Multiversus had a long development period, with a large portion of that time being spent in open beta. And, in the open beta of the game, Jake the Dog from the beloved Adventure Time series was a pretty fearsome character. He was basically Kirby from the Super Smash Bros. games but with more range. Thankfully, while he has been nerfed a bit (primarily in his Where's My Halfpipe Attack) overall he's still the same in the full-release version of Multiversus.

Multiversus: 7 Ways It's Not Like Other Platform Fighters

Multiversus is a platform fighter, sure, but it's not exactly like all the other platform fighters. Here are all the ways it's especially unique.

Among the large roster of characters in Multiversus, Jake's Perk options are pretty boring. His Signature Perks are pretty minor effects and most of the general Perk options don't have much of a noticeable effect on his gameplay. That said, there are still absolutely Perk options for him that perform better than others, primarily with his Standard Perk. So, with that in mind, let's take an extra-deep look at all the Perks in the revamped Perk System of Multiversus, and see which ones seem to have the largest effect on Jake the Dog's in-game potential.

Signature Perk

Stay Limber, Dude

Multiversus - Jake the Dog Signature Perk



Stay Limber, Dude

Jake's House ability bounces back into the air after hitting the ground.

Honestly, Jake's Signature Perks are one of the few in the game where one could argue to just keep it on the default Well-Rounded Signature Perk. His first option, Sticky, makes it a bit safer to use any of his moves where he stretches (primarily his Stretchin' Out Up+Special) but outside of that is basically worthless. His second option, Stay Limber Dude, is better but is still incredibly situational.

In the open beta for Multiversus, Stay Limber Dude was a lot better as the 'bounce back' that Jake would do after using That's Heavy Dude and hitting the ground was pretty high. Now, in the full release of the game, it's more of a secondary 'hit' when he hits the ground more than an actual bounce back up. This makes Stay Limber Dude less useful than it used to be, but it still essentially just makes the Down+Special better overall. If neither of these Signature Perk options sounds all that appealing, then we absolutely recommend just staying on Well-Rounded, as that'll at least give a noticeable buff to his overall damage.

Team Perk

Press the Advantage

Multiversus - Jake the Dog Press the Advantage



Press the Advantage

Your team applies a stack of Weakened when knocking back enemies that are above 125 damage. If your teammate also selects this Perk, Weakened is applied above 110 damage instead.

Surprisingly, Jake the Dog actually has a couple of different options for his Team Perk that are pretty useful. Protective Momentum is very helpful when approaching enemies (though it doesn't trigger when he's running during his Giddy Up Special) and Snowball Effect is just a passive damage buff. However, we feel that Press the Advantage is his best option, simply because Jake only has a few 'good' options for reliably KO'ing opponents at high damage, and all of them are pretty predictable.

But with Press the Advantage, Jake can secure KO's against his opponents more reliably with moves that normally wouldn't knock enemies far enough off-screen. Plus, combined with Last Stand, this means that Jake will almost always be inflicting the Weakened Status Ailment on opponents, which is also very helpful.

Strong Perk

Last Stand

Multiversus - Jake the Dog Last Stand Perk



Last Stand

While you have at least 100 damage, knocking back enemies applies Weakened.

Once again, like with most other character Perk recommendations, Last Stand is the best choice here. It's just too helpful on tankier characters to have an auto-Weakening buff on every attack, and while Jake isn't as tanky as well, a Tank-class character (obviously), he typically will survive past 100 damage on most lives.

Additionally, because he's so stretchy and because his aerial Side+Attack (Stretchy Punch) is so versatile, he'll be able to keep enemies away and also keep them Weakened pretty easily. If you really hate Last Stand for some reason, Airwalker has some combo potential and Collateral Damage is also not awful to have equipped, so you do have some other options.

Standard Perk


Multiversus - Jake the Dog Pugilist Perk




Your melee attacks deal increased damage.

And, just like with Last Stand, it's another predictable recommendation for Jake's last Perk slot, Pugilist. Pugilist is just too hard to ignore for any character that fights at primarily melee range. And, considering Jake the Dog has literally 0 projectiles, he sort of fits into this category perfectly.

Additionally, Jake has an extra benefit compared to other melee characters in that he's stretchy, so he'll get the benefit of the extra damage with Pugilist while also being able to deal that extra damage at a much farther range than most other characters are capable of. Outside of Pugilist, you might also be able to use Second Wind Beneath Your Wings decently or Armor Crush, but they're way below Pugilist overall.