With the relaunch of MultiVersus imminent, the platform fighter featuring a roster of licensed Warner Bros. characters is set to continue its run as a live service alternative to the crossover premise originally established by Nintendo's Super Smash Brothers. Considering the plethora of IPs under the massive umbrella of its parent company, MultiVersus has been anticipated to be returning with some heavy-hitters in terms of pop culture relevance, but the game's latest announcement hasn't matched up to this expectation. Following the announcement of Adventure Time's Banana Guard as a joke character, some fans have voiced a level of disappointment reminiscent of the reception to one of Smash Bros.' most divisive inclusions.

While Super Smash Bros. Ultimate could be seen as the pinnacle of the franchise in terms of its sheer roster size, not all of these fighters are on the same level of popularity. There's bound to be some supporting characters across such a huge selection, but the choice to feature Mario's Piranha Plant has possibly been the most controversial in series history. Practically any title that is built upon uniting disparate licenses together sees its developer inundated with requests for fan-favorite additions, but Piranha Plant—and now Banana Guard in MultiVersus—seemingly showcases what could be interpreted as a blatant disregard for what all but the most niche players desire.

Game of Thrones' Arya Isn't The Only HBO Character Who Deserves a Spot in MultiVersus

Arya Stark stands out as MultiVersus' only fighter from a mature HBO show, but the game's return could bring more characters from the network.

How the Banana Guard Situation is Almost Identical to Piranha Plant's in Smash Ultimate

As a nameless enemy from its source material who has no proper characterization as an individual, it's understandable why many players have expressed that the character slot taken up by Piranha Plant would be better utilized by someone else.

The same could be said for Banana Guard, a background character who doesn't even live up to several other far more unique and memorable faces from Adventure Time, but somehow made it in over commonly requested MultiVersus fighters like the Powerpuff Girls or Harry Potter. An entire moveset of unique animations has been crafted for a character that few fans were asking for once again, but it seems to be intended to prove the same point within the genre.

Why Minor Characters in Crossover Fighters Can Be Underrated

For all the negative reception Banana Guard has inspired, there's also a sizable number of fans who have expressed appreciation for the sheer absurdity of the concept. Just like Piranha Plant, this unconventional fighter has become the basis for memes that ultimately highlight the fact it's meant to be a joke character and its value as a possible shock marketing tool. Coming after the high-profile reveal of the Joker for MultiVersus, an irrelevant fighter like Banana Guard serves to emphasize just how diverse the roster of a crossover can be.

There's Still Hope for MultiVersus' Relaunch to Be More Unanimously Well-Received

Banana Guard Doesn't Have to Be the Final Reveal

While Piranha Plant was announced as the first DLC character of Ultimate at the tail-end of its pre-release marketing cycle, the same pressure doesn't necessarily have to be placed on Banana Guard now. An upcoming "insane" character reveal for MultiVersus had been teased and now Jason Voorhees and The Matrix's Agent Smith have been officially confirmed, for example.

It could seem risky that a background character was given so much spotlight this close to release, but just like with Smash Ultimate's Piranha Plant, the ridiculousness of this situation might just end up raising exposure for the far more thrilling reveals to come. In a title like MultiVersus that hopes to capture the breadth of its company's properties, there may be no better way to realize this concept than by mixing some of its least important characters with the most iconic.