Jesters have been popular archetypes when it comes to character design for decades. They can provide comic relief through odd dances and funny writing or make for intriguing villains with complicated backstories and motivations. Jesters are usually found entertaining the courts of nobles and monarchs and so are often found in fantasy games. However, they can also be found across a variety of games, distinguishable by their brightly colored clothes and pointed hats.

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No matter the genre, they provide the game with hilarious dialogue and unique quests. Sometimes, however, their sense of humor comes at the expense of other characters, making them the most depraved, evil characters in the game. Either way, they are often the characters that stick with players the most.

7 Dhoulmagus - Dragon Quest 8

Dhoulmagus looking at staff in flashback scene DQ8

Dragon Quest 8's Dhoulmagus is an ambitious jester and magician who served King Trode before stealing the Scepter of Rhapthorne. At first, he seems to be the game's main villain, as the player sets out to cure the curse he has cast upon the kingdom. Later, however, the player learns that Rhapthorne was manipulating him through the scepter.

Although he certainly wears a jester's coat, there is little funny about him. He seems to enjoy killing and only cares about increasing his magic powers. Players will also learn that part of the reason for this is so that he can stop people from laughing at him ever again.

6 The Jester - Darkest Dungeon

darkest dungeon 2 how to combo

The Jester in Darkest Dungeon is one of the most versatile classes in the game. They can be built as an excellent single-target damage dealer or used to keep the enemy team bleeding with their sickle and dagger.

They are also the most effective stress healers in the game, keeping your team calm with songs in battle and relieving massive amounts of stress with a joke or impression around the fire when making camp. With a creepy white mask and spindly limbs, they may at first seem more dangerous than funny, but they certainly deserve a place on the team.

5 Arkham - Devil May Cry 3

Arkham as Jester in DMC3

Although Arkham himself may not be a jester, his alter ego certainly fits the bill. Arkham was originally simply a bald man in a black suit, but when he came across the story of Sparda, he became obsessed with the idea of gaining enough demonic power to rule the world. In his quest for godhood, he killed his wife, Kalina Ann, and in doing so gained an alter ego called Jester.

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Although just as cunning and manipulative, this side of him wears a purple dress and white makeup, with a wide smile and long thin fingers, taunting his enemies as he casts spells.

4 Feste - Dragon's Dogma

Feste the Duke's Jester from Dragon's Dogma

In Duke Edmun's palace in Grand Soren, players will come across the court jester called Feste. Wearing gold and red and often found sitting on the Duke's throne, this jester exists only to ridicule those around him. He pranks the player when they first enter the court and shows up later if the Arisen chooses to meet with the Duke's wife, Lady Aelinore.

Although he does not show up a lot in the story of Dragon's Dogma, his dialogue is the best the game has to offer. With his witty insults of the arisen and joking about the Duke's wife, he ensures that players will remember him, even ten years later.

3 Kefka Palazzo - Final Fantasy 6

Kefka Palazzo standing in Final Fantasy 6

Many players consider Kefka to be one of the best villains in the Final Fantasy series. Originally the court mage to the Gestahlian Empire, he was permanently altered by the Magitek experiments. As the process had not been refined yet, instead of simply gaining magic powers, Kefka was also left as a manic, bloodthirsty killer intent on ending the world.

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As well as his intriguing backstory, he also has some great writing. Whether he's mixing in rhymes while he explains himself or breaking into laughter and dark jokes when asked about the worst things he has done, his dialogue is certainly never boring.

2 Cicero - Skyrim

Skyrim Ciceros Outfit Dark Brotherhood Armor Set Guide

The Dark Brotherhood is a secret organization of highly trained assassins, some of whom may even be sent to kill the Dragonborn throughout the game. Should players decide to join them, however, then they will come across the jester known as Cicero. Before this, he can be found north of Whiterun, asking for help with a broken wagon which he claims carries his mother's corpse. Even though this is a short quest, his agitated voice and habit of talking to his mother's coffin will leave players wanting to find out more.

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During the Dark Brotherhood Quest, it turns out that he is transporting the Night Mother's corpse to the last Dark Brotherhood sanctuary. Despite his flamboyant clothes and jittery voice, he is right at home among these killers and plays a major role in the fate of the organization. Should players keep him alive, he then becomes a potential companion, dancing and joking as he takes on the Dragonborn's enemies.

1 Sylvando - Dragon Quest 11

Sylvando and his troupe in Dragon quest 11

Sylvando from Dragon Quest 11 is by far the most friendly and encouraging jester players will meet. Players first encounter this flamboyant luminary in Gallopolis, where he is performing in a circus. He is eager to help any other character the party comes across and does so with a smile and a fun twist. Throughout the story of Dragon Quest 11, players will learn that perhaps the only thing that can match his chivalry is his showmanship.

As a party member, Sylvando offers a bit of everything. He can deal damage with swords, daggers, and whips and has a chance to stun enemies through his high charm stat. However, supporting others is where he shines most, as he provides a variety of buffs and heals to the entire party through his different dances.

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