In The Witcher 3, there's a lengthy list of terrifying, capable, and altogether quite impressive monsters that populate the world. It's up to the player to rid the landscape of these monsters, taking on contracts to do battle and slay them with alarming efficiency - such is the way of a witcher, after all.

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Owing to an event called The Conjunction of the Spheres, worlds collided, bringing umpteen monsters into the world of The Witcher 3. Not all of them are a threat, and some can be considered nuisances more than anything. But, there are a few monsters in the bestiary that can wreak catastrophic levels of damage, boasting wondrous powers and abilities that make them truly dominant and impressive forces to contend with.

7 Fiend (Relict)

a fiend attacks Geralt of Rivia

In The Witcher 3, a Fiend is a remarkable monster, described in the bestiary as being 'walking mountains of muscle'. They're hulking creatures that tower over Geralt, and they prove to be a thorn in his side whenever they appear, all too quickly and suddenly for a monster of their size.

Fiends are extremely impressive creatures, boasting the relatively unique ability of hypnotism, which they use to throw off an enemy during a fight. Their overwhelming size and strength make them immune to even the most powerful attacks, and they have a regenerative ability that truly makes them terrible monsters to fight.

6 Bruxa (Vampire)

A higher vampire snarls

Bruxae, to give them their plural name, were stripped entirely from the base game of The Witcher 3, but were later added in as a part of the Blood and Wine expansion. For fans of The Witcher 3, the sole representation of a Bruxa in the base game was in an earlier trailer released before the game's launch.

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In The Witcher universe, Bruxae are nothing but lethal - they're higher vampires that have the ability to assume a totally normal appearance, before striking at the most opportune of moments. They're dangerously fast and incredibly strong, and they can both turn invisible and throw out a sonic attack that staggers their opponents.

5 Ice Giant (Ogroid)

Geralt fights the Ice Giant

In The Witcher 3, the player will ultimately come across an Ice Giant on the isles of Skellige. However, this monster is impressive for more reasons than just its size. It's apparently the last of its race - the dying ember of an entire civilization of Ice Giants wiped out over millennia. In The Witcher 3, the player can bring a swift end to that race in an epic fight against what is the largest opponent in the game.

From the moment the player sets eyes on the Ice Giant, they're well aware that this is a remarkable monster. It's a dominating force that can bend the will of lesser creatures, and owing to its immense size, it's dramatically strong, if not particularly agile.

4 Archgriffin (Hybrid)

Geralt fights an Archgriffin in a field of flowers

At the start of The Witcher 3, the player is tasked with bringing down a Griffin, and it's a relatively tough task for such an early point in the game. However, it gets worse, as further in the game, the player will encounter the Archgriffin - an altogether more terrifying and impressive specimen than the stock-standard Griffin that they've already killed.

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On Skellige, there's a particularly tough Archgriffin that can be found on an island to the North, and it's statistically the toughest creature in the entire base game to fight and kill. It can spit acid, is immune to fire and most powerful attacks, and it can fight both in the air and on the ground. By its appearance alone, which is that of a combination between an eagle and a lion, the Archgriffin is a seriously impressive monster.

3 Djinn (Elementa)

A djinn just kind of stares menacingly

In The Witcher 3, the Djinn is notorious - if the player enters a pivotal scene whereupon they fight a Djinn, and they have a certain setting enabled, it'll make the fight almost impossible. There's nothing simple about a Djinn, from how it can be conjured to how it behaves in battle, and despite being a small monster in stature, a Djinn is incredibly powerful and an overwhelming magical force for even the most talented sorcerer.

As an opponent, a Djinn is a dastardly combatant, controlling the weather and the atmosphere just as quickly as it can unleash a flurry of magical attacks. However, unlike most monsters in The Witcher 3, there's something special to be gained by 'defeating' a Djinn. Once the player has completed the fight with the Djinn, they'll have effectively bent it to their will, and it will grant them a wish, making it one of the unique monsters in The Witcher 3.

2 Leshen (Relict)

a LESHen stands in front of a cloud of fire

The Leshen, otherwise known as a Leshy, is a terrifying, towering creature charged with defending nature, woodlands, and forests. It's an ancient creature, bound to assume the role of the guardian, attacking trespassers with reckless abandon. It's a chilling and calculating monster that even the most talented witcher will have issues defeating.

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In The Witcher 3, a Leshen can summon minions of the forest, calling upon crows to distract enemies, and wolves to launch devastating pack-driven attacks. As an almost ethereal force, a Leshen can disappear into a cloud of smoke, teleporting through the forest at will. They're powerful beyond measure, and absolutely one of the most impressive monsters in The Witcher 3.

1 Royal Wyvern (Draconid)

A royal wyvern flies over a grassy cliff

Not to be confused with a Dragon (which a witcher cannot kill), the Royal Wyvern is a venomous, incredible winged creature that can swoop down on its prey at a moment's notice. It's a highly intelligent creature that can study its opponents over time, learning their routines and their weaknesses.

They're much more capable than their standard counterparts, which can be dispatched following a considerably tough fight. For the inexperienced combatant, the overwhelming intelligence, strength, and speed of this impressive monster are more than they could ever handle. For even a witcher, fighting a Royal Wyvern is a rather terrifying prospect.

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