugs. It conveys such relaxed confidence that you can't help but laugh. He loves outsmarting others and overcoming any odds against him. This often comes down to bending the rules of reality for comedy's sake, which is probably why many players pick him.

Unfortunately, that mindset also fuels their underhanded tactics. Some fans hack online matches and rig them in their favor. Yeah, it's wrong, but the real Bugs would approve. The only thing more amusing than winning is seeing the other players' dumbfounded anger. As a result, the hackers likely have the same smug grin on their faces.

5 Ultra Instinct

Bugs Bunny Shaggy MultiVersus Meme

Some of this game's aspects actually come from memes. That's largely the reason for Shaggy's inclusion. Editors combined Dragon Ball's Ultra Instinct with a recent Scooby-Doo movie to create a version of the lanky chicken who takes down anyone in his way.

RELATED: MultiVersus: Tips For Using The Bruiser Class

As such, players probably have a similar reaction to Bugs here whenever battling Shaggy in an online match. Not only must they cope with his ridiculous move set, but they have to survive against the ultimate martial arts power in the multiverse.

4 Marvel Multiverse Madness

Bugs Bunny Marvel MultiVersus Meme

The multiverse is a popular plot device these days. It can bring numerous franchises together and present whatever alternate realities the writers can think of. Marvel recently took advantage of this with What If...?, a show featuring several insane switches and combinations of their big-screen characters. Among the more excessive was Vision joining with Ultron and absorbing a few Infinity Stones. The resulting villain is one of the most powerful beings in existence.

If MultiVersus took full advantage of its concept, then this hybrid would burst into the game as a powerhouse fighter. Even a slapstick icon like Bugs would be no match. This obviously isn't possible due to them being under different companies, and many Warner characters are doubtless counting their blessings. Of course, with Disney buying everything in the entertainment industry, it's only a matter of time.

3 Projectile Spamming

Spam Bugs Bunny MultiVersus Meme

Projectile moves are always slippery slopes in fighting games. If not balanced, ranged attacks can keep enemies at a distance, chip away their health, and prevent them from retaliating. Players have run into this with other titles like Shao Kahn's spear throw in Mortal Kombat and Ryu's Hadouken in Street Fighter. It's also the case whenever Bugs Bunny tosses pies and safes, leading to easy wins for rabbit mains.

That said, this can also lead to complacency. Because it works so well, spammers usually gear their entire style toward this one strategy. When someone gets through it, they have no backup plan and consequently lose the match. This inevitably leaves them shocked and irritated, but it's somewhat deserved. People shouldn't put all of their eggs (or carrots) in one basket.

2 Space Jam Callback

Space Jam Bugs Bunny MultiVersus Meme

This meme also comments on those first diving into MultiVersus. During the climax of Space Jam, Bugs tries to sell the other Looney Tunes characters on Michael Jordan's "Secret Stuff" by buffing himself up. It's definitely a daunting image, one which would intimidate both basketball players and fighters alike.

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Moreover, it's how experienced players look to newbies. They've accumulated so many skills and know the mechanics so well that they can step all over the novices. Thankfully, if those novices work at it, they can be equally skilled. They don't even have to buy any Jordan products. Sadly, the game will push microtransactions on them.

1 Three Stacked

Three Stacked Bugs Bunny MultiVersus Meme

The power of one's abilities here depends on perks. These increase a fighter's stats, and stacking them together can amplify these effects. The resulting boost can be ludicrous in how powerful it is.

It's particularly annoying when on the receiving end, as it can lead to nearly instant deaths. Afterward, players can't help but wonder what happened, racking their brains and losing their minds over a cheap defeat. As such, this rare scene of Bugs Bunny's rage aptly captures what's happening on the other side of the screen.

MultiVersus is currently available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: MultiVersus: Hilarious Shaggy Memes