Among the diverse Gundam series, Mobile Fighter G Gundam holds a distinct position as one of the most exhilarating and flamboyant entries in the franchise. Because unlike the other series that tries its best to bring the complexity of tragedy, war, conflict, and more into the series in order to bring life into it, Mobile Fighter G Gundam simply wants to show you crazy brawls between two giant robots.

This article explores the factors that make G Gundam an unparalleled experience in terms of its over-the-top nature. We delve into its outrageous premise, jaw-dropping Gundam designs, and adrenaline-pumping fighting sequences, which collectively contribute to its reputation as the epitome of extravagance within the Gundam universe.

Related: The Most Underrated Mobile Suit Gundam Series

Over-The-Top Premise

Gundam G Fighter Tournament

At the core of G Gundam lies an over-the-top premise that deviates from the traditional Gundam formula. Set in an alternate future, G Gundam introduces the concept of the Gundam Fight, a global tournament where nations send representatives piloting unique mobile suits to battle for supremacy. The stakes are high, as the winning nation earns the right to govern Earth for four years.

This departure from the political and war-centric narratives of other Gundam series allows G Gundam to embrace a more action-packed and entertaining storyline. The tournament format provides a perfect backdrop for showcasing the diverse array of eccentric characters, extravagant mobile suit designs, and intense battles that unfold throughout the series.

That being said, there is still the underlying thrill of politics and social commentary baked into the story. However, most of those things often take a backseat in favor of the extravagant and over-the-top mobile suit designs and action sequences. That means you can still find the familiar whiff of the usual major Gundam series here, but the sense of fun, excitement, and silliness are certainly dialed up to eleven.

Over-The-Top Gundam Designs

Gundam G Fighter Mermaid Matador Nether Gundam

Mobile Fighter G Gundam pushes the boundaries of Gundam design with its extravagant and unconventional mobile suit aesthetics. Departing from the more militaristic and practical designs of other series, G Gundam introduces Gundam units inspired by national stereotypes, cultural motifs, and historical references. These designs are characterized by flamboyant colors, elaborate armor decorations, and thematic elements that reflect the fighters' respective countries.

From the windmill-inspired Nether Gundam to the bull-themed Matador Gundam, the Gundam designs in G Gundam are a visual feast for the viewers. They showcase a level of creativity and imaginative design seldom seen in other Gundam series, contributing to the larger-than-life spectacle that defines G Gundam's style.

You can immediately tell from the first episode that the show runners exercise a greater amount of freedom when it comes to the design of every single one of the mobile suits featured in this series. Sure, as a result, some of the mobile suits in G Gundam venture into the realm of “Is that even mechanically and physically possible?”. But hey, don’t let physics get in the way of a fun duel between two giant mechas, right?

Over-The-Top Fighting Sequences

Gundam G Fighter God Gundam Burning Hand

One of the hallmarks of G Gundam is its over-the-top fighting sequences, which are characterized by fast-paced action, flashy moves, and intense duels. The battles transcend the boundaries of traditional Gundam combat, incorporating martial arts techniques, acrobatics, and exaggerated special attacks. There are countless instances where it feels and looks like two people in costumes fighting, rather than a duel between two massive manned humanoid robots.

The Gundam Fight's tournament format allows the series to showcase a variety of fighting styles from different nations, each with its distinct flair and signature moves. From fiery energy attacks to lightning-fast melee strikes, the fights in G Gundam are a visual spectacle that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. The dynamic animation, coupled with the high-energy soundtrack, further intensifies the impact of these battles.

It is truly a feast for the eyes. A festival of over-the-top fighting and destruction. A display of ambition and imagination that allowed you to simply turn your brain off for a moment and enjoy the show. Mobile Fighter G Gundam is truly a testament to the extravagant and over-the-top side of the Gundam franchise. By embracing the spirit of spectacle and pushing the boundaries of creativity, G Gundam delivers a thrilling and exhilarating journey for fans of action-packed mecha anime.

The series' unapologetic approach to extravagance has left an indelible mark on Gundam history, solidifying G Gundam's reputation as the pinnacle of over-the-top Gundam storytelling and visual splendor. Some people might disregard this series due to its outdated visuals. But if you’re a fan of the Gundam franchise, then you should watch Mobile Fighter G Gundam.You’ll find yourself smiling and chuckling at all of the strange and silly things that happen on screen.

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