If there is one thing gamers love, it's having the best of both worlds. There are plenty of amazing single-player-only games and multiplayer-only games out on the market. But both of these always make us wonder what could have been if the game had both modes.

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While multiplayer modes tacked onto single-player games tend to not always been great, tons of multiplayer games have the potential for great single-player campaigns based on their lore and gameplay mechanics. After all, there is no reason why players just can't have both.

10 Overwatch

The hero-based team shooter is filled to the brim with lore and great characters that absolutely should have a single-player type campaign. A game with such great gameplay mechanics and characters could have a solid campaign, vinette style, moving through some of the character's individual stories. It could also be co-op or feature some of the characters as NPCs to help through the campaign stories for healing. The event archive missions give a taste of what this could be and it is glorious. Fans have been requesting this type of mode to be added since release, but at this point, that seems unlikely, although a sequel to the game could very well feature it.

9 Shadowrun

The 2007 Xbox 360 title featured 16 players' first-person shooting action. It was a cross between the round-based Counter-Strike and the cybernetic and magic of the series it was based on. The game would make for an excellent RPG inspired campaign, like Fallout. Having a futuristic city to go through with elves, orcs and other magical creatures and powers would be awesome and the gameplay meshed those with first-person shooting well at the time it was released. If Cyberpunk 2077 has magic it would be a dream come true.

8 Apex Legends

One of the best feeling first-person-shooters of the current console generation, Apex Legends is begging to have a single-player campaign. The character-based battle royale takes place in the Titanfall universe which only heightens the need for a campaign since Titanfall 2 has an excellent campaign.

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While the lore of the game doesn't really support a story for a campaign it would take some excellent writing to get there but the shooting makes up for that wholely. Having gameplay this refined limited exclusively to a battle royale feels like a missed opportunity.

7 Black Ops 4

While the unfortunately low number of people playing Call of Duty campaigns is pretty widely known, it doesn't mean the opportunity to make an excellent campaign should be missed, especially since the Black Ops series has some of the stronger campaigns. They tell very interesting stories and serve as a way to get invested in the title before plowing into the other modes. While the battle royale mode replaced the campaign in Black Ops 4 and was very enjoyable, it still felt like the game wasn't whole without it.

6 Fallout 76

Not that this really needs to be said again, but Fallout 76 would have done great with a single-player mode, or at least being tailored a little more that way. The game has certainly found an audience of players and is getting human NPCs eventually, it could have had a single-player mode to start with. The game also proves that the simple idea of just allowing co-op in a regular Fallout entry probably would have been the smarter move but hindsight 20-20. Hopefully, that idea influences titles moving forward.

5 Friday The 13th

Friday the 13th game Jason

This cheesy multiplayer-only title embraces the slasher films it's based on in the best ways possible. While the game's small team and low-budget would have made a single-player campaign difficult to put together, getting to play through different missions in the universe as Jason terrorizing camps would definitely be a blast.

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It could also go the other way, having a survival horror style game as one of the campers, being terrorized as Jason. Either way, some single-player content would be rad.

4 Rainbow Six Siege

This phenomenal multiplayer shooter always brings up the memory of Rainbow Six Vegas. There is no reason for a shooter this good to not have a solo campaign, even a short one, to play through. While the popularity of single-player campaigns is dropping, having one always adds appeal to a game. Siege has such great shooting mechanics and gameplay that a campaign could capitalize on it and give some added lore to the game in the process. The series in the past has featured excellent campaigns so bringing it back would be some strong nostalgia for those playing.

3 Smite

Smite deserves a single-player experience because of the possibilities for some creative storytelling with so many different pantheons of gods in the game to play with. Being able to bounce around from character perspectives in a third-person action game has some strong possibilities for being awesome. While the core gameplay might need some tweaks to get this working, the story could very easily carry it for a couple of hours of inter-pantheon madness between the gods.

2 Plants Vs. Zombies: Battle For Neighborville

Plants Vs. Zombies: Battle For Neighborville teeters on the end of having a great single-player experience. While the game features some "story-based" PvE content, it is very shallow and nearly requires having additional people to complete it.

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It's more running around a big map collecting and vanquishing than it is a campaign which is disappointing. Having a legit single-player campaign with the goofy characters and wacky mechanics the series features would prove to be some of the most unique gaming experiences around.

1 Payday 2

The idea of robbing banks with your friends is pretty appealing but the levels and concepts put into Payday 2 felt limited by the requirement of multiplayer. Having a full-sized single-player game about pulling off big heists has the potential to be a ton of fun. Especially having massive bank levels to move through in stealth or having deeper hostage intimidation tactics could all give a deeper and more rewarding experience than the original base game did. Think Ocean's 11 the video game, but cooler.

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