
  • Total War: Warhammer 3 adds a time component to gameplay with the Race to Ursun mechanic, making matches more tense.
  • Total War: Pharaoh challenges players to become Pharaoh and maintain the throne, offering a unique and engaging gameplay experience.
  • Distant Worlds 2 focuses on automation and trade management, giving players the opportunity to personalize their galactic empire.

Players with a knack for strategy would appreciate the sheer thrill of the grand strategy genre. After all, unlike the typical fast-paced RTS title, grand strategy games demand more forward-thinking and long-term planning for players. As such, turns could take hours to plan and entire matches could take days or even months to pan out. Sometimes, some grand strategy games go on for years, with any luck - an honor reserved for some of the most hardcore grand strategy titles.

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Unlike typical grand strategy games, hardcore grand strategy games take planning and crank it up to 100, this time around giving a depth and level of customization that other RTS titles won’t even receive. However, just what are some of the most hardcore grand strategy games ever made?

(Updated on November 3, 2023 by Rhenn Taguiam): With the October 2023 launch of Total War: Pharaoh bringing players to an Ancient Egypt ripe for control, fans of the grand strategy genre may be eager to sink their teeth into new experiences. While the likes of the Civilization franchise had already cemented itself as a mainstay in the grand strategy genre, fans may be interested in what other titles the genre has to offer when it comes to titles that become representative of the “grand” aspect of grand strategy. Included among these games are simulations of Earth in some of its most shining areas, taking control of Earth on the brink of an alien invasion and space colonization, a full-blown space sim, and a grand strategy title set in a gritty fantasy land.

15 *Total War: Warhammer 3

Race Against Time By God Factor Adds Tension To Matches

Total War Warhammer 3
Total War: Warhammer 3

February 17, 2022
Creative Assembly
Strategy , Tactical
  • The Race to Ursun mechanic adds a time component to the campaign, encouraging faster gameplay
  • Improved graphics lead to more stunning fights
  • Factions are more distinct in both themes and gameplay
  • Late game becomes underwhelming
  • Campaign can become stale and predictable for fantasy fans
  • Rifts and Chaos Realms can become challenging for players who don’t know how to defend against them

Set in the lands of Kislev and Grand Cathay, Total War: Warhammer 3 once again pits the factions of the Warhammer Fantasy wargame against each other - this time with the ultimate goal of controlling Ursun, the Bear-God, for their own desires. Unlike other Total War entries where players need to simply defeat other enemies for total domination, the element of racing to control Ursun by defeating representatives of the Chaos Gods challenges players to think more carefully about the alliances they create and those they wish to break.

Being a Total War game, Total War: Warhammer 3 also puts a great emphasis on wargaming mechanics. While the Warhammer Fantasy banner already shines in this regard with its spectacle of assorted units, Warhammer 3 improves on its strategic depth further with a plethora of improved features. On top of more streamlined diplomacy systems, the game allows players to recruit unique units by constructing outposts in allied faction areas, more terrain mechanics, and even more in-depth siege mechanics.

14 *Total War: Pharaoh

Becoming Pharaoh And Maintaining The Throne Are Two Challenging Responsibilities

Total War Pharaoh
Total War: Pharaoh

October 11, 2023
Creative Assembly
Turn-Based Strategy , Tactical , Grand Strategy
  • Active lack of resources encourages trading between nations
  • Managing one’s path to Pharaoh and then getting the Royal Court in line make for challenging gameplay
  • Maintaining Legitimacy as a mechanic puts players on their toes during internal crises like civil wars
  • Lack of distinct unit variations can make factions a cut of the same cloth
  • Lack of historical flavor in terms of events and intrigue leaves much to be desired

Fans of the Total War franchise may see Total War: Pharaoh as a return to form to classic Total War experiences, perhaps just in time for its Bronze Age setting where the chariot has got to be the most advanced development in the field of warfare. Set shortly after the death of Ramsesses II, players take the role of either an Egyptian, Hittite, or Canaanite leader as they eye to control the Eastern Mediterranean.

