Resident Evil is without a doubt one of the most beloved video game series ever. Through the decades, this series reached millions of players all throughout the world, and its popularity has reached new heights in recent years thanks to stellar remakes. Even if the series is almost 30 years old, it still shows no sign of slowing down.

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Looking back at these last 25+ years, the Resident Evil series has had many great entries, which are still remembered fondly by fans. However, there are a few games that really stand out from the others. These games are the ones that managed to stand the test of time and are still as great to play as they were back at their launch.

4 Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (1999)

Gameplay screenshot from Resident Evil 3
  • Platforms: PlayStation, Dreamcast, Gamecube, PC.

Resident Evil 3 is the most divisive title in the earlier days of Resident Evil. This probably has two reasons why. First, the game was perceived by many players as being much too similar to its predecessor. Not only that, but it also brought less excitement to the table when compared to Leon and Claire's adventure. Secondly, many players still consider Resident Evil: Code Veronica to be a superior game and think of it as the "true" Resident Evil 3.

While both arguments have some merit, today players can say for sure that Resident Evil 3 has had a much bigger-than-expected impact on the series. This is mostly thanks to its main antagonist, the Nemesis, which is still, to this very day, one of the most popular enemies in the whole franchise. The way he stalks players all throughout the game has left a scar on everyone who survived the experience, and even the recent remake couldn't bring that haunting feeling back. Also, the game sports one of the best incarnations of Jill in the whole series. This is what helps Resident Evil 3 stand the test of time and makes it worth playing even after all these years.

3 Resident Evil 4 (2005)

Resident Evil 4 Leon
  • Platforms: Gamecube, PlayStation 2, Wii, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Android, iOS, Nintendo Switch.

Resident Evil 4 is perhaps one of the most beloved entries in the whole franchise, and it still ranks as the very best entry according to Metacritic. While this game proved to be the start of a very different direction for the series, players love how the game managed to make the gameplay much more dynamic while keeping horror elements in the mix. Even to this day, Resident Evil 4 is incredibly fun to play, so everyone who decides to give it a shot will find it a worthwhile experience.

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The game revolutionized third-person shooters while also introducing many fan-favorite weapons, but it was the first of its kind; therefore, it had many shortcomings that would be fixed through the years. This is much more evident when playing its remake, which has no trouble bringing its gameplay up to today's standards. So, while other titles offer a different experience from their respective remakes, Resident Evil 4 is the only one where players can get the whole gist of it by sticking solely to the newer version, making the original a little less "timeless" than it once was.

2 Resident Evil 2 (1998)

Leon Running From A Horde Of Zombies in Resident Evil 2
  • Platforms: PlayStation, Nintendo 64, Dreamcast, Gamecube, PC.

Another absolute gaming classic, Resident Evil 2 is as good today as it was in 1998. The game improved upon its predecessor in almost every way imaginable, bringing to the table new weapons, enemies, and locations and expanding the gameplay formula to a whole new level. The Raccoon Police District is still one of the most iconic locations in the series, and being able to play two separate scenarios as two of the best protagonists in the series in a single game is something that is still pretty unique within the series.

While the game was successfully remade in 2019, the original Resident Evil 2 still has its unique charm, thanks to the two games being very different both in terms of structure and content. While it's true that the remake expanded the game's story and scenarios, the original still offers that classic early 3D horror experience that is still beloved by many gamers to this day. This is why players who've already enjoyed the remake can still play the original and get another great experience.

1 Resident Evil (2002)

Gameplay screenshot from Resident Evil 2002 Remake
  • Platforms: Gamecube, Wii, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC.

The very first Resident Evil is the start of everything and probably the one that has best stood the test of time. The reason why the remake version is considered so great is that it improved the original in every single way, but it still maintained that classic fixed-camera perspective that made the first games so great. Contrary to other remakes from then, this one is so faithful that it makes playing the original feel more like a novelty than a necessity.

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The reason why this game is the most timeless in the series is due to many factors. First and foremost, it's not easy to beat the feeling of the very first encounter with a zombie and all the other freaky enemies found in the series. Secondly, the Spencer Mansion is probably the most iconic location in the whole series. Players who've made it through the game can probably still remember the disposition of rooms, secrets, and ammo even more than 20 years after its release. Even though the series has grown a great deal throughout the years, this entry is still the quintessential definition of the franchise, and players will surely have a great time playing through the adventure no matter when they will decide to dive into it.

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