
  • Nathan Drake from the Uncharted series is one of the most loyal video game characters, always risking his life to protect his friends and trusting them implicitly.
  • Trevor Philips from Grand Theft Auto 5 may be an awful human being, but his unwavering loyalty to his friends and partners in crime is one of his redeeming qualities.
  • Tails from Sonic the Hedgehog is a loyal sidekick to Sonic, always willing to help his friends without expecting anything in return. He provides physical boosts to Sonic throughout the series.

As with any work of fiction, video game characters are primarily based on real humans, and individuals can have vastly different levels of loyalty. Self-serving characters for example are quick to switch sides and betray their supposed friends, whereas loyal characters will do anything to stay true to their cause, protecting those they care about with their life.

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Characters can also be loyal to institutions such as the military or even their people as a whole. The most loyal video game characters of all time are arguably those who are tested most and yet time and time again come through strong and unyielding in their loyalty.

6 Nathan Drake - Uncharted Series

Nathan Drake and Sam Drake

Nathan Drake is the protagonist of the Uncharted series and one of the most loyal video game characters. On countless occasions, Nate risks his life to protect those he cares about, namely his friends, family, and general companions on his adventures to discover the truth behind certain historical mysteries.

Through thick and thin, he always comes out strong for them, and he also trusts them implicitly, which is an undervalued aspect of loyalty. Nathan Drake is also one of the video game characters with the best character development, meaning players get to see other aspects of his personality grow, outside of his intrinsic loyalty.

5 Trevor Philips - Grand Theft Auto 5

Rockstar Games Trevor Philips

Despite being a pretty awful human being overall, Grand Theft Auto 5's Trevor Philips does have some redeeming qualities, and one of these is his unwavering loyalty. Without a real family left to him, Trevor sees his friends and partners in crime as family, and he will do anything in his power to protect them.

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It is perhaps for this very reason that Michael's betrayal hurt so bad, and yet Trevor can look past the pain and in time forgive his friend and remain loyal. In fact, throughout the events of GTA 5, Trevor's loyalty allows him to overcome many problems, both in the real world and in his head.

4 Tails - Sonic The Hedgehog Series

Sonic and Tails in Sonic Prime

Sidekicks are often loyal, and this is exactly the case for Tails, who is Sonic's sidekick throughout the series. Despite foxes usually being portrayed as sly and cunning in fiction, Tails is of a pure heart, completely unselfish, and will do anything for his friends without expecting anything in return.

Tails' loyalty and help are not simply limited to moments within the story, as throughout the Sonic the Hedgehog series there are plenty of great Tails levels where he gives physical boosts to Sonic, usually with his two tails.

3 Charles - Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 Charles Smith looking to the side

There are plenty of great Red Dead Redemption characters and both John and Arthur had their fair share of loyal friends. However, Charles' loyalty and friendship with Arthur in RDR2 went above and beyond, even after Arthur's tragic end. Charles was always at Arthur's side in fights and never balked at what was required of him.

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NPCs provide players quests, become their buddies or enemies, and bring the game environment to life.

One of Charles' most notable moments of loyalty was when he risked his life as part of the heist in Saint Denis to save the rest of the Van der Linde gang. Sadie is also extremely loyal to Arthur, however, her desire for revenge often gets in the way, whereas Charles is more level-headed and focused on keeping his friends alive. Once someone was a friend to Charles, he considered them kin and nothing could get in the way of his loyalty to them.

2 Master Chief - Halo Series

Master Chief Halo Trailer Close Up In Armor

No matter the mission, no matter the circumstances, Master Chief always remains fiercely loyal to the UNSC and thus to humanity as a whole. In part, Master Chief's loyalty can be explained by the military doctrine that has been drilled into him, but while there are plenty of other great Spartans in the Halo series, none quite live up to his standards.

The man beneath the helmet, John, never lets his emotions or feelings get the better of him and stays true to the mission assigned to him. Throughout the Halo games, he is also incredibly loyal to his AI companion Cortana, and this loyalty is returned in kind by her, making them an unbeatable duo.

1 Lydia - Skyrim


Lydia is easily one of the most iconic followers in Skyrim, seeing as she is often the first that players acquire. She is also loyal to a fault and will follow the Dragonborn into any situation, remaining true as a Housecarl in service of her Thane no matter what is thrown her way.

Lydia can be treated pretty poorly by the main character in Skyrim, and yet she will always return, ready to carry more gear and face her death once more. If players want to tie the knot and declare their love and loyalty for Lydia herself, then she is one of the best options for marriage in Skyrim. Even when she is not the Dragonborn's wife, Lydia can certainly be considered one of the most loyal video game characters of all time.

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