
  • Underestimating Pokemon like Vigoroth is a mistake; fast with high attack potential.
  • Emolga may be cute, but its dual typing and speed make it a tough opponent.
  • Ribombee may look insignificant, but its high speed and special attack make it a valuable team member.

The Pokemon franchise has become so successful because it knows how to introduce a wide variety of different Pokemon to each new generation. Some of these Pokemon will be tough, others will be cute, and there will even be some that get completely overlooked.

The 24 Rarest Shinies In Pokemon GO

Shiny Pokemon are already rare, but some are even rarer in Pokemon GO. These are the most difficult to obtain shinies to get in the game.

These creatures may be overlooked because of their design or prowess in battle. However, Pokemon players all know that it is a mistake to underestimate some of these Pocket Monsters due to their incredible potential with the right Trainer.

7 Vigoroth

A Mid-Evolution That Hits Hard

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Slakoth Vigoroth Slaking

There is a good reason for many players to underestimate Vigoroth. For starters, this Generation Three Pokemon is only in the middle stage. Plus, its evolved form, Slaking, has an attack stat that is on par with some legendary Pokemon and is only held back by its Truant ability, which prevents it from attacking every other turn. As such, many players will consider this fully-evolved Pokemon to be a threat, and ignore Vigoroth when it appears.

Pokemon GO: Best Slaking Moveset

Here is the best possible moveset that Pokemon GO players can put together when using Slaking in the popular augmented reality mobile game.

However, underestimating a Vigoroth in battle is a mistake. This Pokemon is lightning-fast with a base speed of 90 and still has a high attack. This time, though, there is no Truant ability holding Vigoroth back.

6 Emolga

A Cute Pokemon Many Players Lost To In Gen 5

Pokemon Games Repel Emolga Flying

Emolga is the Pikachu clone that was released as a part of the Generation Five Pokedex. As expected, it is a single-stage, cute electric type that many people do not think of as using as a potential team member. However, this flying rodent is far better in battle than most players would anticipate. Most players discover this when they face the electric gym leader, Elsa, in the Black and White games.

Emolga can be tricky to defeat because it's dual electric and flying typing makes it immune to the ground type, which should be useful when fighting electric-type Pokemon. Plus, Emolga has a speed stat of 103 and access to the move Volt Switch. As such, Emolga is always likely to out-speed its opponent and get off some damage before swapping places with a much tougher ally Pokemon.

5 Ribombee

A Fast Pokemon That Players Shouldn't Ignore

Ribombee flying through the sky

The bug type in Pokemon is normally one that goes ignored by players, mostly because the bug types in the franchise that are worth taking to the Elite Four are few and far between. That is why many players choose not to pick up a Ribombee when playing through the generation seven games.

However, this tiny fairy and bug type is much more useful than it appears. This bug type is very fast with a speed stat of 124 and has a respectable special attack of 95. Also, it has access to some status afflicting move like Stun Spore and Sweet Scent. Therefore, Ribombee can make for a good fairy type to use in a playthrough and should not be underestimated.

4 Lickilicky

A Pokemon With A Strange Design With Battle Potential

Pokemon Lickilicky in battle

Lickilicky is the perfect example of a Pokemon that many fans underestimate because of its design. This Pokemon from generation four is the evolved form of Lickitung, a Pokemon from generation one that did not have many fans because of its round pink form and long tongue. Its evolution is even less appealing, with its even rounder body and shorter tongue. This tongue is even more confusing considering how this Pokemon is supposed to be a better version of its predecessor.

5 Easiest Pokemon Games, Ranked

Some of the easiest Pokemon games are great for players that want a more casual playing experience, or to those that want to be the very best.

None of these design choices seem to hinder Licklicky in battle, though. This normal type can certainly hold its own with its 85 attack and bulky 110 HP stat. It just doesn't see a lot of play as there are many better-looking Pokemon, like Chansey, who can do the same job as Lickilicky.

3 Squawkabilly

A Regional Bird That Does Not Evolve

Squawkabilly Shiny

Every new generation of Pokemon introduces a new regional bird that can be caught early on in the game. These early flying types rarely have much going on, but serve the purpose of providing the player with a Pokemon that can evolve into something powerful and reliable in battle later on. However, many players did not care much for Generation Nine's Squawkabilly when they found out that thi regional bird did not evolve.

Pokémon: The 10 Fiercest Bird Pokémon, Ranked

We all want to fly like a bird sometimes, right? Well, these Pokémon get to do it whenever they want. We take a look at the best bird-types.

Squakabilly is not a bad Pokemon to use in the early parts of the game, however. This flying type is fast and has a decent attack stat of 92, which isn't bad for a single-stage Pokemon. Also, giving Squawkabilly the move Brave Bird can cause a lot of unexpected damage to an opponent.

2 Tangela

Gen One's Forgotten Grass Type

Pokemon Grass Type Johto Gen 2 Tangela

Generation One included several decent grass types for players to add to their team, including the starter Pokemon, Bulbasaur. As a result, a single-stage grass type like Tangela usually gets overlooked by a lot of fans. Its bland design didn't help, so the Pokemon wasn't used as much before Tangela received an evolution in generation four.

There is no reason not to use Tangela in a Pokemon game before this generation, though. As anyone who has faced Erica's grass sym knows, Tangela can be a threat if used correctly. The right variety of status moves, like sleep powder, and healing moves like Mega Drain can keep Tangela standing and stalling enemy Pokemon for a while. Therefore, it is a shame that this generation one Pokemon was underestimated by players right out of the gate.

1 Pachirisu

A World Champion Pokemon

pokemon anime pachirisu

Pachirisu is often considered the poster child for a Pokemon that players should not underestimate. This single-stage Pikachu clone was hardly thought about when it debuted in the generation four games. However, all that changed when Pachirisu was featured in the winning team of the Pokemon World Championship in 2014.

Pachirisu didn't really end up doing much damage in the tournament, but the winning player did utilize the small rodent well. By making Pachirisu use the move Follow Me each turn, the enemy Pokemon are forced to waste their attacks on the useless Pokemon. As a result, the players' other more powerful Pokemon are then free to take out the opponents with ease. Therefore, very few Pokemon players will underestimate Pachirisu when it appears on the battlefield again.

MORE: Pokemon: Every Mythical & Legendary Pokemon