
  • Ms. Marvel, portrayed by Iman Vellani, has become a fan favorite in the MCU, with her own Disney Plus series receiving high ratings and her big screen debut in The Marvels being well-received.
  • The Marvels hints at a future for the character, indicating that Ms. Marvel will continue to be a prominent figure in the MCU. However, Marvel should also explore her character outside of the movies, potentially through another video game.
  • A Ms. Marvel game has the potential to be a fantastic experience, allowing players to delve into Kamala Khan's story and her powers. By avoiding the pitfalls of Marvel's Avengers and following the successful formula of Insomniac Games' Marvel's Spider-Man, a game centered around Ms. Marvel could offer an exciting superhero adventure for fans.

With the release of The Marvels, one of the MCU's best new additions has taken center stage. While she did headline her own Disney Plus series last year, this film marks the first time Ms. Marvel has appeared on the big screen. And while the film has received a mixed reception, most MCU fans seem to agree that Iman Vellani's Kamala Khan is the definite highlight of the film. Because of that, Marvel may want to go all in on the character outside The Marvels.

This will likely not be the last time MCU fans get to see Ms. Marvel, as The Marvels hints at an interesting future for the character. But the MCU should not be the only place that the character is explored further. Even though her last major video game appearance in Marvel's Avengers may have been lackluster, it feels like the perfect time to craft another title around the character. Whatever form a game takes, it could be a marvelous treat for fans of the superhero franchise.

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Marvel Needs to Capitalize on the Ms. Marvel Craze

Fans Seem to Love the MCU's Ms. Marvel

Since her debut on Disney Plus, Iman Vellani's Kamala Khan has become a fan favorite. Her series may not have had stellar viewership numbers, but it is the highest rated MCU show on Rotten Tomatoes to date. The style was unique, the characters were a joy to watch, and Ms. Marvel felt like a fantastic addition to the cinematic universe - and her popularity has only grown with the release of The Marvels.

The Marvels has brought together the stories of Wandavision, Ms. Marvel, and Captain Marvel for an exciting team-up film. Finally, viewers get to see Kamala Khan fight her way through space alongside Carol Danvers and Monica Rambeau in a fun-filled entry to the MCU. Even though the film may not be blowing audiences away, viewers seem to be falling in love with Ms. Marvel all over again. And since this is her first big screen debut, countless fans may be getting introduced to her for the very first time.

A Ms. Marvel Game Could Be a Fantastic Experience

Now that MCU fans have been treated to multiple Ms. Marvel appearances, it seems like the perfect time for the studio to tap into the character further. While one of the highlights of the character may be Iman Vellani's performance, Kamala herself is also incredibly interesting. An Avengers-obsessed teen who is granted powers sounds like a lot of fun, especially because it is what every fan dreams about happening to them one day.

Three years ago, Kamala Khan took center stage in Crystal Dynamics Marvel's Avengers. The game may have left much to be desired, but the actual story was fun to experience. Ms. Marvel felt like the perfect protagonist for an adventure like this, and it really helped show that the character works well within the video game landscape. Now that MCU fans have grown attached to her, it feels like it is time to try the concept again.

As long as a Ms. Marvel game can avoid the pitfalls of Marvel's Avengers, it could be a fantastic treat for superhero fans. Instead, the game should follow in the footsteps of Insomniac Games' Marvel's Spider-Man series. Players should get to watch as she grapples with her new powers and be forced to save Jersey City from insurmountable odds. It would not only give players another exciting superhero adventure to experience, but would also be a great way to dive further into the character beyond what the MCU has been able to do so far.

With the right studio, a Ms. Marvel-centric game sounds like a great time. As the character appears in more MCU projects, she will likely only rise in popularity. As such, it feels like the best time to explore her story within a video game. Even if it takes years to come out, she feels like the perfect protagonist for a new type of Marvel video game, and it would be a shame if she never got to shine outside the MCU.

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The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is a sprawling movie and television franchise that weaves together individual stories of superheroes including Captain America, Thor, Spider-Man, Hulk, Black Widow, and many more. The first film in the franchise, Iron Man, was released in 2008. The MCU has garnered critical praise and financial success, earning billions at the box office and becoming a cultural phenomenon.

First Film
Iron Man
Latest Film
Robert Downey Jr. , Chris Evans , Chris Hemsworth , Scarlett Johansson , Mark Ruffalo , Jeremy Renner , Chadwick Boseman , Zoe Saldana , Chris Pratt , Tom Hiddleston , Iman Vellani
TV Show(s)
WandaVision , The Falcon and the Winter Soldier , Loki , Ms. Marvel , She-Hulk