
  • Static Electricity is a Perk with a nice idea, but it's just too difficult to actually utilize it during a 2v2 match.
  • Armor Crush has a very powerful effect, but it's difficult for players to ever connect with a fully charged attack during a match.
  • Pugilist is by far the best option, as it's basically just a passive damage buff for most characters overall.

Multiversus has come back out after being in beta for quite a while and then shutting down said beta for full development over a year ago. Granted, the game (which is doing very well on Steam) does have its fair share of issues, and fans have made those complaints very clear, but the game overall has a lot more polish than it did back then. One big overhaul the developers at Player First Games made between then and now is with the Perk system.

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There are a whole lot fewer Perks to choose from now in Multiversus, which seems to be for the best. The Perk system still follows the same general structure of having the player pick their character-specific key Perk that modifies their character in some way, then they pick their Team Perks, Strong Perks, and finally Standard Perks in that order. Let's take a closer look at the Standard Perks specifically and talk about which ones seem a whole lot better than the others.

6 Static Electricity

Hard to Trigger at All

Multiversus - Static Electricity



Static Electricity

After moving on the ground for 4 seconds, your next projectile applies Shocked to enemies. Leaving the ground restarts the timer.

First up at the bottom of the rankings is a little Perk called Static Electricity. This Perk, when equipped, gives the Shocked effect to the player's next projectile as long as they've moved around on the ground for 4 seconds in one burst. Now at a glance, this seems all right, given how good the Shocked status ailment is. For those who don't know, when Shocked, an opponent takes damage over time and deals damage whenever they come into contact with their allies as well.

However, staying on the ground for 4 seconds during a chaotic match? Never going to happen. Aerial attacks are too good, 2v2s are too fast-paced, and quite frankly the benefit just isn't worth the risk. A great idea for a Perk that, when implemented, turned out to be way too restrictive to be viable.

5 Clear The Air

Useful When Utilized Properly

Multiversus - Clear The Air



Clear the Air

Parrying an enemy projectile will Reflect it.

At the time of writing this, Multiversus has only been out as a full release for a few days. And in that time, the general player base of the game hasn't really started utilizing Parries all too much yet (there's a lot of new stuff in the game to figure out, after all). To Parry, all a player has to do is Neutral Dodge an attack or projectile at the right time, and the 'Parried' text will pop up instead of the 'Dodged' text. In a 1v1, this Perk is pretty good actually, as it's a lot easier to intentionally put some space between the player and the opponent and prepare to Parry when they start using projectiles.

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But, in 2v2s, much like with Static Electricity, things are just too chaotic for this Perk to be viable. Until the game gets figured out a bit more, players are really only going to be Parrying by accident or, once in a blue moon, they might actually intentionally trigger this Perk during a match.

4 Armor Crush

If You Get The Opportunity To Full Charge, It's Great

Multiversus - Armor Crush



Armor Crush

Your fully charged attacks break Armor.

Readers are going to notice a trend with these rankings, and it's the fact that the Perks near the bottom of the Standard Perk rankings are all ones that seem better than the Strong Perks or even the Team Perks but are poorly executed mechanically, at least for a chaotic 2v2 platform fighter. Armor Crush is a nice idea, but very rarely do players actually get a full charge for their attacks let alone actually connect with it. This may seem like a great way to counter enemy Armor, but it's just a bit too difficult to use effectively outside of some very specific circumstances.

Who knows, maybe there are some integral mechanics players are missing in Multiversus that, once learned, could make this Perk a lot more viable, but in general, it just seems to be a nice idea but with no real practical use.

3 Second Wind Beneath Your Wings

Sounds Amazing, Doesn't End Up Getting Used All That Much

Multiversus - Pugilist



Second Wind Beneath Your Wings

You refresh all Air Abilities after ringing out an enemy.

Finally, we've reached the section of the rankings where the Perks are actually usable mid-match, starting with one called Second Wind Beneath Your Wings. This Perk is a bit odd because the description makes it sound incredible or at least makes it sound like a total lifesaver. And, it can be, but typically this just means that after ringing an opponent out the player who did so just has more freedom to reposition so that the opponent's ally doesn't immediately punish them for KO'ing their teammate.

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Still incredibly useful, and in the right hands this Perk could allow a player to be a lot more aggressive chasing their opponent off the stage, but for right now it's just pretty convenient.

2 Armor Killer

Just Simply Useful

Multiversus - Armor Killer



Armor Killer

Hitting an Armored Enemy will briefly stop them from using Armor.

It's funny because the overall impact difference between just the top two Perks in these rankings, those being Armor Killer and Pugilist is pretty massive. While Armor Killer is better than basically all the other Standard Perk options, it's still leaps and bounds behind Pugilist as far as usefulness.

The thing that makes Armor Killer a bit tougher to use is that the player has to hit their opponent while they're Armored and not shortly after, making the window to actually trigger this Perk a bit small. But, it's a lot easier to use than most of the other Perks on here, and it can completely nullify some character's gimmicks or some specific Perks the enemy team is using. In general, just a great Perk to slap on and forget about.

1 Pugilist

It Should Be Obvious

Multiversus - Pugilist-1




Your Melee Attacks deal increased damage.

The first-place ranking on here was always going to be Pugilist, the competition just isn't even close. Is Pugilist an exciting Perk? Absolutely not. Is it a highly technical Perk? Nope, it's incredibly simple, especially for a Perk in a fighting game.

All Pugilist does, when equipped of course, is buff the damage that melee attacks deal. It doesn't matter how small that damage buff actually is, every single character in Multiversus has at least a couple if not a whole lot of melee attacks in their movesets. In general, this Perk just functions as a passive damage buff, which starts the player off at a better starting point in the fight than their opponent.