The Super Smash Bros formula has been replicated by so many other properties that it can often be hard to keep track. It's a design philosophy that perfectly straddles the line between fun-for-all party game and a serious, input-based brawler where frames and timing are of paramount importance. MultiVersus is the latest offering to try and imitate the success of Nintendo's cross-over goliath, and Smash Bros' DNA seems to be all over the project. Instead of Nintendo's best characters battling on plenty of stages, here it's a smorgasbord of Warner Bros-owned personalities all competing to take the top spot.

From DC Comics' Superman to Finn the Human and Jake the Dog in Adventure Time, the roster of MultiVersus is as eclectic as it is ridiculous. However, as it's a title that prioritizes longevity and clearly takes cues from Smash Bros, it's almost guaranteed that more characters are on the way, which begs the question of who comes next. Harry Potter would seem like a safe bet, as it's one of Warner Bros' most beloved properties and one of the most successful film series of all time. However, if The Boy Who Lived is to be included, so too should his biggest adversary.

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Voldemort's History With Harry Potter

voldemort harry potter jk rowling

Voldemort had an impact on Harry Potter long before he enrolled at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. One of the villain's biggest failings, Harry is a symbol that Voldemort's overwhelming power can be resisted, and much of the story in the beloved books and films centers around the struggle to resist the latter's dark forces. Voldemort is as pivotal to the Harry Potter story as the boy himself, and the wider lore of J.K. Rowling's wizarding world would be far less exciting, unpredictable, and special without his existence.

Voldemort is an excellent character because he is so interconnected with Harry's journey. His motivations are typical of a series villain, but because of his past with the Potter family is so compelling, he's quickly become one of the most iconic antagonists in cinema. Harry and Voldemort's final confrontation has been witnessed by audiences around the globe, as Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 is Warner Bros' highest-grossing worldwide film to date. As such, it would surely be a wise decision to include the franchise's villain as well as its titular hero in MultiVersus in one of the (hopefully many) character additions in the months and years to come.

How Voldemort Could Work in MultiVersus


On a presentation level, differentiating Voldemort and Harry Potter is easy. Aesthetically they are very different and even things like their wands operate in different ways using different colors. Voldemort's gameplay could provoke a more power-centric approach to combat with huge damage but a slow fire rate, whereas Harry's youthful nature and unlikely heroism lends itself well to fast-paced and ranged mage gameplay, not unlike Bugs Bunny in the game.

Smash Bros has a huge roster, but there are a few characters who play similarly to someone else. Dark Pit and regular Pit are almost identical, and the number of sword-wielding characters seems to be growing by the day. Even if Harry Potter and Voldemort share a similar gameplay design, it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing and could offer a more villainous character for players who find Harry's move set more preferable but don't want to play as someone too obvious or heroic. There are plenty of characters who would be perfect for MultiVersus, but with no Harry Potter figures currently present, surely it's at the top of players' wishlists.

The release date of Hogwarts Legacy may have been delayed to early 2023, but anticipation is huge for the upcoming Avalanche Software release. Because of this, Harry Potter is popular in the gaming sphere, and Player First Games as well as Warner Bros Interactive would do well to take advantage of it by including Harry and his biggest adversary in one of the seasons of MultiVersus. The two are inseparable through the books and films, so breaking them up and only offering one in the Smash Bros-inspired title would be a missed opportunity.

MultiVersus is available in open beta for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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