Despite its rather small premise, Total War: Pharaoh becomes a grand strategy treat for its depth in gameplay. Courtesy of Legitimacy, players now have an incentive to progress as much as possible in the game, especially when this can become the basis of periodic civil wars. Given the game’s desert premise, the lack of resources encourages active trading and bartering with other regions, forcing players to think twice about reckless moves. On top of maintaining the nation’s supremacy in the region, the constant threat of politicking in the Royal Court means becoming Pharaoh and managing advisors are two separate challenges.

13 *Distant Worlds 2

Automation Forces Focus On More Aspects Of Empire Management

Distant Worlds 2 Preview
  • Automation helps players focus on specific departments
  • Long-distance planet management adds challenge
  • Ship customization personalizes the experience
  • Locating certain points of interest can be challenging due to the large map
  • Lack of a search function can hinder planet management

As with traditional grand strategy titles set in space, Distant Worlds 2 tasks players with creating their own thriving galactic empire. Aside from colonizing planets, players are greeted with options such as setting up resource hubs, designing and manufacturing their own ships, and managing relations with other space-faring civilizations. However, Distant Worlds 2 shines in how it balances a focus on trade and automation.

Thanks to the game’s automation system, almost all aspects of a player’s match can be left for the AI to manage, allowing players to enjoy the game’s wealth of strategic options. Meanwhile, the focus on managing trade routes showcases the game’s deep economy, where there’s an emphasis on maintaining areas bountiful with specific resources, as well as the need to creatively deal with the constant threat of pirates. However, the distance between planets heavily emphasizes macromanagement, requiring players to stay on their toes to ensure faraway colonies are just as protected as their local counterparts.

12 *Civilization 3

Last Of Classic Civ Games Shows Simplified Mechanics Give Room To Challenge

Civilization 3 Gameplay
Sid Meier’s Civilization 3

Microsoft Windows , macOS
October 30, 2001
Firaxis Games , Aspyr
Turn-Based Strategy , 4X
  • Classic Civilization gameplay can appeal to older fans
  • Streamlined gameplay makes a lot of room for tinkering and long-term planning
  • More straightforward mechanics open up more challenging playstyles
  • Simple gameplay can turn off fans of the newer, more complex titles
  • AI can become challenging

Considered a classic prior to the franchise’s plunge into a more vibrant “cartoony” aesthetic, Civilization 3 streamlines much of its predecessor’s mechanics to give players a condensed Civilization experience that paves the way for more complex matches. As with other Civ titles, Civilization 3 sets up straightforward advantages and disadvantages to both Civilizations and their special units. However, the game also makes an effort to streamline its Tech Trees and improve strategic importance in maps, making Civ 3 both a visual and tactical spectacle.

While limited in scope compared to later titles, the “simplicity” in Civ 3’s lack of modern features forces players to focus on the grand scheme of things. Moreover, as advancing to the next Age effectively blocks all locked advancements, players need to be careful which tech they leave behind in favor of developments they want to secure faster than others.

11 *Victoria 3

Populations With Split Ideologies Open Up Conflicts Inside And Outside The Nation

Victoria 3 Gameplay
Victoria 3

October 25, 2022
  • Focus on diplomacy encourages players to think smarter when it comes to resolving crises
  • Populations with different ideologies add layers of internal management on top of expansion
  • Straightforward economy model makes lands more manageable
  • Underwhelming war component
  • AI can become buggy and unreasonable at times
  • Lack of effective international relations makes the diplomacy system lose its luster

Set in the Victorian Era, Victoria 3 takes players on a journey from 1836 to 1936 as they try to help their nation outlast more than hundreds more that adjust to the many changes across this time period. Unlike other grand strategy titles, Victoria 3 forces wars to take a backseat as players are encouraged to focus on the development of their population.

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Arranged into groups called pops, populations now have separate ideologies that players need to manage and appease. Thanks to Diplomatic Plays, factions now have the ability to force demands and concessions between each other when negotiating over territories and open markets. Thanks to this strengthening of the diplomatic option, Victoria 3 challenges players to pursue peaceful resolutions to tense situations.

