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Tom & Jerry are probably the most technically complex characters in Multiversus. Dual-fighter characters typically are in these types of games, as they usually demand that the person using them keeps active attention on their opponent as well as both of their controllable characters even when they're split up. Tom & Jerry is a great example of this, as you could deal a ton of damage and feel comfortable using Tom, but if you're not keeping Jerry alive you're severely limiting your own potential.

Multiversus: 8 Biggest Changes Between The Open Beta & Now

A lot has changed in Multiversus between the closing of the open beta period and now. Let's take a closer look at what exactly changed.

And, because they're so technical, Perks seem to have a more noticeable effect on Tom & Jerry than they do on a lot of other characters. So, let's take an in-depth look at what Perks in Multiversus, in particular, seem to have the biggest effect overall, and which ones you should absolutely prioritize having equipped when using Tom & Jerry.

Signature Perk

Dynamite Split

Multiversus - Tom n Jerry Dynamite Signature Perk



Dynamite Split

Reflecting Tom's dynamite with his tennis racket will split it into 3 dynamite sticks, but he has less dynamite ammo.

First up is the Signature Perk choice for Tom & Jerry, and honestly, both are good choices. Fly Fisher is a great choice if you prefer mobility or always having a recovery option in your pocket while Dynamite Split is great for more area denial and general damage. Because Tom & Jerry is so projectile-based overall and is sort of designed around the idea of controlling the arena as a whole, Dynamite Split matches with their core gameplay loop a bit better.

While it does sort of restrict you due to the amount of Dynamite being limited, the surprise factor of the splitting Dynamite as well as the KO potential more than make up for it. That said, it does require proper setup and positioning on your end to make the most of it, but if you're playing Tom & Jerry you're probably already committed to learning Multiversus at a technical level anyway.

Team Perk

That's Flammable Doc

Multiversus - Tom n Jerry Thats Flammable Doc



That's Flammable, Doc!

Your team can melee an enemy after hitting them with a projectile to Ignite them. If your teammate also selects this Perk, Ignite damage and duration is increased.

There are a couple of characters that the Perk That's Flammable Doc is pretty good on, but out of every character this Perk is strongest when it's equipped on Tom & Jerry. This is simply due to the fact that so many of T&J's moves are projectiles, and often most of them have follow-ups that then immediately trigger the Ignite effect of the Perk.

For example, following their Slingshot Sharpshooter Neutral Special with the Volley Neutral Attack easily triggers this effect. In general, That's Flammable Doc is just going to get triggered constantly on Tom & Jerry, so it's by far their best option as far as Team Perks go.

Strong Perk

Speed Force Assist

Multiversus - Tom and Jerry Speed Force Assist



Speed Force Assist

You receive a 5 percent increased base Movement Speed.

Not a lot of characters end up equipping Speed Force Assist over the other Strong Perk options, but we believe it's the best choice for Tom & Jerry. It's not that Tom & Jerry are slow by any means, but making them faster just has more of a beneficial effect than it does on most other characters. With the Movement Speed increase, Tom can pick up Jerry more easily, he can chase opponents off stage easily, he can get underneath opponents to use Paddle-Paddle-Paddle more reliably, and much more.

Essentially, Speed Force Assist just has a more noticeable beneficial effect on Tom & Jerry's overall gameplay loop than it does on most other fighters on the Roster, and the only other Strong Perk that would even be all that beneficial on them are Airwalker or Collateral Damage. However, Collateral Damage would really only trigger on their Cast-Iron Crusher aerial Attack and Airwalker can lead to some silly Paddle-Paddle-Paddle tech mid-air but outside of that T&J's aerial moves are actually much more beneficial to use in the air than any of their on-the-ground moves.

Standard Perk

Static Electricity

Multiversus - Tom n Jerry Static Electricity



Static Electricity

After moving on the ground for 4 seconds, your next projectile applies Shocked to enemies. Leaving the ground restarts the timer.

Finally, a character in Multiversus that doesn't just throw Pugilist on for their Standard Perk and move on. While Pugilist is a great Perk, it's almost too good in that there's rarely a reason to have any other Perk equipped on most fighters. However, because Tom & Jerry are so heavily based around ranged combat and projectiles, it's not a very beneficial choice for them. Instead, they're one of the few characters in which Static Electricity makes sense to use.

This is because Tom & Jerry's ground game is actually incredibly strong, both in terms of damage output and in terms of crowd control. So, while Tom & Jerry are absolutely wrecking their opponent on the ground, they might as well build up Static Electricity in the meantime. And, once it's been activated, so many of T&J's attacks can be used to apply this Shocked Ailment, even Rocket Mouse can be used to apply it, which allows T&J to safely apply it to their opponent off-stage while staying perfectly safe on stage. All-in-all, as long as you're aware of what it looks like charging up this Perk and what it looks like when it's fully charged, Static Electricity actually helps out a lot with building up damage quickly on this dual-character fighter.