
  • In MultiVersus , iconic characters like Superman and Rick Sanchez battle it out with toned-down powers for a fun brawl.
  • The game showcases characters like Jake the Dog and Steven Universe, each bringing their unique powers and personalities to the fight.
  • Despite notable nerfs for character balance, MultiVersus offers a platform for fans to see their favorite characters go head-to-head.

Warner Bros. has a colorful cast of characters, ranging from Looney Tunes to DC Comics heroes, and with this extensive library of famed characters, there's only one place where they can now duke it out and see who is the best of them all, and that's within MultiVersus.

10 Best Super Smash Bros. Clones

Game developers have taken lessons from Super Smash Bros. in designing their own fighting games. These are the very best of the lot.

In MultiVersus, players will have the opportunity to play as some iconic characters, as they battle one another on challenging stages. Yet, when pitting the likes of Superman against Gremlins, one must question the strength of these characters, and how in their own universes and canon, they are far stronger than what they appear to be within the game.

8 Superman

The Indestructible Man of Steel

MultiVersus Superman Fighting Velma
  • Source Material: DC Comics

It's impossible to know of superheroes without knowing Superman, who is arguably the first caped superhero in existence. This DC Comics legend has amazing superpowers. From the ability to fly, punch things with the force of the Sun, and shoot lasers from his eyes, it seems that Superman's set of powers would make him the perfect fighter, which makes it all the more confusing how he can be beaten by someone like Gizmo from Gremlins.

MultiVersus: Best Perks For Superman

Superman is a member of the tank class in Multiversus, and these are the best perks suited for the character.

Superman's biggest weaknesses are Kryptonite and magic, and considering most of the characters in the MultiVersus roster do not have either of those, it shows how Superman has been considerably nerfed to fit the tone of the game. Yet, he is still one of the best fighters in MultiVersus, just don't expect to shrug off punches like Superman from the comics.

7 Agent Smith

An Entity in the Matrix That Can Become a Virtual God

multiversus launch trailer agent smith close up
  • Source Material: The Matrix (1999)

Agent Smith is a surprising choice for MultiVersus, but he is certainly welcomed due to his status as an iconic villain. An Agent of the Matrix itself, Agent Smith quickly became a problem as his exile caused him to become a virus that would see him sweep across the Matrix and create an infinite amount of copies of himself, a dilemma that would have him conquer the Matrix and have powers that rivaled Neo himself.

For Agent Smith to enter a video game like MultiVersus, one would assume he could cheat his way through it, stopping the game as he saw fit and assimilating anyone he comes into contact with. Instead, he's toned down the powers to have a fun brawl in his suit.

6 Rick Sanchez

The Smartest Man in the Multiverse Can Prepare For Gremlins and Worse

Rick Sanchez multiversus
  • Source Material: Rick & Morty

Anyone who has seen Rick & Morty will know that coming into contact with Rick Sanchez is a pretty bad idea. He's a rather toxic individual, and his intelligence is so hyper and incredible that he could easily build something with the scrap that's on his person to win any battle. His intelligence also makes him aware of where he is, so the real Rick Sanchez would know he's in a video game like MultiVersus, breaking the fourth wall.

Rick And Morty: 13 Best Rick Quotes

Undoubtedly, Rick is the heartbeat of Rick and Morty, and this iconic character has uttered memorable lines that fans will easily remember.

Rick is still incredibly smart, and his fighting style and inventions within the game prove that, but the fact he hasn't used his portal gun to try to escape or win every fight, begs the question of why Rick is staying. Is this one from an alternate dimension, or just Rick trying to blow off some steam?

5 Jake The Dog

Stretchy Powers That Make Him Invincible

multiversus: best perks for jake featured image
  • Source Material: Adventure Time

The fun will never end with Adventure Time, and that's in part to Jake the Dog, the loyal friend and brother of Finn the Human, and someone who everyone in Oo seems to adore. Jake isn't just loveable for his friendliness and positivity, but it's also thanks to his talent with his stretchy powers, which turn his skin to rubber so he can transform into practically anything.

With magical dog years on his side, Jake has years of experience and adventure that make him a pretty strong fighter. Jake has turned himself into a battle suit multiple times, and the fact he can create even more mass with a giant fist shows that his power is not as excellent as it could be in MultiVersus.

4 Steven Universe

The Power of Friendship and Gems Cannot Save Steven

Steven Universe
  • Source Material: Steven Universe

The titular character of his own show, Steven Universe is a hybrid, half-human and half-Gem, harnessing that potential into greatness and kindness thanks to his range of emotions. With Steven Universe's good heart and his desire to help others, he is easily one of the strongest out there, but MultiVersus is no place for friendships between opponents, and kind words won't stop a punch to the face or a stick of ACME dynamite.

Steven is tasked with protecting humanity back in his own universe, and this monumental legacy is something that is not easy to complete, but it won't stop Steven from trying. He's proved himself time and again in his own universe, so maybe he can do the same in MultiVersus.

3 The Iron Giant

A Robot of Immense Kindness Who Was Built For Atomic Destruction

MultiVersus Iron Giant, even as a Tank, can be devastating in the right hands
  • Source Material: The Iron Giant (1999)

When the Iron Giant learned what it meant to be kind and human, he sacrificed himself for humanity. Now re-built, the Iron Giant is free to explore the stars and follow in the footsteps of his favorite superhero, Superman. The Iron Giant's appearance in MultiVersus is heartwarming, considering the last time he was seen he was blown to bits in his own movie.

Yet, the Iron Giant had to receive notable nerfs. Not only can he not rebuild himself, but his size has been scaled down, as has his nuclear capability to become a weapon of mass destruction, which is rather fine, considering he could wipe out the arena if he wasn't nerfed.

2 Tom & Jerry

A Cat and Mouse With Cartoon Physics As Their Strength

Tom and Jerry in MultiVersus
  • Source Material: Tom & Jerry

A cartoon cat and mouse is a lethal combination, and in their own franchise, they are often seen harassing and attacking one another, relying on cartoon violence to get laughs. Tom must be pretty resilient, as his attempts to harm Jerry almost always result in his own pain. Whether it's being exploded by a bomb, having a piano dropped on his head, or worse, Tom and Jerry both manage to get back up and do it all over again.

MultiVersus: A Guide To Mastering Tom & Jerry

Tom & Jerry is a blast from the past and create a unique duo in MultiVersus, and these are some great tips in mastering them.

The thing that makes this duo so powerful is the fact that they are cartoons, and the physics of their world seem to apply within MultiVersus, albeit, in a much weaker state. Whereas in their own cartoons they could just brush off the damage, MultiVersus might make the duo need a rest.

1 Black Adam

The Powers of the Greek Gods Embue Black Adam

black adam
  • Source Material: DC Comics

A once Egyptian slave, Black Adam received god-like powers from the wizard Shazam, allowing him to misuse these powers to conquer those who trampled over him. Now a ruler, Black Adam uses these powers for his own means of justice. From holding dominion over Egypt, to joining the fight in MultiVersus, Black Adam has certainly been around.

Yet, it seems not even the star power of Dwayne Johnson can make Black Adam's power increase in MultiVersus, as this sometimes anti-hero and sometimes villain can't exactly defeat his enemies with an electric flair within an instant, and will instead have to rely on cartoonish combos like the rest.

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August 15, 2022
Player First Games