Ms. Marvel's first season introduced Kamala Khan to the MCU after having previously been fairly unknown. While Marvel's Avengers from Square Enix introduced Kamala to the wider audience, the Disney+ TV show solidified her place in the mainstream.

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While all episodes of Ms. Marvel felt tonally consistent and important to the overall story, there was naturally a disparity in the quality between them. None of the episodes were bad, but some were better than others. Nevertheless, regardless of the best episodes of Ms. Marvel, all of them contributed something and are worth a watch to any Marvel fan. There are plenty of the best Ms. Marvel comics you should read before Kamala begins to appear more in the MCU.

6 Seeing Red (Episode Four)

A still from the fourth episode of Ms Marvel

The fourth episode of the series is usually where most MCU Phase 4 shows reach their peak, before a quieter penultimate episode and an action-packed finale. This episode is similar to that, doing a lot of work to set up one of the best superhero origin stories.

In Ms. Marvel, "Seeing Red" sees Kamala and her mother travel to Karachi, Pakistan to meet Kamala's grandmother, Sana. It sees the introduction of the Red Daggers, another faceless faction with plenty of characters but none that ever break into their own.

The Clandestines, as well as the Department of Damage Control, also show up, leading to an episode that feels frenetically paced but without any true drama between the opposing characters.

5 Crushed (Episode Two)

A still from the second episode of Ms Marvel

Ms. Marvel's second episode expands more on Kamala dealing with her newfound powers with the help of her best mate Bruno. This is a pretty standard formula for the second episode of the MCU series, but that doesn't help to detract from Ms. Marvel's glaring formulaic nature, a problem that's repeated throughout many MCU Phase 4 TV shows.

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The Department of Damage Control is introduced in a jovial, often comedic way. The problem with this is that Kamala and Bruno never truly feel in danger nor are they being suitably challenged, even if viewers get to see powers you didn't know Ms. Marvel has.

The episode covers a significant stage of Kamala's superhero journey but feels a bit run-of-the-mill, making it one of the lower-ranking Ms. Marvel episodes.

4 Generation Why (Episode One)

A still from the first episode of Ms Marvel

The debut episode of Ms. Marvel, "Generation Why" is an excitable romp that does a great job of introducing Kamala, her family, and Bruno.

The best of Kamala's character is on show as she attends an AvengersCon before discovering her powers. The plot is relatively thin but that's to be expected with the show needing to introduce many characters at once.

There are many things we loved from Ms. Marvel's debut episode, and it's no slight that it doesn't compare to later episodes of the series, as a series debut wouldn't be expected to have lots going on.

3 Destined (Episode Three)

A still from the third episode of Ms Marvel

The midpoint of the series, "Destined" has a good balance between happy and comedic moments as well as dramatic, dangerous ones. Most of the focus of the episode is on Aamir, Kamala's brother, and his marriage to Tyesha. A Pakistani wedding comes loaded with some of Ms. Marvel's best Pakistani and Indian songs, making the episode feel upbeat and modern.

It does feature the Clandestines which, up until this point, are the villains of the show. The Department of Damage Control also shows up to capture them while Kamala escapes.

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"Destined" is a great episode because of the time it spends showing happy moments in Kamala's life, such as her brother's wedding. However, it does fall a little short with having two faction-based villains with neither being relatively well-developed.

2 Time And Again (Episode Five)

A still from the fifth episode of Ms Marvel

The penultimate episode of Ms. Marvel, "Time and Again" features a trip into the past as Kamala inadvertently becomes a part of her family legend. It sees the first time the MCU has taken on the subject of India's partition, and with how important it is to Kamala as well as her family's story, it grips the viewer. There are few things Ms. Marvel's show changes from the comic books in this episode, but that's nothing new for the MCU.

The episode doesn't really explain how Kamala traveled back in time, and it's pretty vague on what Najima actually did to open the portal/ Veil thing, but it's a good episode nonetheless because of the stakes being so high.

The B plot with Bruno and Kamran being attacked by the Department of Damage Control helps the episode to maintain its fast pacing with storylines while also continuing to develop the 'sidekick' characters.

1 No Normal (Episode Six)

A still from the sixth episode of Ms Marvel

The sixth episode and finale of Ms. Marvel, "No Normal" focuses on the Department of Damage Control as well as Kamran struggling to control his powers. It shows off some of the best Ms. Marvel powers you didn't know she had.

There's a bit more going on in this episode and it is much more light-hearted than other MCU shows. It's clear that the show has a younger target audience but it works as a nice reprieve from the uber-serious The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.

Ms. Marvel finally comes into her own in this series as a hero and is ready to join the MCU film series in The Marvels.

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