10 *Crusader Kings 3

Generational Survival Becomes Challenging With Intrigue, Claims, Assassinations

Crusader Kings 3 Official artwork featuring a king
Crusader Kings 3

PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S , PC
September 1, 2020
Paradox Interactive
RPG , Grand Strategy
  • Overarching consequences can make a simple action affect one’s heirs in the long-term
  • Intrigue System adds a lot of complexities to dominating the game
  • Playthroughs become more personal as players need to ensure their bloodline’s survival, not necessarily the realm’s
  • Challenging gameplay can become overwhelming for beginners
  • Lack of trading leaves much to be desired
  • No win conditions aside from “surviving” can make the overarching plot stale

Whereas typical 4X titles take empire management to the level of civilizations, Crusader Kings 3 follows the tried and true Crusader Kings formula of running a dynasty instead. Straying away from usual empire domination tropes, CK3 instead will have players take charge of a family’s rise to domination. What perhaps makes CK3 such a hardcore experience is its range of options, with choices such as religions, marriages, and even mere connections that can determine the survival of the player’s dynasty.

CK3 strikes appeal to most 4X crowds in how players can “game” the system to their advantage. Choosing and changing certain systems can tighten a family’s hold of its power. Wars can be started and ended on a whim, with conflicts arising from declaring one’s “right” to a territory - or even faking it. Even succession becomes a strategy, as players are allowed to start slow if it means setting up their character’s offspring to success.

9 *Europa Universalis 4

Smarter AI Offers A Challenge For Longer Playthroughs

The Pope in Europa Universalis 4
Europa Universalis 4

August 13, 2013
  • Trade Nodes mechanic adds a strategic component to the economy
  • Smarter AI can make wars more challenging, with political ramifications to add weight to hostilities
  • Tips system responds well to the context of why players may need them, offering a tutorial “on the go”
  • While beginner-friendly, the game tends to be unforgiving to players who make rookie mistakes
  • Math involved in the game can make it difficult to plan ahead

Players with a flair for the more historically-accurate settings might appreciate Europa Universalis 4 and its premise. Instead of starting an empire from scratch, players choose a pre-existing empire and become in charge of their affairs from the 15th century up to the point of Napoleon’s revolution. This puts players in charge of that nation’s successes, failures, and accomplishments throughout the Age of Reason.

Whereas other games have tight approaches to combat and simplistic approaches to socio-economic elements of their empires, Europa Universalis 4 has a more complex take on politics, economics, and even conflict management. The game’s more authentic approach to replicating the happenings throughout the 15th century and beyond can make for an excellent alternate history 4K experience.

8 *Stellaris

Nation Creator Adjusts Playstyle For Different Playthroughs


PC , PS4 , Xbox One
May 9, 2016
4X , Grand Strategy
  • Straightforward planet management mechanics make the game accessible
  • Empire creation offers traits, backgrounds, and ideology scales that influence the current playthrough’s gameplay
  • AI doesn’t offer a lot of challenge to players
  • Diplomacy isn’t complex enough to breathe life into the galaxy
  • No trade and espionage between systems

Players with a love for sci-fi can look at Stellaris for a comprehensive space-faring 4X experience. Taking place around the invention of faster-than-light technology in the near future, players take the role of a species set to colonize the stars. Taking cues from other grand strategy games, Stellaris puts players in charge of managing their species’ economy and politics in the interest of achieving interstellar dominance.

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However, unlike other 4X titles, victory conditions lie not just on what the players have declared. Rather, the ethics and governance of their chosen species can determine some other victory condition in every playthrough. Some species can forego galactic domination in favor of technological supremacy, resource dominance, or the destruction of all other life.

7 *Total War: Warhammer 2

Faction Types Respond Differently To Maps, Encouraging Tactical Gameplay

A fight in Total War Warhammer 2
Total War: Warhammer 2

PC , Linux
September 28, 2017
Creative Assembly
Real-Time Strategy
  • Unique maps encourage different strategies per faction
  • Wargame origins of Warhammer make it a dream come true for fans
  • Campaign Mode is straightforward but packs unique choices
  • Overcrowded unit types can make certain gameplay mechanics redundant
  • Not enough multiplayer factions

Fans of the Warhammer tabletop war game can finally take control of their favorite faction in a fight for domination - virtually! Total War: Warhammer 2 applies the critically acclaimed Total War formula to the Warhammer franchise, enabling players to command High Elves, Orks, and even Humans to wage war against each other. If players pursue the title’s story, Eye of the Vortex, each playable faction has its own campaign and storyline.

