MultiVersus game out the gate swinging as a free-to-play fighting game that's very reminiscent of series like Super Smash Bros. It offers a similar experience at an incredible entry price of $0, but also is available on more than just Nintendo devices.

All the characters on the roster fall under the umbrella of Warner Bros' Discovery and span series including Game of Thrones, Scooby-Doo, Cartoon Network, and of course DC Comics. Multiversus launched with mainstays to the DC universe like Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman, but that doesn't mean there aren't more than a handful of superpowered characters that would make its roster even better.

8 Black Canary

MultiVersus DC Comics Black Canary

Ranged characters are a hot topic in the fighting game community, because many people see them as cheap or unappealing. Most players want to get into the thick of things and be face-to-face with their opponents.

Black Canary is a prototype ranged character whose voice brings even the greatest threats to their knees. She'd likely operate as a support-style character who works best in tandem with a brute enforcer who gets in the enemies' faces and disrupts their rhythm. That being said, she can also hold her own in a fistfight, so if things need to be mixed up mid-match, she still has that in her back pocket.

7 Deathstroke

MultiVersus DC Comics Deathstroke

The funny thing about Deathstroke is that despite not being even close to having the popularity of Deadpool, he served as the primary visual inspiration for the "Merc with a mouth." Thankfully, the character has still managed to build a legacy of his own as a formidable and cool-looking villain in the DC universe.

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His combination of firearm and melee weapon expertise provides him with a base that can come at opponents from any angle. Due to the nature of MultiVersus, there's one drawback his addition would have: his violent results would be toned down, though that wouldn't affect how fun he'd be to play.

6 Green Lantern

MultiVersus DC Comics Green Lantern

Unfortunately, it would be impossible to code into MultiVersus the ability for players to will into existence whatever they want when using Green Lantern. That doesn't mean the character doesn't belong on the roster, though, as the power set of whatever incarnation of the Justice League is just as appealing on its own. Alternate costumes could easily be each of the different Lantern colors, though they'd be purely aesthetic and wouldn't change gameplay at all.

Each of the character's moves could call on the aid of another notable Lantern that swoops in to finish the attack. Most fans would likely want either John Stewart or Hal Jordan's incarnation of the green protector.

5 Darkseid

MultiVersus DC Comics Darkseid

If a modern fighting game featured Marvel characters, it would be expected for Thanos to make his way onto the roster at some point. He's positioned himself as the biggest and baddest Marvel villain in the modern era. When it comes to DC, that position is filled by Darkseid.

Not only is Darkseid considered the most powerful villain in the entire DC universe, but he's also a character fans have been waiting to see done right in the world of live-action adaptations. MultiVersus has shown a willingness to play with size and scope with their characters. The existence of the Iron Giant means that if Darkseid was added, there's a chance he'd have a rather large character model that matched his sheer power.

4 Beast Boy

MultiVersus DC Comics Beast Boy

Beast Boy is one of the most video game-like characters the world of DC Comics has to offer, which is ironic considering the character is canonically a hardcore gamer. He's a kid who can turn into any animal, so why wouldn't that work in MultiVersus? It would be limited to a set selection of creatures, but having each provide unique advantages could make him a unique selection.

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His gorilla form could do additional damage, whereas his cheetah body adds incredible speed. Maybe as an elephant, he can charge forward and clear the path ahead. Pinning each transformation to a different move or combination of inputs would allow players to call on forms when they're most needed in the heat of battle.

3 Lobo

MultiVersus DC Comics Lobo

With James Gunn taking over the DC Comics film division, he's teased the idea of bringing Lobo to live-action. The menace on a motorcycle is a fan favorite thanks to his over-the-top bombastic personality and colorful use of the English language. He's a bounty hunter who is most notably known for being super annoying to heroes trying to do their job.

When thinking about all of the necessary traits needed to be a proper combatant, Lobo has them in full. The list includes superhuman strength, regeneration, marksmanship, hand-to-hand proficiency, and above all else, a will that never quits.

2 The Flash

MultiVersus DC Comics The Flash

The biggest argument against The Flash being in MultiVersus is that his power base breaks the logic of the game, and there's no way anyone would be capable of fighting him. If people are that stringent about logic in fighting games, they likely have never played or enjoyed one.

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The Flash may be able to move incredibly fast, but that didn't stop him from appearing in games like Injustice. It would be interesting to see him designed around movement, so players would have to get used to moving constantly in order to get the most out of him. The Speed Force would also provide some dazzling opportunities for move animations as well.

1 Clayface

MultiVersus DC Comics Clayface

Clayface? Of all Batman villains, Clayface is the one that should be added to MultiVersus? Well, he does happen to provide a unique mechanic that designers could have fun with. Imagine using Clayface in a match and being able to copy any other character in both appearance and moveset.

In team-based modes, it could also go a step further and remove color definers and labels. This way, teammates wouldn't know who is actually their partner and must rely on stellar communication. Clayface proved to be a notable and worthwhile villain in Batman: The Animated Series and has more than earned the right to possibly make the MultiVersus roster.

MultiVersus is available on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PC.

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