Stripe is the mischievous, evil leader of the Gremlins and is the main antagonist of Gizmo in the Gremlins franchise. He causes chaos and destruction everywhere he goes and is a major thorn in Gizmo's side and the owners of their home.

In MultiVersus, Stripe is a horizontal assassin with some vertical options involving using his gun that launches enemies he has touched with limited ammo and a kit, reflecting his mischief and mania. Stripe fights with his chainsaw, some buzzsaws, and the claws he uses to hack and slash his victims in MultiVersus.

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stripe playstyle

Stripe is an assassin champion with a kit that reflects his character and what he's about chaos and mischief. Stripe's passive ability is called Grudgeholder. It is an ability that deals a targeted debuff to enemies. This passive works with his neutral and Up specials.

He is an assassin with many range options, including his neutral special, "sharpshooter," and his neutral attack, "bouncin' buzzsaw." Sharpshooter" is a short-range ability when not activated by stripes passive Grudgeholder. When activated, it allows Stripe's "Sharpshooter" to attack enemies from anywhere in the game while the target is on. This passive leads to interesting combos and mechanics that sets him apart from the other assassins.

As an Assassin, Stripe wants to get up on your face and dish out lots of damage while also maintaining his health. Stripe does this effectively as he doesn't necessarily have to be Melee at all times and uses his ranged abilities to mix up his damage options and keep enemies on their toes, making him the most versatile Assassin class champion in the entire game. Stripe also has a not-so-practical chainsaw that's fun to use with good damage.

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multiversus stripe perks

Stripe is a character with a relatively rounded kit, especially for an assassin, so the perks chosen for him are to synergize with his kit and maximize his potential for most situations. He only needs a few damage options, as he does a decent amount if played properly. He needs perks that can offer a great deal of Utility and make him very hard to deal with.

Feeding After midnight

feeding after midnight multiiversus

Perk Type: Signature.

Ability: Debuffs applied to Stripe have a longer duration. If he latches on to an enemy, he cleanses all active debuffs and applies a copy of those debuffs to his attached enemy.

How To Unlock: Unlocked after reaching mastery level 12 with Stripe.

Tips: This Perk seems to have a weakness for longer durations of debuffs, but Stripe has many methods as an assassin to latch unto enemies and effectively give the enemies back their debuffs making enemies that stack them like Batman, and his "weakness" debuff receive a taste of their own medicine.

Boom, Boom, Bounce!

Boom, Boom, Bounce!

Perk Type: Signature.

Ability: If Stripe launches himself with his dynamite into the terrain, he will create another large explosion at his location.

How To Unlock: Unlocked after reaching mastery level 8 with Stripe.

Tips: This Perk requires skill to effectively use as it's reliant on using Stripe's entire body as a skill shot projectile exploding wherever he lands. This can make for some exciting and dynamic gameplay that can take enemies off-guard with the interesting mechanic this perk provides.



Perk Type: Utility.

Ability: Your team receives a 10% reduced ability Cooldown duration. The bonus is increased to 15% if an ally selects this Perk.

How To Unlock: Unlocked after reaching mastery level 13 with Morty.

Tips: This Perk has great value with Stripe as he has lots of abilities with cooldowns like his "Sharpshooter" and his "bouncin' buzzsaw ."It gives him an edge by allowing him the opportunity to use it more frequently than if he was without the Perk.

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Triple Jump

Triple Jump multiversus

Perk Type: Utility.

Ability: Your team gains an extra jump after hitting an enemy. If an ally selects this Perk, your team always has an extra jump while in the air.

How To Unlock: Unlocked after reaching mastery level 11 with Gizmo.

Tips: This tool is useful for juggling players in the air and being in a generally advantageous position over your opponent at crucial moments. It can also be used as a means to jump back onto the combat platform, especially during heated fights at the edge of the platform.

Make It Rain Dog

Make It Rain Dog

Perk Type: Offensive.

Ability: Your team receives a 10% increased projectile speed. The bonus is increased to 25% if an ally also selects this Perk.

How To Unlock: Unlocked after reaching mastery level 4 with Gizmo.

Tips: Since Stripe has a variety of ranged options, equipping this Perk makes landing his ranged ability more likely. Faster projectiles mean the opponents have a smaller window to dodge their abilities. This Perk can come in extra handy in 2v2 matches with characters like Gizmo, making for a strong duo range team.

Ideal Perk Combinations For Stripe

Stripe is a very fun character to play, and he features a mischievous gameplay style with the items in his kit. He is excellent against champions that offer debuffs like Superman's "Freeze debuff" or Batman's "weakness" debuff and even debuffs obtained from perks.

Honourable Perk mentions: Ice To Beat You, Painted Target, and Aerial Acrobat.

Ideal Perk Combinations

  • Feeding after Midnight(Signature), Coffeezilla(Utility), Make it Rain, Dog(Offensive), School Me Once(Defence).
  • He's the Leader(Signature), Coffeezilla(Utility), Aerial Acrobat(Utility), and Armour Crush(Offensive).

MultiVersus is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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