Gameplay-wise, Warhammer 2 follows the Total War formula of engaging in diplomacy and political discussions before wartime. While players can move their armies across areas on the map, conflicts take place in real-time. As such, armies can plan their movements, change battle tactics, and exchange blows with the pleasant yet brutal violence signature to the franchise.

6 *Distant Worlds: Universe

A Galaxy Sim That Demands More Attention To Colony Management

Distant Worlds Universe
  • Micromanagement fans will appreciate the game for emphasizing minute details and processes
  • Freedom of choice gives players multiple approaches to their galactic reign
  • Complexity and art style may appeal to fans of classic strategy games
  • Scope of the game can become overwhelming, especially with the lack of an in-depth tutorial
  • Solving problems can take a long time with the steps needed to resolve issues, especially regarding resources

Players who loved Stellaris but want something more hardcore won’t get enough of Distant Worlds: Universe. At its core, Universe boasts a procedurally-generated galaxy of up to 1,400 star systems and up to 50,000 astrological bodies (e.g. planets, moons), giving players quite a lot of room to play with in their bid for galactic domination.

As a kicker, Universe boasts a unique automation system that allows players to be as attentive or as passive as they want with their experience. On the one hand, they can manually tinker with elements of their empire down to the last planet. Likewise, they can have automation handle everything else so players can cruise around with their ship. With Game Editor and exhaustive help systems, players can get quite the complete 4X space experience with Universe.

5 *Endless Legend

Thematic Fantasy Sci-Fi Mashup Offers Something New For Traditional Fans

Endless Legend
Endless Legend

Microsoft Windows , macOS , Xbox One
September 18, 2014
Amplitude Studios
4X , Strategy
  • Combat happens seamlessly with empire management
  • Factions evoke different themes that extend to gameplay
  • Narrative quests add depth to both the world and the relationship of factions
  • AI lacks challenging programming
  • Combat can become a matter of preparation rather than actual strategy

The world of Auriga is at the brink of destruction, and only one faction will be worthy enough to be its saving grace. In Endless Legend, players get a fantasy sci-fi treatment to the 4X experience. As with any typical grand strategy title, Endless Legend gives players control over their faction of choice as they slowly build their presence on the map. However, taking from the traditional RTS experience, each faction has both a dedicated backstory and unique ways to approach building their civilizations.

As such, players can enjoy quite a wonderful time approaching domination in different ways. Some factions can convert entire cities to their favor with spy units, while others specialize in perfecting trade and commerce. With stellar and fantastic art to complement the experience, Endless Legend is easily a visual and mechanical treat to 4X fans.

4 *Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri

Civilization In Space Shows A Glimpse Of Humanity’s Interstellar Exploits

Sid Meiers Alpha Centauri
Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri

Microsoft Windows , macOS , Linux
February 9, 1999
Firaxis Games
4X , Strategy
  • Continues a traditional Civ ending of going into space, giving a sense of continuity
  • Factions and their ideologies make decent substitutes for traditional factions in Civ games
  • Factions encourage different playstyles, courtesy of thematic units
  • Challenging gameplay doesn’t come with a comprehensive tutorial
  • Gameplay feels like a reskinned Civilization 2
  • Graphics may not be as appealing to modern gamers, especially when it comes to presenting gameplay information

Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri is the Civilization answer to the sci-fi genre. Set in the galaxy of the star system of the same name, Alpha Centauri takes place in the 22nd Century, just after the United Nations has started a colonization mission to Chiron, a planet within the system. This takes place after the space victories in the Civilization series, but now players know that more troubles lie ahead. With an accident happening inside the UN’s Unity spacecraft, leaders on board form their respective factions and set out to conquer Chiron for themselves.

