In many JRPGs, healers are a vital part of the party's composition, even before white mages were introduced in Final Fantasy. White mages can heal damage, remove status ailments, and even revive dead companions, so their presence in an RPG party is absolutely necessary.

There have been countless JRPGs released over the years, and each one of them has at least one party member that acts as the designated healer. These characters usually serve as a support for the more offensive party members, but they are just as essential — without them, the party could be wiped out in a flash. Here are the most powerful white mages and healers in video games.

10 Jessica Alkirk (Lunar: Silver Star Story)

Jessica Alkirk head shot in an anime cutscene

Jessica Alkirk's personality is quite different from the usual white mage. She's tomboyish and lacks diligence, often ditching her duties at the shrine in order to go exploring. While she's quite reckless and hot-tempered, she is also very kind.

Jessica is the main healer in Lunar: Silver Star Story, and she can cast a variety of spells that can heal lost health and recover negative status effects. In addition, Jessica is a capable physical attacker, and can deal decent damage when no one is in need of healing.

9 Minwu (Final Fantasy 2)

Minwu art from Final Fantasy Mobius

As one of the first playable white mages in the franchise, Minwu sets the standard for the class of white mage. As the royal healer of Queen Hilda, Minwu becomes a capable ally to Firion and his friends.

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Final Fantasy 2 was known for its unique progression system, where characters only improve in the skills and stats they use in battle. Since Minwu comes with high levels in White Magic and Spirit, he is clearly positioned to be a capable healer and white mage. While he is only a temporary party member, he remains essential early on in the game.

8 Ophilia Clement (Octopath Traveler)

Ophilia Clement in-game art

Ophilia Clement is a sister of the Church of Flamesgrace, and adopted daughter of Archbishop Josef. When he falls ill before his daughter Lianna's pilgrimage, Ophilia offers to perform the pilgrimage instead so that Lianna can stay by her father's side.

As the default cleric of the cast in Octopath Traveler, Ophilia is an essential member of the cast. While the sub-job system allows any character to take the role of healer, Ophilia's high magic stats easily make her the best healer of the entire crew.

7 Tear Grants (Tales Of The Abyss)

Tear Grants blushing

Tear Grants is a stoic yet unrelenting soldier who serves as a Seventh Fonist, making her a practiced singer of Fonic Hymns. After attempting to attack her brother Van for unknown reasons, she is accidentally teleported to another location with protagonist Luke fon Fabre.

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Tear is one of two main healers in Tales of the Abyss, with healing spells that are designed to heal groups of people rather than just one person. She also has access to a variety of offensive spells as well, making her a versatile spellcaster.

6 Marle (Chrono Trigger)

As she explores the Millenial Fair, Marle meets Crono and Lucca, who are there to demonstrate the use of the Telepod. There, her pendant reacts with the Telepod, sending her to another time and kickstarting an adventure that would take her and Crono all across time.

Marle is unique in that her healing spells are based on the power of water rather than the power of light, as the latter is a more common theme among White Mages. However, her role as a healer is undeniable and unmatched. She is easily the best healer in the game, and she plays an essential role in the party.

5 Yukiko Amagi (Persona 4)

Yukiko Amagi talking with the protagonist

Yukiko Amagi is the beautiful and reserved heiress to Yasoinaba's Amagi Inn. After an incident that causes her to confront her shadow, she obtains a Persona and joins her friends in hunting down the killer terrorizing her town.

Yukiko is easily the best healer in Persona 4 on top of having powerful fire-based skills. With an incredibly high Magic stat and numerous powerful healing skills, Yukiko is an easy pick to be considered one of the best characters in the game and is an essential member of any party.

4 Kloe Rinz (Trails In The Sky)

Kloe Rinz using her S-Craft

Kloe Rinz is a polite and diligent student of the Royal Jenis Academy of Liberl, where she meets Estelle and Joshua Bright on their journeys through the kingdom. She quickly becomes a dear friend and companion, but she hides a secret that is more significant than she lets on.

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While the roles that characters can play in Trails in the Sky is quite linear, Kloe is clearly set up to be the main healer of the cast. Her Arts stat is very high, and her S-Craft Lichtkreis allows her to instantly heal and remove ailments from the entire party at once.

3 Mercedes von Matritz (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)

Mercedes von Matritz talking to Byleth

Mercedes von Matritz is a member of the Blue Lions, the house of the Kingdom of Faerghus at the Garreg Mach Monastery Officers Academy. A warm and motherly person, Mercedes nevertheless hides a strong spirit that sometimes takes others by surprise.

Mercedes is easily one of the best healers in the game, with a native ability to cast both Physic and Fortify, two of the most important white magic spells. While many characters in Fire Emblem: Three Houses show a strong affinity for white magic, Mercedes is easily the best for the role.

2 Serena (Dragon Quest 11)

Serena during the opening cutscene

Serena is the twin sister of Veronica, and both of them serve as personal aides to the Luminary, meant to guide him on his destined journey. When the Luminary saves them while in Hotto, the two pledge their service to him, becoming steadfast allies.

While Veronica is a master of offensive magic, Serena is a master of healing magic. In addition, her mastery of the harp allows her to raise the party's elemental resistance, making her a vital part of Dragon Quest 11's party.

1 Yuna (Final Fantasy 10)

Yuna dancing to perform the sending

Yuna is an aspiring summoner who is preparing to embark on a pilgrimage to defeat Sin when she meets Tidus. A kind and compassionate soul, Yuna's soothing personality draws Tidus to her, and he inevitably decides to accompany her on her journey.

Yuna is naturally skilled in white magic, making her the obvious healer for the majority of Final Fantasy 10. She is also a summoner, allowing her to summon mighty spirits that are able to turn the tide of battle massively. Her immense magical abilities make her one of the best white mages in the Final Fantasy series.

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