Final Fantasy is renowned for its ridiculous approach to designing iconic characters. From impractical outfits to nonsensical personalities, the series has firmly rooted itself in the absurd and thrives because of its influence. One of the most notable traits of the series is its utilization of bizarre hairstyles.

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Final Fantasy's laws of physics have no say in how hair can be shaped and styled, resulting in the creation of some of the most baffling hairstyles in gaming. Whether it defies gravity or makes little sense regarding practicality, several Final Fantasy hairstyles pride themselves on being outrageous.

10 Nooj - Final Fantasy X-2

Nooj in Final Fantasy X-2

Nooj is one of the most elusive characters present in the Final Fantasy series. Once referred to as a "deathseeker," Nooj spent his time before the events of the game searching for a way to die honorably, but his hair would suggest that he also spent a good deal of time styling it.

If not for the impractically long ponytail protruding from his impressive mane, Nooj may have had a semblance of a normal haircut. Unlike the looped ponytails located at the back of his head, his other ponytail stretches down to his feet. The fact that he is never seen stumbling over his ridiculous hair is one of the game's biggest flaws.

9 Ultimecia - Final Fantasy 8

Ultimecia from Dissidia Final Fantasy NT

Final Fantasy 8 sees Ultimecia, an incredibly powerful sorceress, attempting to achieve god-like status. Her influence on time permits her the power to accomplish this, while also giving her the time to style her extravagant hair.

Ultimecia sports a headdress that shapes her unusual hair into a pair of horns. She also wears her bangs in a way that permits them to hang below her waist. This frightening amass of hair presents her as the embodiment of pure evil, but there is no denying how illogically designed it is.

8 Cloud Strife's Extensions - Final Fantasy 7

final fantasy 7 remake pole dancing scene

Final Fantasy 7 sees Cloud disguising himself as a woman to gain access to Don Corneo's mansion. Upon earning the approval of Andrea Rhodea, Cloud receives a makeover and, though his new garments are dazzling, his hair becomes even more ridiculous.

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Cloud's hair was always a point of contention due to its impossible volume, so adding two plaits with ribbons on the tips further enhanced its absurdity. The whole purpose of Cloud's makeover is to conceal his identity, so clipping plaits into his already recognizable hairstyle contributes very little to his disguise.

7 Quistis Trepe - Final Fantasy 8

Quistis featured image

Quistis Trepe is a Balamb Garden instructor tasked with preparing her students for combat. She becomes a force to be reckoned with upon joining Squall on his journey, but her nonsensical hair often diminishes her powerful aura.

For the most part, Quistis' hair seems sensible, but her fringe is completely absurd. Extending below her shoulders, these two fringes become less practical with each inch they descend. With part of her hair tied up on a bun, it seems illogical for her to allow her overly long fringes to flow as freely as they do.

6 Ignis Scientia - Final Fantasy 15

Ignis Scientia from Final Fantasy XV

As a bodyguard to the prince of Insomnia, Ignis must approach his journey with a sense of professionalism. Out of the four main characters in Final Fantasy 15, he is arguably the most well-spoken and cordial member of the group, but his ridiculous hair tends to diminish his qualifications.

Ignis spends a great deal of his time driving a convertible, so it could be argued that his hair is windswept and not styled. If this was the case, however, his companions would also have hairstyles similar to his. In a world where most characters sport relatively normal hairstyles, Ignis aims to stand out through his overuse of hair gel.

5 Tifa Lockhart - Final Fantasy 7

ff7 remake tifa

Though Tifa Lockhart's hair seems much more contained than the other more bizarre hairstyles present in the series, how she chooses to tie it is questionable. In most of her depictions, her hair is seen falling below her waist and, instead of tying it up to reduce its length, she opts to only tie the tips.

The dolphin-tail split created by the unusual positioning of her hair tie is a subtle nod to her Dolphin Blow limit break, but it hosts little purpose otherwise. Though it keeps her lengthy hair manageable, it would be much more practical to either wear her hair in a bun or a ponytail.

4 Wakka - Final Fantasy 10

Wakka from Final Fantasy X

For a man whose passion requires a great deal of swimming, it seems impossible that his hair would retain as much volume as it does. Not only does Wakka's hair extend upright, but it also curls backward, implying that his hair is intentionally styled.

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Laws of physics appear frightened of Wakka's hair. No matter the situation he is placed in, his hair refuses to descend to normal heights. Though Final Fantasy 10 plays host to an array of unusual haircuts, Wakka's is arguably the most implausible.

3 Amarant Coral - Final Fantasy 8

Fans may find it difficult to believe that Amarant Coral is a human but, according to developers, he is. This muscular, blue-skinned entity seems more alien than his peers, but perhaps his hair is the sole reason for this.

Without his hairstyle, Amarant would be an entirely different person. His impressive build quickly becomes overshadowed by his collection of massive red dreadlocks. Defying physics, these dreads extend to the heavens while also shielding his face. Perhaps the sheer weight of these dreads is what causes Amarant to slouch so much.

2 Kefka Palazzo - Final Fantasy 6

Dissidia NT Final Fantasy VI Kefka Palazzo

Often regarded as the best villain in the Final Fantasy series, Kefka Palazzo embraces absurdity in more ways than one. He is as evil as he is fashionable, evident through his sporting of colorful garments and accessories,

It is unclear where Kefka finds the time to plot for world domination due to the general upkeep his intricate hair requires. Styling his long blonde hair into a ponytail with an extravagant headdress would surely take several hours. It is safe to assume that whenever he is not on-screen, the infamous Kefka is meticulously fidgeting with each individual strand of his hair.

1 Seymour Guado - Final Fantasy 10

Seymour's introduction in Final Fantasy 10 was a shocking one, but not for the reasons that were intended. His questionable ideologies and tense musical themes are used to promote fear in those who encounter him, but his hair negates this entirely.

As half-man and half-Guado, Seymour's design presents a mix of both races' features. The Guado are forest-dwelling folk, so their hairstyles usually incorporate tree-like characteristics instead of typical hair strands. The color, shape, and size of Seymour's blue monstrosity result in one of the most ludicrous renditions of hair in the entire franchise.

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