MultiVersus is all the rage at the moment, considering its almost immediately become Steam's most popular fighting game of all time. And, with popularity comes a lot of things, such as a quick turnaround on developer-made challenges and lots of memes. And, there are a lot of memes made especially for on character, Taz the Tasmanian Devil. Taz was a real menace during the last open beta leading up to the platform brawlers release.

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Turns out he had a move called the "Taz-Nado" that was so absurdly strong and abusable that there were constant fighting game trolls joining matchmaking just to spam this move the entire match. Now, since then, the move has been nerfed, and Taz's weaknesses are laid bare for the world to see. So, in celebration let's take a look at some of the best MultiVersus memes, new and old, that feature the cartoon icon.

8 Dead & Buried, Or Is He?

Multiversus - Lead Developer Meme Made To Look Like He's Burying Taz In Nerfs
Image by Not-Jordan on Reddit

This first meme comes from the MultiVersus Reddit, and it's a video commentary on the state of Taz after the nerf to his beloved Tornado move. Basically, they're saying that Game Director Tony Huynh is "burying" Taz in a shallow grave with all the subtle nerfs to this move, only for Taz himself to pop up right behind him.

As Taz mains know, the character is still incredibly good even with his trademark move weakened, so this is really talking more about how the Taz spammers are finally buried, most of which have now moved on to Finn as their next character to ruin. Hopefully, this first nerf is a sign of things to come, and the upcoming nerfs to Bugs Bunny will be equally as well thought out.

7 Taz-Nado? Nah, Give Me Backpack-Nado

Multiversus - Hotline Bling Drake Reacting To Taz-Nado And Then Finn Backpack Attack
Image by 1Roxas3 on Reddit

This next meme is yet another one about Taz's tornado, as most of them will be. This classic format, using Drake from his iconic Hotline Bling video, is talking about how dealing with the Taz-nado was always pure suffering, and in comparison, Finn's Backpack Attack is much easier to deal with.

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This is absolutely true, by the way, as Finn is punishable right after this attack, players can dodge through it, and it doesn't last nearly as long or knock players back as ridiculously far. While both attacks are annoying, it's so much more preferable to take a backpack to the face than a whole Tazmanian Devil.

6 Taz Is Just The New Meta Knight

Multiversus - Like Meta Knight In Brawl Meme Overlaid On Multiversus Background
Image by Red__Guy on Reddit

Longtime veterans of the Fighting Game genre know that there are always move-spamming players in every game, and some characters are more annoying than others. In fact, Taz isn't even the first meta-defining Tornado-spamming character in a platform fighter, that honor goes to Meta Knight in Brawl.

When Super Smash Bros Brawl first came out and people really started to lab their combos and figure out the advanced mechanics, Meta Knight was quickly decided to be a top-tier character. But, that wasn't enough for some people, as the online for this game was rife with Meta Knights who would do nothing but spam his tornado move over and over. Sound familiar, MultiVersus fans?

5 No Fears…Okay, Maybe Just One Fear

Multiversus - I Fear No Man TF2 Heavy Meme But With Taz-Nado
Image by Poppyartistt on Reddit

The Heavy's interview during the promotional video "Meet the Pyro" in Team Fortress 2 has been meme'd upon for over a decade now, and with good reason, it's such a perfect format.

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And, once again, Taz is included in this meme, as his Taz-nado is the one thing that Heavy fears. To be fair, it makes sense, even the heaviest character in the game, Iron Giant, was launched with ease by this Tornado, so it only makes sense someone named "Heavy" would be scared of it as well.

4 New Character Rotation, New Complaints

Multiversus - Office Meme Calling All Taz And Finn Players Alike
Image by Seramp08 on Reddit

With a free character rotation comes new complaints from the fanbase about certain characters every single time. League of Legends has dealt with it for years with their Champion Rotation, and now MultiVersus is starting to see it happen to them with Taz and Finn.

In the last open beta, before the game came out, Taz was free, meaning anyone had easy access to his Taz-Nado of doom. Now, Finn is free, and people found out his moves have insane priority and reach, so now matchmaking is plagued with Finn players and forum posts complaining that he needs to be nerfed. A cycle as old as joked about in the meme above. One can only hope that devs don't miss this connection and keep nerfing each "overpowered" character each free character rotation.

3 Throw One Out & Another One Just Pops Right Up

Multiversus - Simpsons Taz and Finn Spin meme with images of the two moves overlaid behind
Image by GamerLegend27 on Reddit

Yet another meme about how the communities' complaints about Finn are basically just Taz-Nado complainers all over again. To be fair, Finn's spin is pretty annoying and even a bit broken, but honestly it's more about the speed and reach of his all his other moves, they're the real problem.

But, against these Finn players, it's the Backpack Attack that is what actually knocks them into the Blast Zone, so of course that's what they're going to complain about first.

2 Not A Trojan Horse, But A Trojan…Boy & Tasmanian Devil?

Multiversus -Trojan Horse Meme Making Fun Of Taz Rematch Spammers With Images Of Taz On Sides
Image by VirusLink2 on Reddit

There's nothing better than when someone wins in round one and their opponent pulls out their main character for round two and still loses. But, the worst-case scenario is when someone gets beat down in round one so they resort to spamming moves and cheap tricks in round two, as seen in the meme above.

And, that's been happening a lot in MultiVersus with Taz and Finn specifically. Kids will get tossed around and then they'll just pick Finn or Taz and start spamming, and it's hilarious (but still annoying) to see.

1 Now That's A Move List

Multiversus - Taz's Moveset Page With Most Of The Text Taken Out
Image by Kiss-of-Venus on Reddit

Let's cap things off with one last meme related to the Taz-Nado, and this one is beautiful in its simplicity. There's not a whole lot of substance to this meme, just like there's not a whole lot of substance to Taz-Nado spammers. Basically, this is what the move set of a Taz spammer looks like. There's a lot to parse there, so beginner players should take their time going over every word of this highly complex move list.

MORE: MultiVersus: Fixes The Game Needs Before Its Full Launch