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As with typical Civilization titles, Alpha Centauri approaches its gameplay from a development standpoint. Factions have to acquire land, gather resources, and do their respective research to slowly dominate against the rest. Now with ancient aliens and scientific technologies to check out, Alpha Centauri is easily a must-play 4X for fans.

3 *Age Of Wonders: Planetfall

Fast-Paced Combat Encourages Balance Between War, Diplomacy, & Exploration

Age of Wonders Planetfall
Age Of Wonders: Planetfall

PC , PS4 , Xbox One
August 6, 2019
Triumph Studios
Turn-Based Strategy
  • Deep but fast-paced combat system avoids long-lasting turns
  • Scripted missions between factions flesh out their relationships while motivating players to explore the map
  • The “rediscovering Earth” angle adds a refreshing side-mechanic for both gameplay and the lore
  • Lack of variety can make playthroughs feel repetitive
  • Lack of cohesion in terms of visuals and story can make the game look boring at first

Age Of Wonders: Planetfall is what happens when nations declare a race to supremacy after the fall of a galactic empire. In Planetfall, factions eye domination after the collapse of the Star Union, an intergalactic government ruled by humans. As such, factions have to explore the planet, oversee diplomatic relations, and even declare war to gather resources - all elements typical to 4X titles but in a more in-depth manner.

The game takes place in procedurally generated maps, with sectors divided into categories that could be allocated to energy, research, food, and production. As players expand their resources and land, so does their tech. It can come to a point that a faction can even research a Doomsday Weapon, a weapon of mass destruction that can make their factions much deadlier.

2 *Civilization 6

City Districts, Policy Cards Expand Micromanagement Potential In Nations

Civilization 6
Sid Meier's Civilization 6

PS4 , Xbox One , Switch , PC , Android , iOS
October 21, 2016
Firaxis Games
  • District system boosts the strategic value of cities
  • Visual clutter has been reduced, courtesy of unit-stacking and Builder use limits
  • Policy cards add better customizability to factions
  • Diplomacy is back on the table as leaders have individual agendas that influence their strategies
  • AI can get buggy and unnecessarily start wars against players
  • Vibrant visuals might not be as appealing to older fans

Civilization 6 is the most recent entry in the acclaimed Civilization franchise of grand strategy games, and it’s certainly the most in-depth at the time. As with other Civ titles, Civ 6 stays true to the series premise of taking a Stone Age culture and seeing it evolve through the times. Players still need to acquire land and resources, as well as continuously develop their cities to ensure citizen happiness, cultural development, and pave the way for a more powerful empire.

As with other Civ titles, other nations also have rather advanced AI that allows them to make smarter decisions and more cunning actions throughout the gameplay experience. This is especially the case during trading, diplomacy, and wartime - three crucial aspects of Civ titles that often determine the intensity of a match.

1 *Hearts Of Iron 4

Emphasis On Manufacturing And Production Deepens Wartime Efforts

Hearts of Iron 4
Hearts of Iron 4

June 6, 2016
Grand Strategy
  • Economy management emphasizes manufacturing, production
  • Unit design feature is both in-depth and complex
  • Pursuing both World War 2 and alternate history angles adds replay value
  • Tutorial leaves a lot to be desired for player accessibility
  • Countries aren’t as strategic as anticipated

Who says 4X and grand strategy titles only take place in ancient history or the far future? Hearts Of Iron 4 is by far a 4X title as close to the modern world as possible, now taking place in World War 2. True to its setting, Hearts Of Iron 4 will have players choose any nation between 1936 and 1939, with the game documenting alternate courses of events taking place in this worldwide conflict. Outside scripted events, Hearts Of Iron 4 has quite a unique take on modern government systems, resource management, and wartime tactics during World War 2.

For instance, central to the gameplay are conflicts between nations. However, a lot of things also happen behind the scenes. Cities have certain building spots depending on their geography, while the nature of nations immediately affects how other nations interact with them. On top of that, technology can adjust military doctrines and unit approaches, making it quite a realistic reflection of the arms race between world powers at the time.

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